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Harry Potter and the Methods of Rationality Chapter 1: A Day of Very Low Probability, a harry potter fanfic

Harry Potter and the Methods of Rationality Chapter 1: A Day of Very Low Probability, a harry potter fanfic
Disclaimer: J. K. Rowling owns Harry Potter, and no one owns the methods of rationality. This fic is widely considered to have really hit its stride starting at around Chapter 5. Please visit HPMOR DOT COM for: Reviews make me happy. This is not a strict single-point-of-departure fic - there exists a primary point of departure, at some point in the past, but also other alterations. The text contains many clues: obvious clues, not-so-obvious clues, truly obscure hints which I was shocked to see some readers successfully decode, and massive evidence left out in plain sight. The pacing of the story is that of serial fiction, i.e., that of a TV show running for a predetermined number of seasons, whose episodes are individually plotted but with an overall arc building to a final conclusion. The story has been corrected to British English up to Ch. 17, and further Britpicking is currently in progress (see the /HPMOR subreddit). All science mentioned is real science. (black robes, falling) "Dad!

Vancouver, Canada We're holding the first Vancouver meetup on Sunday, July 31st starting at 3pm at the Commune Cafe on Seymour Street. We'll definitely be there from 3pm-6pm, but it'll end when it ends. I've recently moved to Vancouver from the San Francisco Bay Area, where I lived at the household that hosts the Tortuga/Mountain View meetup. The rationalist community in Silicon Valley is vibrant and growing, and I loved being part of it. As Cosmos wrote of the New York group: Before this community took off, I did not believe that life could be this much fun or that I could possibly achieve such a sustained level of happiness.Being rational in an irrational world is incredibly lonely. Activities of the rationalist community at Tortuga included meetups, hiking trips, guest speakers, transhumanist movies, skill-training sessions, parties and impromptu pillow fights. I'm anticipating holding weekly meetups. Feel free to bring friends, significant others, or anyone else who's interested in rationality.

The Sword of Good ...fragments of a novel that would never be written... Captain Selena, late of the pirate ship Nemesis, quietly extended the very tip of her blade around the corner, staring at the tiny reflection on the metal. At once, but still silently, she pulled back the sword; and with her other hand made a complex gesture. The translation spell told Hirou that the handsigns meant: "Orcs. Seven." Dolf looked at Hirou. Hirou's mouth was very dry. Not for the first time, the thought occurred to Hirou that if he'd actually known he was going to be transported into a magical universe, informed he was the long-lost heir to the Throne of Bronze, handed the legendary Sword of Good, and told to fight evil, he would have spent less time reading fantasy novels. Dolf and Selena were looking at Hirou, as if waiting for something more. Oh. Hirou raised a finger and pointed it around the corner, trying to indicate that they should go ahead - Hirou breathed evenly, trying to still his trembling. "You're hurt!"

sword of good - Google Search ..fragments of a book that would never be written... Captain Selena, late of the pirate ship Nemesis, quietly extended the very tip of her blade around the corner, staring at the tiny reflection on the metal. At once, but still silently, she pulled back the sword; and with her other hand made a complex gesture. The translation spell told Hirou that the handsigns meant: "Orcs. Dolf looked at Hirou. Hirou's mouth was very dry. Not for the first time, the thought occurred to Hirou that if he'd actually known he was going to be transported into a magical universe, informed he was the long-lost heir to the Throne of Bronze, handed the legendary Sword of Good, and told to fight evil, he would have spent less time reading fantasy novels. Dolf and Selena were looking at Hirou, as if waiting for something more. Oh. Hirou raised a finger and pointed it around the corner, trying to indicate that they should go ahead - Acknowledgments:
