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Web 2.0 Tools for Kids

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Médias et numériques title Technology Position Statement and Guidelines revised and approved by NCSS Board of Directors 2013 I. Introduction Students today are maturing in a world where mobile connectivity is interactive, instantaneous, and ubiquitous, which offers educators the challenge and opportunity of preparing digital citizens within a global setting. II. All educators III. The global proliferation of cell phones offers testimony to a shift to mobile devices and the prospect of 24/7 connectivity for people worldwide. IV. Social studies’ integrative nature, its exploration of the human experience across time and place, and its commitment to readying youth for life in a democratic society within a global context means the field is well suited to enabling youth to learn with and about technology for several reasons. The democratization of knowledge, which empowers individuals by enabling them to access, use, and create information in ways traditionally reserved for experts, aligns with social studies’ democratic purpose. V. VI. Notes J.W.

Education Using PBworks in your academic environments. PBworks hosts over 300,000 educational workspaces, and has helped transform teaching and learning for millions of students, parents and teachers. Educators ranging from major universities like DePaul, school districts like Baltimore County Public Schools and individual teachers trust PBworks as their collaborative learning environment. In your Classroom, Library, District or University Encourage student-centered learning. 40 Maps That Will Help You Make Sense of the World If you’re a visual learner like myself, then you know maps, charts and info graphics can really help bring data and information to life. Maps can make a point resonate with readers and this collection aims to do just that. Hopefully some of these maps will surprise you and you’ll learn something new. A few are important to know, some interpret and display data in a beautiful or creative way, and a few may even make you chuckle or shake your head. If you enjoy this collection of maps, the Sifter highly recommends the r/MapPorn sub reddit. 1. Map by Google 2. Map via Wikimedia Commons 3. Map by Stuart Laycock (via The Telegraph) 4. Map by via Reddit Pangea was a supercontinent that existed during the late Paleozoic and early Mesozoic eras, forming about 300 million years ago. 5. Map by Business Management EU 6. Map by The New York Times 7. Map by Teepr on Reddit 8. Map by 9. Map by Phoenix B 1of3 10. Map by Carna Botnet via Reddit 11. Map by Vizual Statistix 12. 13. 14. 15.

TIC, Web 2.0 et réalité augmentée dans un scénario d’apprentissage La réalisation de scénarios d’apprentissage de l’ère numérique nécessite une bonne connaissance de l’éventail des TIC et de leurs caractéristiques, mais aussi de démarches didactiques et, peut-être, des exemples de scénarios intégrant le Web 2.0, la réalité augmentée et les technologies des générations antérieures. Dans le présent article, je me propose de présenter un buffet non exhaustif des TIC, suivi de quelques questions de base de nature didactique avant de brosser les grands traits d’un scénario pédagogique hybride, qui tisse des liens entre l’école et la société. 1.Vers une typologie des TIC Voici, par ordre alphabétique, une liste non exhaustive d’une batterie de ressources en ligne, d’environnements, de logiciels, de périphériques et d’outils portables qui peut être mise à la disposition des élèves et des enseignants de tous les niveaux de scolarité dans un contexte d’enseignement-apprentissage : 2. Du côté de l’élève, veut-on : Motiver et développer une synergie d’équipe ? 3.

@coolcatteacher Blog - Teaching students with new tools, enthusiasm and belief that teaching is a noble calling. Social Media for Teachers: Guides, Resources and Ideas Although students are evermore connected to the social web, many of these networks remain out-of-class digital playgrounds where students congregate. In a 2014 survey of 1,000 teachers, just one in five said they use social media regularly with students. Of course, it can be a challenge to incorporate social media into lessons. There are many gray areas for teachers to navigate, like setting guidelines, accessibility at school, and student safety. But to help teachers navigate this ever-changing landscape of social media tools, here are some of the best guides on the web for four popular networks, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and Pinterest. More Great Reads From Edutopia In addition to those great guides, there is a lot of useful information right here on Edutopia.

The Race Card Project ® - Submit your 6 Word Essay on Race Hello and thank you for visiting My idea was to use these little black postcards to get the conversation started. But I quickly realized once I hit the road on my book tour that I didn’t really need that kind of incentive. All over the country people who came to hear about my story wound up sharing their own. Despite all the talk about America’s consternation or cowardice when it comes to talking about race, I seemed to have found auditorium after auditorium full of people who were more than willing to unburden themselves on this prickly topic. So the postcards that were supposed to serve as a conversation starter wound up instead serving as an epilogue. I asked people to think about their experiences, questions, hopes, dreams, laments or observations about race and identity. The submissions are thoughtful, funny, heartbreaking, brave, teeming with anger and shimmering with hope. Here’s the answer. I am grateful for the tremendous response. Go ahead. Michele Norris

BRINGING IT ALL TOGETHER Ados, Web 2.0 et médias sociaux by Dominic Gagné on Prezi Devising Real-World Activities for Adolescent History Students A MiddleWeb Blog Every year, at least half a dozen students ask me some variation of the following question: “Why do we need to take history? How am I going to use this in real life?” It is a question any good history teacher can answer, but often not to the satisfaction of the adolescent mind. There is little room in their worldview for the big picture. It’s a Small World Because of the developmental narcissism of my students, I try to make sure any real-world activities resonate with their immediate interests. My goal is to show them how they can utilize the skills and knowledge acquired in the classroom to analyze, plan and execute a plan of action in pursuit of a concrete goal. Petition, Assemble, Speak My real-world activity this year was centered on the First Amendment to the United States Constitution. To create the petition, I first had students brainstorm their concerns about the school. Once we had settled on an issue, we wrote the petition as a class.

Utilisation du Web 2.0 : guide juridique Publié par PedagoGeeks le 16 février 2012 | Dans les catégories suivantes Autres outils, Blogs, Réseaux sociaux, Social Learning Le document présenté ici, réalisé par des experts canadiens du CEFRIO, aborde tous les aspects des usages et de la protection juridique sur l’internet de dernière génération dit Web 2.0. En effet, ce web où l’internaute est au cœur du processus, n’engage pas seulement la responsabilité du propriétaire du site mais également celle de l’utilisateur puisque celui-ci a la possibilité de participer, de proposer des contenus. Quelle est donc alors sa responsabilité juridique, mais aussi quelles sont les pistes pour se protéger ? GDE Erreur: Impossible de charger les réglages du profil Vous aimerez peut être également : Cette ressource est sous licence Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 Unported
