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Tweetvolume Compare Twitter Results! Now with timed results!

Tweetvolume Compare Twitter Results! Now with timed results!

PicFog quick image search Aujourd’hui c’est #Twitter #Wikipedia #kartable et #AeroFS par Sylvain Aujourd’hui on a deux ou trois à voir et on va commencer par Wikipedia qui souhaite mettre en place la possibilité d’enregistrer sa voix et de l’ajouter aux articles. Maintenant qu’on a le son, on a plus qu’à attendre l’image :). Autre chose, c’est Twitter qui nous offre un petit éditeur d’image sur sa version Android. Rappelez vous Twitter, 140 caractères texte et c’est tout. Sinon je ne sais pas si vous êtes passé chez l’agrume via Mr F., mais ya un truc très intéressant c’est Kartable. On terminera sur AeroFS. à la prochaine ! Twitter e La Twittersfera: 7 Servizi Web Che (Forse) Non Conoscevi - Francesco Gavello Webdesign Portfolio Il successo di una attività online dovrebbe essere misurato, anche, da quante reazioni questa riesca a generare in territori “limitrofi”. E parlando di Twitter, credo che il numero di tool, servizi, mashup e cloni da parte di terzi abbia già da tempo superato le più rosee aspettative dei suoi stessi creatori. Tra idee più o meno azzeccate e qualcosa di davvero utile (chi ha detto TwitPic?) ecco spuntare ancora di tanto in tanto qualcosa di meritevole di un’occhiata approfondita. Non fosse altro perché quando li scopri, questi tool sono piacevoli da osservare al lavoro, nel loro sondare la roboante twittersfera, e perché dopotutto tornano sempre utili a chi voglia davvero promuoversi sul bluastro pennuto. Sette i servizi che oggi vado a presentarvi! Portwiture Compito di Portwiture è semplicemente quello di recuperare una serie di immagini da Flickr basandosi sui contenuti e sullo stile dei tweets di un determinato utente. Monitter Twitpwr Twuffer Twuffer, un “Twitter buffer”. DoesFollow

Serious Analytics for Social Relationships Twitalyzer's Data Use and Privacy Policy Twitalyzer makes use of publicly available data in all cases, regardless of source. We rely on public Twitter streams, publicly available data from Klout, PeerIndex, and Rapleaf, and reserve the right to add other data from the public domain from time to time. Cubestat - Website Value Calculator, Estimations and Information

[#Twitter] Stratégie de communication et de contenu pour tweeter au bon moment le bon message Texte en Une : « “Le marketing est en train d’évoluer d’un monde où nous planifions nos campagnes pour le futur vers un monde où nous les adaptons au moment présent » Dick Costolo, CEO Twitter Les conseils de Twitter par Stan Massueras, responsable commercial France et Belgique de Twitter au Web2Day (Nantes, 4 juin 2014) pour raconter une histoire et faire rayonner sa marque sur Twitter. Des cas pratiques avec en bonus une matrice pour concevoir votre stratégie de communication et de contenu sur Twitter. Revient sur l’histoire incroyable de twitter. Avant de présenter 2 matrices : Les 3 étapes indispensables pour démarrer sur twitter (16:35) La matrice pour mettre en place la bonne fréquence et le bon contenu (19:34) Identifier tous les événements que l’on peut anticiper (produit, événement) et laisser la place aux imprévusPrenez en compte votre actualité, ceux de votre secteur et de vos compétiteurs Afin de construire votre calendrier conversationnel:

Twitter SEO - How to Optimize Your Website For Twitter Search March 15, 2009 - Written by Gyutae Park A couple days ago I wrote about the 6 reasons why Twitter is the future of search. With social media and search fusing together, what does this mean for SEO? In other words, how do you optimize a site to perform well on a social “search engine” like Twitter? In this article, my goal is to describe to you how the SEO game is changing and how you can most effectively take advantage of Twitter and its social conversation search features to increase your traffic and build your brand. But before we dive into the tips, take a quick look at this article by Patrick Altoft entitled If Google did Twitter search. So SEO’s, how do you prepare for the social search revolution and optimize for Twitter? 1. That being said, tweeps (people on Twitter) are no different than searchers on Google. The great thing about Twitter is that you can easily use it as a market research tool to better understand the people you’re targeting. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

Tileables - Never Ending Patterns 8 Excellent Tools to Extract Insights from Twitter Streams Twitter is now the third most popular social network, behind Facebook and MySpace (Compete, 2009). A year ago, it has over a million users and 200,000 active monthly users sending over 3 million updates per day (TechCrunch, 2008). Those figures have almost certainly increased since then. Enter Twitter Analytics, Twitter Analysis, or simply just Analytwits (in the tradition of Twitter slang). Besides Twitter Search, the following 8 Analytwits are some of the more useful web applications to analyze Twitter streams. 8 Great Tools for Social (Twit)telligence TWITALYZER provides activities analysis of any Twitter user, based on social media success yardsticks. MICROPLAZA offers an interesting way to make sense of your Twitter streams. TWIST offers trends of keywords or product name, based what Twitter users are tweeting about. TWITTURLY tracks popular URLs tracker on Twitter. TWEETSTATS is useful to reveal tweeting behavior of any Twitter users.

How to Make WordPress Easier for Clients, Part 2: Hiding Menus In part 1 of this series, we discovered how easy it is to simplify the WordPress interface for clients. In this article, I describe a technique for hiding unnecessary menus. Why would we want to do that? The fewer options your client has, the less you’ll need to explain, the less they’ll need to remember, and the less likely they’ll do something, er … unexpected. Before you add any code, I’d recommend you check your WordPress user roles. I’d also suggest you log in as that user and remove any unnecessary items using the Screen Options drop-down. Now make a note of the menus the client doesn’t need. OK, so let’s add a little code to your theme’s function.php file. There are two lines you should edit: $restrict (line 5) contains a comma-delimited list of menu items which will not be shown to any users — including adminstrators. I hope you and your clients find it useful. Contributing Editor
