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Origami — Design Prototyping

Origami — Design Prototyping

Pendiente Tydlig - Calculator Reimagined for iPad & iPhone UXPin - Product Design Platform of The Future Free vectors, photos and PSD Downloads | Freepik Hagamos Videojuegos: Como NO hacer un videojuego No me gusta en lo personal hacer criticas negativas sobre nada, pero quiero mirar esto desde un punto de vista objetivo, equivocarse no es malo, errar no solo es humano, si no que de los errores es de lo que realmente se aprende, da igual cuanto te enseñen a hacer las cosas, hasta que no descubras las cosas por ti mismo no habrás aprendido de verdad, y quiero hacer una serie de entradas de errores catastróficos y algunos quizás un poco mas leves pero errores en fin y al cabo, que si bien han sido negativos para un producto de consumo final como es un videojuego a la venta, te hacen ver que y por qué está mal y lo mas importante de todo, como no volver a cometer el mismo error.

Lamdu This project aims to create a next-generation live programming environment that radically improves the programming experience. The main idea behind the Lamdu project is that the canonical representation of programs should not be text, but rich data structures: Abstract syntax trees. Our programming tools, UIs and ecosystems should take advantage and expose this structure. This has some far-reaching implications, which will be described below. Programming Language We believe the Haskell language is a great language for the next generation development environment, due to 2 main traits: Effect Typing Haskell has explicit type-level separation of effectful components from pure components. Rich and Powerful Type System Haskell has one of the richest and most powerful type systems, which allows a smart IDE to guide the programmer quickly through the space of type-correct programs. Why not Haskell Haskell was designed for textual editing. Explicit argument names Explicit type variables Lamdu Benefits

Keynotopia | User Interface Design Templates For Keynote and PowerPoint Interaction Everywhere™ Nathan Moody Design Director Kristi has produced digital media projects for over a decade, driven by her passion for creating engaging user experiences. As an intern at Microsoft she worked on the Windows team as a Web Developer for three years before moving on to study Psychology and Digital Media at the University of Washington, and then diving into project management of interactive experiences at Plexipixel. She loves optimizing process, finding creative solutions and defining best practices, all while keeping her pulse on the latest trends in technology. Nathan has designed award-winning interfaces, interactions, illustrations, motion, and sound for two decades, in almost every digital delivery medium and communication channel, for some of the world’s best known companies.

JavaScript Profiling y Chrome Timeline Las herramientas de profiling son comunes a todos los lenguajes de programación y nos ayudan a solventar problemas que aparecen en el código que hemos desarrollado. Google Chrome dispone de algunas de las más potentes a la hora de trabajar con JavaScript.Hoy vamos a hablar de la pestaña de Timeline que es una de las menos utilizadas y a la vez más útiles. Chrome TimeLine Vamos a partir de un código sencillo creado con jQuery que se encarga de añadir 1000 lineas a nuestra página, para después grabar una sesión de profiling con él. El primer paso que tenemos que realizar es abrir la pestaña de TimeLine de Google Chrome a través de botón derecho inspeccionar elemento: Esta pestaña nos permite grabar una sesión de Chrome con la página de la cual deseemos revisar su rendimiento. Realizado este primer paso el siguiente es seleccionar el bloque de tiempo que esta ligado a la página y verlo a detalle: Si vamos a más detalle podremos ver una gráfica un poco más aclaratoria sobre dicha función.

kimono : Turn websites into structured APIs from your browser in seconds Mood Board Templates Inspire yourself or your team with these handy, printable mood boards and get your project going. Two dimensions A4 & Letter, ready to use files and super organized structure will allow you to create mood boards in minutes. Features Fully editable Photoshop files Ready to use A4 & Letter dimensions Video tutorial included Organized files Super easy to use CC0 Images Pixabay Unsplash ISO Republic TheStocks DTSP Kaboom Pics Web Donut Works in Adobe Photoshop CS5+ What are you waiting for? Review Lenovo Thinkpad T420 Notebook An invariable constant. The tried and tested Thinkpad design has practically remained untouched on the outside. But from now on, the new Sandy Bridge hardware does its job inside the T420. Moreover, the compact office laptop boasts with an excellent communication configuration for the professional field. Lenovo has doubtlessly made a name for itself in the business field with the Thinkpad notebooks. Our test device is the 14 incher from the T-series, called T420. The test device's full name is T420 4236-NGG. The Thinkpad T420 can practically be seen as an immediate opponent of the basically similarly configurable Latitude E6420 from Dell. At first glance, The T420 doesn't seem to differ from the T410 much. Albeit, as we will see in a moment, quite a few changes have been made on connectivity, Lenovo sticks to the proven, light clamshell design. The case's stability is basically satisfying. We like the metallic hinges that hardly teeter after adjusting the opening angle. Communication

coral-repo - Coral Coral is an open-source visual programming environment to help artists and coders with rapid prototyping of CGI algorithms and workflows. The project is meant to be a community effort to maintain a free core technology, the aim is to have a powerful foundation for many exciting consumer applications or in-house tools. Technology Overview c++ multi-threaded core library to handle hierarchical dependency graphs python bindings Py Qt user interface maya integration plugin c++ and python SDK compatible with windows, linux and mac External Links Watch the videos of coral in action on the vimeo channel: Please join the mailing list for any question: Visit our technology partner for the executable binaries on windows, linux and mac: Constantine Tarasenkov is hosting windows builds (32/64 bits) and how-to-compile instructions on this blog: Contributors Paolo Fazio
