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Preparing for a digital future

Preparing for a digital future

What is Digital Literacy? « Andrew Eynon’s Library Blog Posted by andrewey on February 18, 2011 For our PEDL project we have used the term Digital Literacy to represent a broad range of skills – specifically basic ICT skills, information skills and e-safety. This offers a potentially broader remit than Information Literacy. Furthermore, Digital Literacy is probably a more widely understood term outside the library community (particularly with the link to Digital Inclusion). With regard to basic ICT skills we are focussing on the skills needed to make the most effective of the college ICT network (eg e-mail, file handling, basic applications software) and our Moodle VLE. The Information skills strand will cover making effective use of internet searching, accessing e-resouces and referencing/plagiarism. We will also have a cross cutting strand on the use of Web 2.0 tools in a teaching and learning context. We found the following documents useful when defining Digital Literacy: Like this: Like Loading...

Twitter Just Passed MySpace in Number of Status Updates Twitter made news today for announcing that it now sees an average of 50 million status messages posted each day. A sharp growth curve indicates that activity on Twitter could grow much higher in the short term future. Good old MySpace says it can't be counted out yet, though. MySpace told me tonight that it still sees 1 billion status messages per month, divided by 30 days that's about 33 million status messages per day. That means until just last Fall, MySpace was still bigger than Twitter. How easy is it to forget that? Above: Quantcast's estimates of website traffic, not including Twitter application use. I went onto MySpace tonight and found that 9 out of my 21 friends on the site had logged in within the last 30 days, many of them this week or today! I've got my MySpace account wired up with my Tweetdeck install now, so when my friends do post something I'll be able to see it. So two things to consider. Above: Kevin Marks skewers MySpace critics, including yours truly.

JISC Digital Content Conference 2009 In the context of the completion of Phase 2 of the JISC Digitisation Programme the conference will look at the issues facing the UK's colleges and universities as they deal with creating, delivering, sustaining and using a range of digital content as well as looking into future opportunities and challenges. Conference tag: #jdcc09 Conference Blog In the context of the completion of Phase 2 of the Jisc Digitisation Programme the Jisc Digital Content Conference aims to discuss and decide the next steps that need to be taken to ensure the sustained integration of digitised content into research and education and is one of the most important events of 2009. It will consider the issues facing the UK's universities as they deal with creating, delivering, sustaining and using a whole range of digital content as well as looking into future opportunities and challenges. Download video, audio and presentations from the conference

MedBiquitous Consortium | Pathways for Open Resource Sharing through Convergence in Healthcare Education (PORSCHE) Lindsay David Wood B.Sc., MEDEV, Newcastle University Suzanne Hardy, B.Sc., Higher Education Subject Centre MEDEV, Newcastle University Kate Lomax, B.Sc., NHS eLearning Repository, The London Deanery Richard Osborn, B.Sc., NHS eLearning Repository, The London Deanery Background: The PORSCHE project envisages seamless repository access to academic and clinical learning resources (LR) for healthcare students in the UK. Healthcare students train extensively in practice where they are supervised by clinical staff charged with providing education to pre-registration trainees. Access to National Health Service (NHS) online services for undergraduate student learning, especially those located in practice education, is limited. The project is part of a £5M open educational resources (OER) programme, funded by the Higher Education Funding Council for England and administered by the Joint Information Systems Committee and the Higher Education Academy.

12 Healthy Habits to Grow Your Online Presence and Keep Balance in Your Life "It's like I'm living someone else's life..." A Little Reflection before Getting Down to Business This just came on my Pandora radio station as I'm doing my monthly "file maintenance" and moving pages around. (See my Facebook posts on technology productivity for more on this.) When I came to my presentations folder, I saw a journey. A journey of people and faces and places. Those who gave me chances early on and things applied for - not knowing any better, I guess. So, here's a mini trip that shows you how people network and connect and improve their lives. Here's my screenshot journey of presentations. Bringing us to 2010. In November 2005 I created my RSS reader and committed to "study" this new Internet at least 15 minutes three times a week during my break. In December 2005, I started blogging here at Cool Cat Teacher. I did a wiki workshop to a packed house at my state conference in November 2006 and Anne Davis, someone I admire very much came to the workshop. 1- Share. 2 - Respond.

