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Moral Economy Project

Moral Economy Project

Global Infrastructure Anti-Corruption Centre GIACC provides the following free of charge anti-corruption training resources: on-line anti-corruption training module anti-corruption training manual. See below for details. GIACC On-line Anti-Corruption Training Module GIACC has published a free on-line anti-corruption training module. This is available in seven languages. For further information on the module, and to commence the module, go to the relevant language link below: GIACC/Tl(UK): Anti-Corruption Training Manual GIACC and Transparency International (UK) have published a free Anti-Corruption Training Manual. Anti-Corruption Training Manual - (International Version) Anti-Corruption Training Manual - (England & Wales Version) English The need for anti-corruption training As explained in What is corruption, GIACC uses the term "corruption" in the wider sense to include bribery, extortion, fraud, deception, collusion, cartels, abuse of power, embezzlement, trading in influence and money laundering. Other Resources Site Credits Disclaimer

Tax Justice Network publie sa liste des paradis fiscaux La Suisse occupe la première place, avant même les îles Cayman et le Luxembourg. Tel est le « palmarès » du « Financial Secrecy Index », établi par Tax Justice Network (Réseau international pour la Justice Fiscale) pour la seconde fois, la première publication datant de 2009. Les Etats-Unis sont également en « bonne position » (5ème rang, juste après Hong Kong), suivis par Singapour. "Un outil contre le déni"De fait, l'Indice se présente comme un outil qui vise à lutter contre le secret mais aussi contre le déni dont font preuve un grand nombre d'Etats. Le secret bancaire, un moyen parmi d'autres Par ailleurs, TJN cherche à démonter plusieurs idées reçues en matière de secret bancaire. Certes, au sein du Forum mondial de l'OCDE, des initiatives ont été prises pour engager les Etats à échanger des renseignements fiscaux et à se soumettre à un mécanisme d'évaluation par les pairs sur le respect de ces engagements.

New Economy Working Group | Equitable economies for a living earth. How Does Smoking Affect the Economy? - E Cigarette Reviewed - Quora At first glance the tobacco industry provides many jobs, tax revenue and economic stimuli. When looking at how smoking affects the economy from this point of view you might even think that this industry is good for our economy. It is highly profitable, can stably hire people at all education levels, and their product is in constant demand. Their product is also addictive, so that demand, unless regulated, will never stop. Globally there is no doubt that smoking is detrimental to the economy. Breaking the costs to society down to its easiest possible number, the American Lung Association estimated that if the cost of a pack of cigarettes is $5.51, the cost to the economy for that pack of cigarettes is $18.05 per pack. Worker productivity has been shown in several studies around the world, to decrease. Medicaid, a program that is paid for by the states, pays billions of dollars out to smokers who are ill, but who need assistance with health care.

project_anti_corruption_system_home Why is a project anti-corruption system necessary? Corruption on construction projects is a complex problem: It may occur in the form of bribery, extortion, fraud, deception, cartels, collusion, abuse of power, embezzlement, trading in influence, money laundering and equivalent criminal offences. It can take place during any phase of a project, including project identification, planning, financing, design, tender, execution, operation and maintenance. See How Corruption Occurs and Corruption Examples for examples of corruption in each project phase. There is no single or simple method by which to prevent such corruption. During the last 30 years, material improvements have been made to the safety of personnel in factories and on construction sites. What is PACS? The Project Anti-Corruption System (PACS) is an integrated and comprehensive system designed to assist in the prevention and detection of corruption on construction projects. PACS Standards PACS Templates How to use PACS

Fourth meeting of the Global Forum on Transparency and Exchange of Information for Tax Purposes OECD Home › Tax › Fourth meeting of the Global Forum on Transparency and Exchange of Information for Tax Purposes Opening Remarks by Angel Gurría, OECD Secretary-General OECD Conference Centre, 25th October 2011 Ambassador Andreani, Ministers, Ambassadors, Ladies and Gentlemen, Welcome to the OECD. I want to thank Ambassador Andreani for opening this meeting with me, and France for its commitment to the work of the Global Forum, including chairing the Peer Review Group - a key element of your success. This work could not come at a better time. Long standing obstacles to effective exchange of information, such as strict bank secrecy, have been blown away in both OECD and non-OECD jurisdictions. Transparency and exchange of information on request are now an accepted requirement for any jurisdiction that wishes to provide financial services in our globalised world. The battle for fairer tax systems is being won on two fronts: jurisdictions are amending their domestic laws. Thank you.

Home | IIER Electronic Cigarette Economy Pack by Eonsmoke The Eonsmoke Economy Kit offers: * One Rechargable Lithium Ion Battery * 2 Flavored cartridges (Pick a flavor from the drop down menu) * USB charger The Economy Kit is our introductory package designed to give the consumer exactly what they will need to experience Eonsmoke’s electronic two-piece cigarette. Electronic cigarettes just became more affordable. index.spare The Institute for Collapsonomics Cigarette électronique et économies - Cout cigarette electronique - Calumette Passer de la cigarette classique à la cigarette électronique : est ce vraiment économique? Votre budget cigarette classique Ce tableau présente une estimation des dépenses liées au tabac par mois et par an en fonction du nombre de cigarettes consommées. Votre budget cigarette électronique "Calumette" Par expérience, on estime que l'utilisation de la cigarette électronique permet de diviser votre budget cigarette par 4. Un kit de démarrage cigarette électronique (avec batterie, chargeur, corps d'atomiseur, têtes d'atomiseur et cartouches) coûte en moyenne 50 euros selon les modèles. A titre d'exemple, prenons le cas de Mr Alex P qui consomme 20 cigarettes classiques par jour. Voici le tableau récapitulatif de ces dépenses (kit et pièces détachées) sur 3 mois. En fumant des cigarettes classiques Mr Alex P. aurait dépensé 600 euros pour 3 mois. Evolution des prix du paquet de cigarette en France Un coût individuel et collectif Gagner du pouvoir d'achat

News « Econ4 Fast Company ( reports on Econ4: “We’re economists: we want to promote not only the supply of new economics teaching but also student demand for it.” Read the story and accompanying interview here. The Wall Street Journal, reporting on the American Economics Association’s recent decision to require economists to disclose potential conflicts of interest, quotes Econ4′s George DeMartino and Gerald Epstein, leading advocates of uploading ethics into the profession. George DeMartino, a University of Denver professor who headed the panel, has argued for the adoption of an even broader “economists’ oath” that would address questions like the ethics of advising dictators and the responsibility of economists to stand up for the poor.Gerald Epstein, a professor at the University of Massachusetts at Amherst who has previously criticized economists’ lack of disclosure, in an email called the policy “a very big step forward.” Read the story here. Popular economics education?

The Cambridge Trust for New Thinking in Economics WIR Bank WIR Bank logo The WIR Bank, formerly the Swiss Economic Circle (GER: Wirtschaftsring-Genossenschaft), or WIR, is an independent complementary currency system in Switzerland that serves businesses in hospitality, construction, manufacturing, retail and professional services. WIR issues and manages a private currency, called the WIR Franc, which is used, in combination with Swiss Franc to generate dual-currency transactions. WIR was founded in 1934 by businessmen Werner Zimmermann and Paul Enz as a result of currency shortages and global financial instability. "WIR" is both an abbreviation of Wirtschaftsring and the word for "we" in German, reminding participants that the economic circle is also a community.[2] According to the cooperative's statutes, "Its purpose is to encourage participating members to put their buying power at each other's disposal and keep it circulating within their ranks, thereby providing members with additional sales volume." References[edit] External links[edit]
