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Collective Wisdom Initiative home page

Une science de l’intelligence collective ? L’intelligence collective peut-elle constituer un projet scientifique et si oui lequel ? C’est l’entreprise qui occupe Pierre Lévy depuis plusieurs années. Son dernier article mérite donc un examen particulier au-delà des clichés dont il est souvent victime. L’intelligence collective peut-elle constituer un projet scientifique et si oui lequel. C’est l’entreprise qui occupe Pierre Lévy depuis plusieurs années. Son dernier article mérite donc un examen particulier au-delà des clichés dont il est souvent victime. Voici donc mes quelques réflexions sur ce texte dont le but n’est pas d’en proposer un résumé mais plutôt une tentative de mise en avant de certains points qui m’ont paru importants. L’article pourra être lu de différentes manières. L’entreprise de Pierre Lévy est ambitieuse (trop ?) Le texte permet de bien comprendre les objectifs d’IEML qui étaient restés parfois obscurs même si le désir d’une nouvelle langue ou idéographie est présente depuis longtemps chez Lévy. collective.

Mapping Science During the month of June of the year 1812, at the border between Russia and Poland, a group of men begin a singular march. It is the Grande Armée of Napoleon Bonaparte. Their goal is to invade Russia — a task for which 422,000 men have been summoned. Fifty-seven years later, while in his eighties, a French civil engineer who has enjoyed studying streams and physics, and drawing maps of economic phenomena, will shift his interest to historical subjects. Charles Joseph Minard will depict the soldiers’ travesty in a single map one that has become irrevocably linked to Bonaparte’s march, and in its own way, just as iconic. Overlaid on the map of Russia, a brown band represents the diminishing size of Napoleon’s forces as the army moved up and down the latitude and longitudes of the vast country. A flowmap of Napoleon’s 1812 March to Russia by Charles Joseph Minard (1869). On Minard’s map a second path, this one in black, traces the retreat. It’s not alone in its intent.

Integral Intersubjectivity Chris Lucas "One of the primary points of difference between our common conception of science and that of religion is their claims about external reality. On the one hand, the scientific view of the world has long been dominated by a materialistic philosophy which takes matter as the fundamental reality and regards inner phenomena as mere epiphenomenon. The religious traditions, on the other hand, generally embrace an idealistic philosophy which takes God or spirit as fundamental and regards matter as derivative. Introduction - transcending thought dualisms "During the act of knowledge itself, the objective and subjective are so instantly united, that we cannot determine to which of the two the priority belongs." Over the last two millennia, there has been general agreement that two perspectives are key to our view of reality. Socially Situated Psychology - the enacted me When we consider ourselves, taking what is usually called a first-person perspective, just what do we see ?

Intelligence Collective Qu’est-ce que l'intelligence collective ? L’intelligence collective est une forme de conscience collective qui émerge lorsque des individus se rencontrent au-delà de l’ego. Cette émergence a été constatée à de très nombreuses reprises (y compris avec les clients d'Integral Vision) et a même été scientifiquement démontrée (cf. Global Consciousness Project de l'université de Princeton). L'une des caractéristiques majeures de cette émergence est le champ de conscience résultant qui révèle un potentiel d'intelligence, d'innovation et de capacité à appréhender la complexité d'une situation bien supérieur à la somme des intelligences individuelles qui l'ont généré. Comment émerge l'intelligence collective ? Les conditions de cette émergence s'avèrent à la fois simples et subtiles. C'est la raison pour laquelle il est souvent nécessaire d'utiliser des techniques ou de suivre des règles (cf. Nous vous proposons de faciliter vos réunions en intelligence collective afin de :

Living cells captured in pyramid cages Joanna Carver, reporter (Image: University of Twente, The Netherlands) This microscopic pyramid is actually a cage for a living cell, constructed to better observe cells in their natural 3D environment, as opposed to the usual flat plane of a Petri dish. Researchers from the University of Twente in the Netherlands made the cage by depositing nitrides over silicon pits. When most of the material is peeled away, a small amount of material remains in the corners to create a pyramid. Because the pyramids have holes in the sides and are close together, the cells can interact for the most part as they naturally do. "The thing is because they're so open, [cells] can easily make connections to the outside," said Aart van Apeldoorn, one of the researchers.

Consciously Self-reflexive Global Initiatives: Renaissance zones 22 April 2007 | Draft Renaissance zones, complex adaptive systems, and third order organizations Introduction Recursion and self-reflexivity Dematerialization and virtualizationProgressive self-reflexive learningProgressive integration of the shadow of non-self-reflexivity Insightful "rebirth" and emergent thought structuresImagination, constructivism, faith-based reality, revisionism and "spin"Form, geometry, pattern and dimensionalityCybernetics of cybernetics: complex adaptive systems? Introduction The case is frequently made for "new thinking" better adapted to the complex of challenges foreseen for the 21st century -- and the decades immediately to come. The following sections consider different ways in which the mode or form of "description" of an organizational system is itself progressively brought into question from increasingly recursive or self-referential perspectives. Recursion and self-reflexivity As an introduction to the sections that follow, Donald H. He concludes:

L’esprit wiki : intelligence collective, Wikimedia et wikis de territoire Samedi 22 janvier 2011, Bug et Wikimedia France organisaient une rencontre sur « l’esprit Wiki » à la Cantine numérique rennaise : un rendez-vous pour parcourir la galaxie Wiki, wikipedia comme producteur d’intelligence collective, les projets de la fondation Wikimedia et ses avatars territoriaux, comme Wiki-Rennes. Près de cinquante personnes ont répondu au rendez-vous. Wikimedia Commons CC-BY-SA - Auteur : Luigi Chiesa Richard de Logu présente les travaux de Anders Sandberg exposés lors de la conférence LIFT 10 à Marseille en juillet 2010. « la diversité est supérieure à l’expertise » Il est également connu pour être un membre actif du mouvement transhumaniste, qu’il définit lui même comme « la philosophie qui dit que nous pouvons et devrions nous développer à des niveaux supérieurs à la fois physiquement, mentalement et socialement, en utilisant des méthodes rationnelles », l’idée selon laquelle nous pourrions atteindre l’immortalité grâce à des techniques scientifiques.

The power of three learning approaches and their combination? Capitalising, systematising, documenting processes and experiences Working with partners in Francophone West Africa always feels to me as a refreshing experience – except perhaps in a meteorological sense. It puts the concepts, approaches and tools we play with from my IRC base in the Netherlands in stark contrast with the local reality on the technological, conceptual and linguistic side of things. As such it invites me to explore my own mental models again and to ponder about different linguistic traditions of learning and knowledge management (1). In one work session in Burkina Faso a few days ago two colleagues from CREPA Burkina Faso and I discussed the difference between ‘capitalisation’ (a learning approach almost exclusively referred to in French) and ‘process documentation’ (2). Can we see more clearly when combining three learning approaches? What’s in the book? So first off, here’s a short series of definitions from the best sources I could find (please enlighten me!) Nuances and differences What do these definitions say? Integrating approaches

Toward a Complex Adaptive Intelligence Community — Central Intel [ Top of page ] What was that? How can we change ourselves in ways we cannot predict? Figure 1 - Complex Adaptive Behavior The only way to meet the continuously unpredictable challenges ahead of us is to match them with continuously unpredictable changes of our own. To describe a community that “dynamically reinvents itself by continuously learning and adapting” in response to environmental changes harks to theoretical developments in the philosophy of science that matured in the 1990s collectively known as Complexity Theory. . . . . . . The objective that was identified at the outset of this article was that the Intelligence Community must be able to dynamically reinvent itself by continuously learning and adapting as the national security environment changes. It is this expertise that engenders the trust required for independent action. The only way to learn from and adapt to the changing national security environment is to be in constant receipt of feedback from that environment.

INSTITUT FRANCOPHONE COACHING d'INTELLIGENCE COLLECTIVE What is Web 3.0? Semantic Web & other Web 3.0 Concepts Explained in Plain English Web 3.0 will be about semantic web, personalization (e.g. iGoogle), intelligent search and behavioral advertising among other things. This slide neatly sums up the main differences between Web 1.0, Web 2.0 and Web 3.0. Web 1.0 – That Geocities & Hotmail era was all about read-only content and static HTML websites. Web 2.0 – This is about user-generated content and the read-write web. Web 3.0 – This will be about semantic web (or the meaning of data), personalization (e.g. iGoogle), intelligent search and behavioral advertising among other things. If that sounds confusing, check out some of these excellent presentations that help you understand Web 3.0 in simple English.

Blog of Collective Intelligence As I woke up, I immediately knew: the meaning of this dream will grow with me, keep unfolding; I will see clearer the guidance that I’m getting from it, over the years. At the time of that dream, in the early seventies, I was living in Hungary under communist governance, between two markers of my life's journey: • being freshly released from prison, after serving 20 months for organizing a student movement, in September 1969 • being forced into exile for continued opposition to the policies of the ruling elite, in July 1975 Back then, there was an artistic avant-garde in Hungary, mostly young people who expressed their dissidence by engagement in artistic happenings, street theater, amateur films, etc. that was considered too "edgy" by the communist censorship. I am walking on the "grand boulevard' of Budapest, named "Lenin boulevard,'" in the afternoon rush hour, the sidewalks teeming with people streaming from the offices.

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