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Getting Started with MIT App Inventor 2

Getting Started with MIT App Inventor 2
Related:  Coding/Computer Science

ISTE-CTN - Monthly Newsletter Readings Skip to main content Get your brand new Wikispaces Classroom now and do "back to school" in style. guest| Join | Help | Sign In guest Join | Help | Sign In ISTE-CTN Home Turn off "Getting Started" Loading... Tarification :: Choisissez une option et publiez vos propres applications iPhone ! * Publishing on iTunes & Google Play each require paying an annual developer fee directly to Apple / Google (not us!). Infinite Monkeys will manage the complete publishing process for your app to the Google, but you will need access to a Mac with xCode to publish to iTunes. Additionally, we cannot in any way be responsible for the approval of your app to those markets, nor any liability that you may incur from operating your app in the public domain. **Remarque: Les marchés des App comme Apple/Google peut facturer des frais de transaction pour les applications vendues par leurs marchés. ***Le frais de service est destiné à la création d'une Application Mobile uniquement. Les applications Pornographiques, Haineuses et Illégales seront rejetées.

App inventor 2 français Tutoriel Indice de tutoriel: 1.- Présentation. Pythagore. Deux écrans. 1B.- Deviner le nombre. 2.- Propriétés. bouton. 3.- Sélectionneur de date et de temps. 4.- Caméra. 5.- Accéléromètre. 6.- Horloge. 7.- Cadre. lignes dessin. 8.- Sauvegarder et de charger des fichiers. 9.- Arduino Bluetooth. 10.- App Inventor 2 et Robot LEGO Mindstorms. 11.- Envoyer du courrier. 12.- Notifier émergents. 13.- Ici, je suis. 14.- AP Graphics. 15.- Procédures. 16.- Compte à rebours. 17.- Table de multiplication. 18.- Pair ou impair. 19.- Activy Starter. 20.- Mélange de couleurs. 21.- Pierre, pa. 22.- Redimensionnée. 23.- Passer des dates entre les écrans. 24.- Vectorielle. 25.- Vecteur d'horloge. 26.- Même ou aucun. 27.- Puissance fiscale. 34.- Indice de masse corporelle. 35.- Mobile in pause lorsqu'il n'y a pas de bouton pas d'impulsions. 45.- Conditions. 101.- Propositions. 102.- Bâton HDMI. 103.- Fichiers de votre ordinateur vers mobile se déplaçant. Les fichiers importants: - MIT EA2 Companion App. Présentation Non. Interface 1.

Learn Create a 3D T-Rex Game Grades 2+ | Blocks Dance Party Minecraft Hour of Code Escape Estate Grades 2+ | Blocks, Python Code a 3D Space Invaders Game Minecraft Timecraft Rodocodo: Code Hour Pre-reader - Grade 5 | Blocks NASA's Space Jam Make a Flappy game Long Live Wakanda Grades 6+ | Blocks Hello World CodeMonkey Jr.: Pre-coding for Preschoolers Pre-reader | Blocks My Google Logo Grades 2-8 | Blocks Coding Town Grades 2-5 | JavaScript Mario's Secret Adventure: Build Your Own 3D Mario Game CodeCombat: Goblins 'n' Glory Grades 6-8 | JavaScript, Python Code Farm: Plant a Garden Blocks Jumper: Game Creation Make Shapes with Code Pre-reader - Grade 5 | JavaScript, Language independent (can be taught in multiple languages) AI for Oceans Grades 3+ | AI and Machine Learning The Grinch: Saving Christmas with Code Bot is sus?! Grades 2-8 | JavaScript | Internet Explorer 11, Microsoft Edge, Chrome, Firefox, Safari Code Club World: Make cool stuff with free coding games and activities Grades 2-5 | Blocks Dragon Blast Design your Hero

Mobile Application Development to Build Apps in C# - Xamarin Native User Interfaces Xamarin apps are built with standard, native user interface controls. Apps not only look the way the end user expects, they behave that way too. Native API Access Xamarin apps have access to the full spectrum of functionality exposed by the underlying platform and device, including platform-specific capabilities like iBeacons and Android Fragments. Native Performance Xamarin apps leverage platform-specific hardware acceleration, and are compiled for native performance. MarketWatch MarketWatch is one of the most visited financial news sites in the world. Kimberly-Clark Kimberly-Clark transformed their field sales process with a Xamarin app that reduced product proposal time from 40 hours to 2 hours. Bastion Bastion is an award-winning console game that was brought to the iPad using Xamarin. Xamarin apps use native UIs on every platform to enable the best possible experiences. Learn more about Xamarin Designers for Visual Studio and Visual Studio for Mac.

