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Cool MySpace Flash Toys for Free | MySpace Widgets Google Website Optimizer Google Website Optimizer was a free website optimization tool that helped online marketers and webmasters increase visitor conversion rates and overall visitor satisfaction by continually testing different combinations of website content.[1] Google Website Optimizer could test any element that existed as HTML code on a page including calls to action, fonts, headlines, point of action assurances, product copy, product images, product reviews, and forms. It could be used at multiple stage in the conversion funnel. On 1 June 2012, Google announced that GWO as a separate product would be retired as of 1 August, and some of its functionality would be integrated into Google Analytics as Google Analytics Content Experiments.[2] Google Website Optimizer allowed webmasters to test an alternative version of an entire page, known as A/B testing — or test multiple combinations of page elements such as headings, images, or body copy; known as Multivariate testing.

Get my Flickr Widget! | Roy Tanck's weblog Get my Flickr Widget! The form below will let you generate a Flash Flickr widget for your website or blog using your Flickr RSS feed. It will create a short bit of HTML code that you can copy-paste code into any HTML page, blog post or a WordPress text widget. Your Flickr or Picasa RSS feed. If your preview shows no thumbnails, please check that your feed is a valid RSS 2.0 feed (info here), and go over the other settings. If you’re looking to host the movie yourself and use images stored on your server, feel free to check out Flickr Widget’s little brother Photo Widget. You can make peoples day awesome! | Aaah, That's Cool I know that’s a bold statement! But none the less, I both know and am confident in the matter. How do i know? And how do you do it? You probably already noticed what I’m about to discuss, and you probably already knew most of this, but maybe you forgot, or just really couldn’t be bothered? Have you noticed how, when you are out among other people, most of the people around you, including yourself, tend to look either down at the ground or at the windows of the surrounding stores? I tend to let my mind wander whenever I’m on my way to work or going home, and the last couple of days, I’ve been trying to see how many people will actually be comfortable having eyecontact and not just turn their heads and look away. Now here comes the revelation. Now, the reason why I claim this can make someone happy? Dette indlæg blev udgivet i Everyday life.

Free Web Toolbar Google Website-Optimierungstool Das Google Website-Optimierungstool war eine kostenlos verfügbare Software zur Durchführung von A/B- und Multivariatentests im Webdesign. Ab August 2012 ist das Tool Teil von Google Analytics (Content-Tests). Anbieter ist der Suchmaschinenbetreiber Google. Zielsetzung[Bearbeiten] Ziel der Software ist die einfache Durchführung von Tests an Design und Inhalten einer Webseite. Klassisches Vorgehen[Bearbeiten] Bei entsprechenden Tests werden Änderungen klassischerweise sequenziell vorgenommen, das heißt nach Umsetzung einer Änderung werden die Ergebnisse des Zeitraums vor der Änderung, mit den Ergebnissen nach der Änderung verglichen. Diese Vorgehensweise bringt verschiedene Nachteile mit sich: Da die Ergebnisse aus zwei unterschiedlichen Zeiträumen stammen, sind sie nur eingeschränkt vergleichbar. A/B Tests[Bearbeiten] Multivariate Tests[Bearbeiten] Nachteile[Bearbeiten] Die Auswertung der Ergebnisdaten ist nur über den Gesamtzeitraum möglich. Literatur[Bearbeiten] Weblinks[Bearbeiten]

NOVA Why Did NASA Kill Cassini? On September 15, 2017 NASA destroyed Cassini—on purpose. Why kill a multibillion-dollar spacecraft? Sep 20, 2017 Death Dive to Saturn Follow Cassini's final days as it skims the cloud tops before plunging into the planet. Commentary: Unsolicited and Unwelcome, Climate Denial Comes to Schools In mid-March of 2017, I saw the first indications of trouble. From Education Blog | Sep 19, 2017 Cassini's Search For Life Is there life beyond Earth? Sep 15, 2017 Amazing Discoveries from Cassini Relive Cassini's greatest hits from its 13 years studying Saturn. Saying Goodbye to Cassini Cassini, a brave explorer that was dispatched to study a distant ringed world, has died. What Saturn Can Tell Us About Earth—and Beyond After Friday’s crash landing into Saturn, NASA scientists are reflecting on the lessons Cassini has imparted.

Similar Images graduates from Google Labs Today, we're happy to announce that Similar Images is graduating from Google Labs and becoming a permanent feature in Google Images. You can try it out by clicking on "Find similar images" below the most popular images in our search results. For example, if you search for jaguar, you can use the "Find similar images" link to find more pictures of the car or the animal. When we revamped Labs in April, we also launched Similar Images to highlight some of the innovative work our engineers have been working on. So, let's say you want to find images of Ancient Egypt. Or illustrative maps of Ancient Egypt: Or ancient Egyptian-style drawings: While we'll continue to use Google Labs as a way to showcase and collect feedback for exciting new technologies, we also want to make it easier for you to provide direct feedback on all aspects of Google Images.

9 Tactics for Rapid Learning (That Most People Have Never Heard Of) & Scott H Young - StumbleUpon Whenever the subject of why some people learn faster comes up, I get a whole host of common answers: Some people are just naturally smart. (Often implying you can’t improve)Everyone is “smart” in their own way. (Nonsense, research indicates different “intelligences” often correlate)IQ is all in the genes. (Except IQ changes with age and IQ tests can be studied for, like any other test) There may be some truth to these claims. Considering the upcoming launch of my rapid learning program, I wanted to share my favorite tactics to learn faster, retain information better or just enjoy the process of learning more: #1 – Pegging (or How Mental Magicians can Perfectly Recall Hundreds of Numbers) One of my favorite learning tactics, that is rarely mentioned, is pegging. The systems I’ve seen typically work with a special cheat sheet. From there, you can translate any series of numbers into a series of letters. Here’s a quick way to separate the rapid learners from the average learners.
