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The Complete Figure Drawing Course

The Complete Figure Drawing Course
Related:  ApprendreGraphics and Art

Aquarellissime Natural Art Installations Jenni Tieaho, Jaakko Pernu et Patrick Dougherty sont 3 artistes qui aiment jouer avec la nature pour nous proposer des œuvres magnifiques. Avec des manipulations des formes et des matières, chacun nous propose de belles compositions et images à découvrir dans la suite de l’article. Quickposes: pose generator for figure & gesture drawing practice How to dry brush. FAQ. Drawing materials For what purpose do you use a scalpel? - Interesting drawing tool. Certainly using a scalpel in portraiture seems strange, nevertheless it's purpose is simple and it is somewhat like the role of an eraser. The only difference is, a scalpel is necessary to create a bright glare, such as on the eyes, teeth, earrings, rings, etc., where an eraser would not manage to create a bright enough highlight. Using a scalpel is not advisable unless you are using thick watercolor paper. Please tell me, do you pretreat watercolor paper before you draw with dry brush (primer, wetting, Imprimatura and so on)? Because you draw on paper with oil paint mixed on palette with lubricating oil, can oil paint be safely absorbed by a water colour paper? What can I do if I do not have machine oil? I like to paint with acrylics, can I use these paints with dry brush technique? Which drawing materials do you use for dry brush portraiture? Are brushes and accessories expensive to buy?

Le journal de Personne - L'info scénario Coding Robin Open this page, allow it to access your webcam and see your face getting recognized by your browser using JavaScript and OpenCV, an "open source computer vision library". That's pretty cool! But recognizing faces in images is not something terribly new and exciting. Wouldn't it be great if we could tell OpenCV to recognize something of our choice, something that is not a face? Let's say... a banana? That is totally possible! Here's the good news: we can generate our own cascade classifier for Haar features. But now for the best of news: keep on reading! The following instructions are heavily based on Naotoshi Seo's immensely helpful notes on OpenCV haartraining and make use of his scripts and resources he released under the MIT licencse. Let's get started The first thing you need to do is clone the repository on GitHub I made for this post. git clone You'll also need OpenCV on your system. Samples How many images do we need?

Les techniques de peinture sur soie Vous avez plusieurs façons de dessiner "une aquarelle" sur de la soie.Peindre sur une soie sèche, sur une soie mouillée ou sur une soie apprêtée à l'antifusant. La cire sert à faire des réserves qui resteront blanches. Pour des traits ou des dessins, elle s'applique bien chaude. Ce n'est pas aussi régulier qu'avec la gutta.Paraffine ou cire, que choisir ? La cire : son point de fusion est plus élevé ; elle est imperméable aux liquides et adhère à la soie. Ne pas utiliser pure : 70 % de paraffine et 30 % de cire constitue un bon mélange. La paraffine fond plus vite, est plus fluide que la cire, donc s'applique plus facilement et se fige moins vite. La paraffine laisse sur la soie un tracé translucide, s'il est blanchâtre le produit a figé, la couleur s'infiltrera. Elimination de la cire : Avant de fixer la soie, il faut enlever la cire ou la paraffine. Un ennui fréquent se produit au moment de la pose de la cire : la goutte qui tombe à un endroit non prévu. LE MARBRE (ou le froissé) ou

InfinityList Image Segmentation pff's homepage Below is a C++ implementation of the image segmentation algorithm described in the paper: Efficient Graph-Based Image Segmentation Pedro F. Felzenszwalb and Daniel P. The source code is available as a tgz file segment.tgz, or zip (updated on 3/21/07). Example segmentation results: Segmentation parameters: sigma = 0.5, K = 500, min = 50. Segmentation parameters: sigma = 0.5, K = 1000, min = 100.