App Inventor : créer ses propres applis pour smartphones Annoncé début juillet 2010 par Google, App Inventor va permettre à chacun de créer sa propre application sur Smartphone. Panorama des possibilités de ce nouveau logiciel. FAQ App Inventor Comment se procurer App Inventor ? De quoi ai-je besoin pour l'installer ? Système d'exploitation Macintosh: Mac OS X 10.5, 10.6 Windows: Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7 GNU/Linux: Ubuntu 8+, Debian 5+Navigateur Internet Mozilla Firefox 3.6 and higher Apple Safari 5.0 and higher Google Chrome 4.0 and higher Microsoft Internet Explorer 6 and higherJava 1.6 doit être installé. Votre smartphone doit absolument fonctionner avec l'OS Android. Comment fonctionne-t-il? Prise de vue de l'interface ©Google Il est possible d'assembler des fonctionnalités simples comme pour un puzzle : boutons, zones de textes, images, sons, géolocalisation, sélection de contact ou de numéro de téléphone, accès à une mini base de données, scanneur de code-barres ect. Le système de blocs par couleurs ©Google Androïd vs IPhone

VR, PBL, and OERs: Four High Hopes for Learning with Edtech in the New School Year Using technology in schools is no longer just about preparing our students for college and career. Not only do they need the skills to navigate and utilize technology, but they need to understand how technology can connect them with people, places, and resources that were previously unreachable. In 2014, I wrote about strategies for edtech success in the new school year, and in 2015, I wrote about edtech teaching trends for the new school year. High Hope #1: Student-Created VR (Virtual Reality) and AR (Augmented Reality) Where we are: The buzz around virtual and augmented reality is hard to ignore. My high hope: Why not show students how to create with VR and AR? High Hope #2: Project-Based Learning That is Real-World Where we are: Students are tackling simulated scenarios via project-based learning in classrooms across the country. My high hope: Our students are capable of helping us figure out the issues we are struggling with in our own communities. Where we are: Since the U.S.

Création d'une application mobile native | Mobizel, conception et développement d'applications mobiles et sites web à Rennes Cet article est le premier volet d’une série de trois articles d’explication de la conception d’une application mobile : A/ Développement d’une application mobile native Commençons par la conception d’une application mobile native. C’est-à-dire une application qui a été conçue spécifiquement pour un système d’exploitation (OS) avec un langage et une/des technologie(s) appropriés. Tableau des langages et IDE* les plus courants pour chaque système d’exploitation *Définition IDE : Integrated Development Environment (en français « environnement de développement »), est un logiciel qui rassemble un certain nombre d’outils permettant de développer d’autres logiciels. B/ Trois étapes de conception 1 – Rédaction du code source Dans un premier temps, un développeur rédige le code source de la future application dans un langage approprié. a. b. « Communiquer avec le SDK natif » 2 – Compilation du code source 3 – Génération d’un code binaire natif

Grasshopper: Learn to Code for Free - Apps on Google Play Welcome to Grasshopper, the coding app for beginners. Grasshopper is the best way to start your coding adventure with fun, quick games on your phone that teach you to write real JavaScript. Move through progressively challenging levels as you develop your abilities, then graduate with fundamental programming skills for your next step as a coder. * Visual puzzles develop your problem-solving skills and solidify coding concepts* Use industry-standard JavaScript with just a few taps on your phone* Real-time feedback guides you like a teacher* Collect achievements as you learn new skills Get started programing today! Grasshopper stories: “I like Grasshopper because it allows anyone with or without experience in coding to jump right in and have fun along the way.” - Brianna “Grasshopper showed me that no matter what or who or how I look, anyone can learn how to code. “Grasshopper helped me achieve a basic understanding of coding.

6 STEAM tinkering tools for the holidays Engage kids of all ages with these STEM and coding learning toys The year that was brought with it a renewed, and much welcome, interest in science and technology, as STEAM, makerspaces, 3D printing, and coding all became hot topics. Each year, as parents look to celebrate the various holidays with our kids, many of us rack our brains trying to find gifts that are both fun and educational. This year is no different and fortunately, the latest STEAM push has made many of the learning tools very desirable as holiday gifts. The following are six ed-tech tools that will undoubtedly spark the creative and innovative side of kids of all ages (parents and teachers included). Osmo Designed for kids ages 5-13, this unique gaming accessory works with an iPad to offer interactive learning experiences through five games — Tangram, Words, Numbers, Newton, and Masterpiece. Makey Makey Make some magic this holiday season. Ozobot Bit Dash and Dot Gizmos and Gadgets Kit Sphero SPRK Edition
