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Escape From Illustration Island – Illustration Resources and Community

Escape From Illustration Island – Illustration Resources and Community

wallpaper The wallpaper of this week is a photo I took in Hong Kong of one of the Space Invaders artwork. The exhibition was titled WIPE OUT and there were several amazing pieces from this legendary French artist. Invader is internationally known for his pixelated mosaic “space invaders” which he has placed in over 60 cities around the world for almost 20 years. In January 2014, the artist launched the third wave of his “invasion” in Hong Kong 13 years after he first hit the city.The works showed a significant evolution, displaying characters from local culture and classic cartoons, but still in the artist’s immediately recognisable pixel aesthetic.

Free Alternatives to Photoshop With All the Bells, Whistles, Fil Let's face it: If cropping was all you needed to do, you'd just use MS Paint. Photoshop, Adobe's industry standard for image editing, costs a whopping, unforgivable $600; and because there's no affordable and equivalent option for non-pro users, we're willing to wager Photoshop places high in the rankings for the most illegally cracked warez of them all. But when you need tools such as layers, filters, and other effects, 101-level apps such as Picnik and Picasa just don't cut it. So we've rounded up and road-tested seven free resources that pack the punch of Photoshop's bells and whistles without the price. You just might find your dream freebie below. First, here's the test photo we used on all the image editing resources listed here: 1. The toolbar allows for certain types of painting and selection, but basically, users are limited to making whole-image adjustments. Has: Levels, lots of color correction and highlight/shadow options, clone stamp If Photoshop Is a Ten: Photofiltre is a 5.

Terrible Yellow Eyes Speakerdog Paper Toys! Julie Heffernan from Julie Heffernan’s Constructions of Self Julie Heffernan creates sensuous figurative painting, like co-Yale MFAS, John Currin and Linda Yuskavage, but her luminous oils are patently unique among them and most working artists today. A Victorian impetus to conjoin, edging toward pastiche, creates artfully staged Surrealist environments. They avoid the mawkish or macabre by virtue of an evocative 17th century Baroque styling and the dignity with which she handles her primary subject, herself. Good construction is essential to the success of such works, built of disparate things suggesting disparate philosophies and ages. Yet the finished product is seamless, making it easy for the viewer to willfully suspend disbelief in the face of rampant artifice. Julie Heffernan at P.P.O.W Gallery Julie Heffernan at Catherine Clark Gallery Thanks to Modern Art Obsession for finding this artist!

Page D'accueil Toute utitlisation, reproduction non autorisée et plagiat, se mérite un doigt d'honneur de ma part. Sagaki Keita (click images for detail) Artist Sagaki Keita was born in 1984 and lives and works in Tokyo. His densely composited pen and ink illustrations contain thousands of whimsical characters that are drawn almost completely improvised. I am dumbstruck looking at these and love the wacky juxtaposition of fine art and notebook doodles. See more of his work here, and be sure to click the images above for more detail. Thanks Sagaki for sharing your work with Colossal!

Extremely Bizarre Surreal Artworks In this post, we bring a collection of the most bizarre and conceptually creative surreal artworks. Hope you all will enjoy this post. Feel free to share your feeling about this post with others. Do It Yourself Doodler | David Jablow So I am many things in this world, but an artist is not one of them. However, David Jablow is just that, and an impressive one no less. His Flickr stream is hands down one of the most impressive I’ve ever seen. Blank This is the basic template used for the entire portfolio. Ninja Barn Angel v Devil Devil 1, Angel 0 Escapee Riveter There can be no distractions while working the high steel. The Dig I think I know how this ends for our favorite doodle. Trapeeze Painter Picasso he ain’t. Getaway Mermaid I would buy this match on pay-per-view. Mud Papoose’s Revenge Just supporting my statement that babies and toddlers are jerks. Brawl Weresquirrel Mr. Cat Burglar Spacegirl ———- Advertisement ———- ———- Advertisement ———- Fire Drop Body Slam Watcha gonna do brother!? Feeding Timewarp Rodeo Little disturbed by the bull. Goodbye Kitty Hobo Writer My writing area has never looked that bad. Bomber Talk Show Tanker Insert female driver joke here. Robot Bigfoot Caught

Art that messes with your head (Look for seven horses in the picture) A Face? Or the word 'Liar'? Black Splotches? Crazy Illustrations By Chow Hon Lam | Pokkisam blog Chow Hon Lam is a t-shirt designer and a humorous illustrator from Malaysia. He has been completed this crazy project called Flying Mouse 365, which is create 1 design per day. I hope his illustrations can bring some smile and entertainment to the world. About the author

Never Be My Friend When I'm bored, I browse through my friends' Facebook images, choose my favorites, and draw them. Sometimes I take... liberties. Let's just call it artistic license. R.I.P. when I drew you looking like a corpse. I occasionally wonder why I still have friends at all.