The Man Who Looked Into Facebook's Soul Youth social networking researcher danah boyd has observed that many people presume the way they use social networks is the way everyone uses them. "I interviewed gay men who thought Friendster was a gay dating site because all they saw were other gay men," she says. "I interviewed teens who believed that everyone on MySpace was Christian because all of the profiles they saw contained biblical quotes. We all live in our own worlds with people who share our values and, with networked media, it's often hard to see beyond that." Now picture our perspective leaving our own experiences, zooming out and up until we can see how all the different groups are interacting on a worldwide social network. This Wednesday, Warden will make Friend, Fan page and name data from hundreds of millions of Facebook users available to the academic research community. Nerds in Space: Social Graph Analysis For Solving Large-Group Problems Pulling Down the Facebook Social Graph Taking a Deeper Look

Fondazione Rinascimento Digitale Fondazione Rinascimento Digitale, Ministero per i Beni e le Attività Culturaliand The Library of Congress are delighted to present the Conference CULTURAL HERITAGE on lineEmpowering users: an active role for user communities15-16 December 2009, Florence, Italy >> Leggi il testo in versione italiana The second edition of the conference Cultural Heritage online – Empowering users: an active role for user communities, has confirmed a great interest for the subjects proposed, as well as the reliability and the stable network of collaborations that the Foundation Rinascimento Digitale has been earned in the field of new technologies for cultural heritage. Thanks again to everybody! TABLE A: participants in the Conference

OER 11 - Stars and fast cars: walking the red carpet of good practice with OERs in health and social care education OER1166 Symposium ppt Wednesday 11 May 13.30 Breakout Room 6 Symposium Short Papers (4): Consent Commons: a proposed model for recognising the rights of people to refuse or withdraw from participation in open educational resources. Stars and fast cars: walking the red carpet of good practice with OERs in health and social care education Chair: Megan Quentin-Baxter, Higher Education Academy Subject Centre for Medicine, Dentistry and Veterinary Medicine Conference Themes: Communities and collaboration Intended audience: Academic and practice educators, support staff and students in health and social care education Background & rationale: Over half of the medical schools, and many dental and veterinary schools have worked together since 2009 to solve difficult challenges relating to sharing educational resources and teaching students who are learning in clinical practice. How will discussion be facilitated? References: Rodway-Dyer, S. (2010) OER Evaluation Report University of Exeter

Presentation: Social Media & how (students) can survive online I’ve been lucky enough so far this term to be involved with two sets of students, both under-graduate first years (one unit called ‘Professional Studies’ even), and with both sets I have been surprised and slightly worried about the level of understanding they have about their use of Social Media, and how the little things can make a difference. What surprised me, from a couple of informal questions to a few vocal and enthusiastic Facebook users, is that they have never considered what is viewable online, their ‘digital foot print’. So, I asked around about what we do for the students to alert them to the risks, and how this could potentially affect their future employment prospects. I had some good answers but the one that made me groan was simply “why don’t you talk to them about it?” Me and my big mouth! Social Media & Networks: How to survive online (or “your [next] employer is watching you”). I took the class list (190+ students) and randomly searched for 10 students.

UEF Electronic Publications - Itä-Suomen Yliopiston julkaisut verkossa « FinnOA Itä-Suomen yliopiston avoin julkaisuarkisto on avattu osoitteessa: Sivustolta löytyvät Itä-Suomen yliopiston julkaisujen lisäksi myös Joensuun ja Kuopion yliopistoissa julkaistuja elektronisia julkaisuja. Palvelu on rakennettu kehittäen Joensuun yliopiston kirjastossa tehtyä JoyPub-julkaisuarkistoa. Uusia toimintoja edelliseen ovat mm. kokoteksti-haku, kansikuvan automaattinen näyttäminen sivuilla sekä mahdollisuus näyttää julkaisun tiedot ulkopuolisella sivulla lisäämällä sivulta löytyvä koodinpätkä (vtr. YouTube-videon lisääminen esim. blogi-kirjoitukseen). JISC Conference 2010 – open for registration Technology: at the heart of education and research is the title and theme of this year’s Jisc conference to be held in London on 12-13 April 2010. The conference opens today for registration and promises to be one of the strongest to date. Bill St. Arnaud, P. Eng. President, St. The effective use technology can bring a reduction in energy consumption, energy bills and environmental impact. Find out more about the key notes The conference will see experts from across education and research answer questions, solve delegates’ problems and showcase the latest examples of how using a simple solution can save time, money and resources as well as in many cases, create inter-department working. Among the topics are: copyright issues related to moving images and soundthe technical infrastructure to support research through Lightpath and Auroraaccessing downloadable multimedia content for learning and teachingdesign studio Web 2.0 and the lawonline self evaluation tool to develop accessible resources
