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Demystifying social media - McKinsey Quarterly - Marketing & Sales - Digital Marketing

Demystifying social media - McKinsey Quarterly - Marketing & Sales - Digital Marketing
Executives certainly know what social media is. After all, if Facebook users constituted a country, it would be the world’s third largest, behind China and India. Executives can even claim to know what makes social media so potent: its ability to amplify word-of-mouth effects. Yet the vast majority of executives have no idea how to harness social media’s power. Companies diligently establish Twitter feeds and branded Facebook pages, but few have a deep understanding of exactly how social media interacts with consumers to expand product and brand recognition, drive sales and profitability, and engender loyalty. We believe there are two interrelated reasons why social media remains an enigma wrapped in a riddle for many executives, particularly nonmarketers. What we hope to do here is to demystify social media. In short, today’s chief executive can no longer treat social media as a side activity run solely by managers in marketing or public relations. The social consumer decision journey

4 Ways to Measure Social Media Success With Free Tools Do you know if your social media promotions or campaigns were successful? For many businesses, it can be easy to label a social campaign a huge hit or a blatant blunder, but which elements made the campaign successful? There are an array of powerful and free tools that can be used to help you understand the successes and failures of your social media promotion or campaign. Let’s dive into four easy ways you can use free products to break down the different elements of a social promotion. #1: Track Actions Visitors Take One way to better understand your social campaign as a whole is to understand how your users find out about it. Event Tracking, as mentioned in my previous post on integrating social media on your website, has the ability to report the behavior of website visitors by tracking certain actions they take. For example, Event Tracking can be used to track the number of times a video on your site is played, a file is downloaded or a certain link is clicked. The Results The Better Tweet

Star: Leah Segedie Our Klout Stars series highlights top influencers and how they got to where they are today. About Leah I’m a professional blogger, marketer, community leader, and mom. I’m what you would consider a “mom blogger” but my niche is in fitness and health. 2. 3. 4. 5. I would love to see Klout do more outreach into the mom blogging community like show up at conferences and host some parties there. I’d also love to see Klout recognize community leaders more. BranchOut : le réseau social de l’emploi en plein boom Souvenez-vous, on vous avait présenté BranchOut l’année dernière, à propos des nouveaux réseaux sociaux qui se développent en France et dans le monde : lire l’article « Ces nouveaux réseaux qui montent ». Pour rappel, il s’agit d’un réseau social professionnel (comme Viadeo ou LinkedIn) sous forme d’application Facebook, accessible directement grâce au plus grand réseau social du monde. Depuis quelques semaines, on reçoit de plus en plus de notifications de la part de BranchOut dans nos inbox. Ne voyant pas ce service décoller, on s’est demandé d’où venait toute cette agitation… Un fort développement sur 2 mois : BranchOut a lancé sa version mobile en Février dernier. BranchOut compte aujourd’hui 25 millions d’inscrits. Une nouvelle levée de fond : Face à ce fort développement (250.000 inscriptions par jours !) Si vous n’avez toujours pas testé BranchOut, rendez-vous sur Source :

Le concept Vous seul, le client, êtes le mieux placé pour apprécier un travail ou une prestation. Nous vous incitons à faire votre retour sur le site. Tous les avis, même critiques sont publiés. Le bouche à oreille est au coeur de notre démarche. Quand il s’applique de manière individuelle et subjective, il peut sembler imparfait. Nous surveillons chaque « évaluation » et prenons contact avec les 2 parties si besoin. Nous invitons tous les utilisateurs de Bilik à nous faire découvrir d’autres professionnels qui les ont enchantés en leur parlant de notre réseau. Social Media Workflow für die Kaffeepause - Anleitung für Vielbeschäftigte Es klafft eine Lücke zwischen dem erforderlichen kulturellen Wandel und der gelebten Realität in Unternehmen. Inzwischen haben viele Verantwortliche auch außerhalb der Kommunikationsabteilungen zwar das Bedürfnis oder zumindest das vage Gefühl, dass die Aneignung von Social Media-Kompetenz für Karriere und ‘Gemeinwohl’ eine Win-Win-Situation wäre. Und dass Social Media jedem auf eine andere Weise helfen kann, seine Ziele zu erreichen – ob er nun im Vertrieb, im Kundendienst oder in der Produktentwicklung arbeitet. Doch inzwischen wirkt das Thema Social Media für den Neuling derart komplex und zeitaufwändig, dass viele es nicht einmal probieren. Weitere Zutaten, die zur Social Media Paralyse führen: Es gibt keine Strategie, keine Hilfestellung ‘von oben’Mangelnde Akzeptanz, die generelle Einstufung als Freizeitaktivität ohne BelangSorge, dass man sein ‘Experiment’ verpatzt und die Spuren anschließend nicht einmal mehr verwischen kann. Der Social Media Workflow für Vielbeschäftigte Vision

Why Social Media Doesn't Work (and What You Can Do About It) Time to face reality: Marketing and advertising are a lot harder to do today than ever before. Half of consumers don't trust print ads or television commercials, and fewer still trust what they hear on the radio. And consumer trust level is even worse for direct mail and outdoor advertising. What's the No. 1 trusted source of advertising? It's no small wonder that marketers have fixated on social media as the solution. Engagement DB, which studied the world's 100 most valuable brands, found that the level of those brands' engagement with their consumers via social media correlates with revenue. No wonder Nike's chief marketing officer, Davide Grasso, once noted, "Facebook is the equivalent for us to what TV was for marketers back in the 1960s. Others also took the hint and made social media a priority for their marketing teams. The reason for the lack of results is familiar. It's as though marketers have forgotten what makes marketing and advertising really work in the first place. 1.

How to Increase Social Influence Scores on Klout & More Klout, PeerIndex, Kred, and Percollate are today's social influence reporters. Like it or not, marketers, brands and individuals are getting scored, ranked and labeled as a specialist, a celebrity, a curator, or even a taste-maker. Facebook is a Tastemaker and has a Klout score of 80. Cathay Pacific is a Specialist with a 58 Klout score. Klout, the San Francisco-based startup, measures social media users' "influence" in the online world and is one of a handful of companies offering personal and brand analytics on the topic of social influence. How Klout Works The Klout Score measures influence based on your ability to drive action. True Reach: How many people you influenceAmplification: How much you influence themNetwork Impact: The influence of your network Brian Solis defines influence as the ability to cause, affect, or change behavior. Ego Power or Brand Strategy? Internet marketing experts say brands should pay attention to Klout and individuals should forget about it.

Should professional social networks make a play for the enterprise? Recently Jeff Weiner, the CEO of LinkedIn, indicated that the professional social networking giant was seriously considering expanding their services into internal capabilities such as enterprise social networking. As the world's biggest and most mature business-focused social network, the move potentially makes a lot of sense, particularly as they are now a public company looking for important new sources of revenue. LinkedIn's signature advantage, unlike many new Enterprise 2.0 entrants, is that it has an enormous base of existing business users it can enlist as foot soldiers to penetrate the enterprise. Just by adding some features to the current service it could, for example, provide enterprise microblogging to its existing users which could be kept private within the company if desired. In my research, I find that there's strong correlation with the speed and success of internal adoption of social media and the level of investment made. The back door approach to adoption works too.
