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Life Hack: The 30/30 Minute Work Cycle Feels Like Magic

A year ago, I switched to the Colemak keyboard layout. I’ve since had zero pain in my hands when typing for many hours straight, I’ve been able to type faster, and I make fewer mistakes while typing. A few months ago, I decided to try the biphasic sleep cycle. It worked as advertised, allowing me to get better sleep and need less of it. A few weeks ago, after these successful life hacks, my friend told me about the eccentric work cycle that he follows. “You might think it’s crazy and stupid, but it works for me,” he said. Immediately, I thought, ‘That won’t work for me.’ ‘Hmmm. You can probably tell by now where this story is going. Abracadabra It works. While working on a software project, I would get stuck on a bug and spend hours trying to figure out what went wrong, addicted to the quest and unable to stop, even when I run out of ideas on what else to try. Revealing the trick So why does it work? The work you do is more focused. The proverbial catch Go forth and prosper, my children

Disabling Metro completely on Windows 8 - Windows Phone Hacker Disabling Metro completely on Windows 8Posted on 12-09-12 02:22 pm Above is my Windows 8 desktop. I have a task bar that shows my running programs, as well as programs I want quick access to. I have a start menu that shows my recently used programs, as well as has links to programs I want to open at convenience, but perhaps would not like cluttering up my task bar. I have keyboard shortcuts, too, that when I press the start button, I can type things such as wph and have my SCP window connect and navigate to the proper directory on my remote server. I can search for files, too. As a developer with a dual-screen desktop, this is really all I need. Ex7ForW8, or "Explorer 7 for Windows 8", is a tool created by a fellow named Tihiy. Now, this isn't just some post about some program I found and wanted to post about to see if I can get some hits. It does disable all Metro apps, and for people who like Metro, this is far from a start-menu replacement.
