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Learn PHP the easy way -

Learn PHP the easy way -

Become a Programmer, Motherfucker If you don't know how to code, then you can learn even if you think you can't. Thousands of people have learned programming from these fine books: Learn Python The Hard Way Learn Ruby The Hard Way Learn Code The Hard Way Learning PHP: Get Started Using PHP This PHP tutorial will guide you through the process of learning and using PHP, preparing you with some fundamental knowledge to get you started in the right path. We will talk about the history of PHP, create a local development environment (so that you won’t need a web server) and create a basic PHP script while discussing common beginner PHP gotchas along the way. Introduction In the beginning, there was nothing. Well, there were static web pages that had to be edited manually.

Learning Python, Linux, Java, Ruby and more with Videos, Tutorials and Screencasts PHP 101: PHP For the Absolute Beginner [box] For a complete list of Zend Training Courses – PLEASE CLICK HERE ! [/box] This area is intended for everyone new to PHP. It opens with a series of informal, entertaining tutorials written by Vikram Vaswani, founder and CEO of Melonfire. These tutorials build on a previously-published 5-part series which has now been updated and extended to embrace PHP 5, making parts of it suitable for those of you who already have worked with PHP 4 in the past.

Tizag Tutorials The Best Way to Learn PHP Learning something from scratch is almost always an arduous affair -- you simply have no idea as to where to start, or not to start, to kick things off. I loathed learning about the idiosyncrasies of C++'s syntax when all I wanted to learn were some darn programming concepts. As I'm sure you can agree, this is a less than ideal situation. This is where the Nettuts+ "The Best Way to Learn" series comes into the picture. This series is intended to be your blueprint, your road map, your plan of action for learning your topic of choice! You don't have to worry about finding the best resources, sorting out the bad ones, and figuring out what to learn next. Good-Tutorials - Newest Tutorials PHP-MySQL free course, online tutorials PHP MySQL code PHP is an open source, server-side web-scripting language that is compatible with all the major web servers (most notably Apache) and databases. By the help of PHP code you can create dynamic website content. Dynamic Web sites are flexible applications than merely sites. If you know HTML, but you have no experience in the field of programming, you can easily learn PHP and MySQL with the help of this course. This course starts from the most simple, explaining the operations of the PHP language, and then move on to detail how to create PHP programs, how to load the PHP scripts, and to the final approach more complex items, such as SQL commands, working with MySQL database, using classes and OOP (Object Oriented Programming) in PHP.

Books And Courses To Learn To Code 8 Practices to Secure Your Web App When it comes to application security, in addition to securing your hardware and platform, you also need to write your code securely. This article will explain how to keep your application secure and less vulnerable to hacking. The following are the best habits that a programmer can develop in order to protect his or her application from attack:
