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Startup Design Framework

Superlistas | 9 ferramentas gratuitas para você aprender a programar Por Iana Chan Se você vivesse na Idade Média e um monge copista oferecesse a privilegiada oportunidade de aprender a ler e a escrever – sem, digamos, ter que se abdicar de sua vida mundana-, você aceitaria? Pense nas bibliotecas enclausuradas nas abadias e em todo conhecimento que estaria ao seu alcance. Se você é um leitor que se preze, sua resposta com certeza seria sim, certo? (via) Nossa vida é movida pelo códigos e algoritmos. Programar é basicamente “conversar” com computadores para que eles cumpram tarefas por nós. (via) “Aprender a programar não é só importante para o seu futuro. A ideia é incentivar estudantes americanos a escrever suas primeiras linhas de código e acumular 10 milhões de horas estudadas em todo o país. Aprender a programar é muito semelhante a estudar um novo idioma. 1. É a plataforma da campanha da Semana do Ensino da Ciência da Programação deste ano. 2. Para a campanha Hour of Code, o Codeacademy também lançou seu primeiro app para ensinar a programar. 3. 4.

Step by Step Illustrator Icon Design Tutorial If you’re new here, you may want to subscribe to my RSS feed. Thanks for visiting! In this Illustrator tutorial we look at creating a small set of ‘almost flat’ icons from scratch. First, open the Adobe Illustrator and create a new document. Then create a rounded rectangle using Rounded Rectangle Tool with: Width:200px;Height:155px;Corner Radius:10px. After that create another Rectangle with: Width:36px;Height:36px;Rotate it 45°. Unite the two shapes. Angle:-90°;Gradient Slider:#3f7ebf, Location:0%; #3a54a2, Location:100%. Copy new shape with Fill:#3954a1 and move it down at 20px. Now add lights and shadows for back shape: Copy front shape twice. Angle:-90°;Gradient Slider:#ffffff, Location:0%, Opacity:10%; #ffffff, Location:39,9%, Opacity:100%. Create Rectangle with: Width:10px;Height:35px;Blending Mode:Overlay. Use Linear Gradient: Angle:-180°;Gradient Slider:#ffffff, Location:0%, Opacity:10%; #ffffff, Location:30%, Opacity:100%; #ffffff, Location:100%, Opacity:0%. So our Comment Icon is ready.

Hands-On With The New Modern UI Apps In Windows 8.1 The Windows 8.1 Preview has brought back the Start Button, redesigned some apps, and introduced a fair number of new ones. Some of these new apps are truly impressive, while others are the Modern UI version of apps that already existed as desktop versions and have long been part of the Windows OS. Between the revamped apps, the new apps, and those that are Modern UI versions of their desktop counterparts, we have four very impressive utility apps: Alarm, Calculator, Sound Recorder, and Scan, the latter three of which are essentially revamped Modern UI variants of existing Windows features, whereas the new Photo Editor, Health and Fitness, Food and Drinks, and Reading List apps have been developed from scratch. Alarm Of the four utility apps introduced in this preview, Alarms is the only one that didn’t have a desktop version, nor did it exist in any previous version of Windows. It’s going to be extremely useful on tablets but can also be used on a laptop or desktop PC. Calculator Scan

Pinstriped cleans up your Mac and hides embarrassing files to help you give a killer presentation 5 December '13, 01:44pm Follow Pinstriped is a custom interface that sits over the top of OS X on your Mac to hide your personal content, with the aim of helping you to look more professional during a presentation. If you often find yourself giving presentations at work, or even live on stage at an event like TNW’s conferences, there’s a chance you’ll identify with the problem Pinstriped is trying to solve: essentially, preventing your personal life (whether that’s files, images, IMs, emails or anything else) from spilling over into your presentation. To do this, you simply install it on your Mac and select which files and folders you want to display. These can also be dragged-and-dropped, allowing you to quickly create a new set of visible files. Although it only launched in November, the Pinstriped beta client was updated yesterday with minor tweaks based on feedback from early beta users. Check out the video below for a quick overview of what it can do:

How to create your own flat styled target icon in Illustrator Follow this short step-by-step tutorial and learn to use the basic tools of Adobe Illustrator to create a great flat style Target with Arrow Icon. This is the first guest post by designer and Iconfinder contributor Zoltan Ordog. Before you start this tutorial you should have Adobe Illustrator installed. Creating the target 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Creating the arrow 6. 7. 8. Adding shadow 9. 10. 11. I hope that you enjoyed following this tutorial and learned some new things about the Adobe Illustrator. Download the AI file for the icon Check out more of my icons on Iconfinder:

stickUp - a free jQuery Plugin Setting up stickUp in Wordpress is a breeze. I am also working on development of a Wordpress Plugin version of stickUp, which will allow for an easy backend to work with and include many features. Its exactly the same as setting it up on any other website, but here are exact instructions for Wordpress users. First, you must download the stickUp javascript file 'stickUp.min.js' and place it in a directory called 'js' in your theme's directory. Create this directory if it doesn't already exist. You can get the file from our GitHub. Visit GitHub Next, include the stickUp javascript file into Wordpress. Near the very bottom of the file above the '</body>' tag and below the '<? Finally, add the javascript code that enables stickUp on your Wordpress Theme. Directly below the code that we inserted in the last step, paste the following code snippit. Done! **Specifically look at the Extras feature 'marginTop' to add a margin for use with the Wordpress Toolbar, otherwise it may have a conflict.

Tendências | Soundslice: um app para aprender a tocar violão no Youtube Aprender a tocar um instrumento não é fácil. Pela internet, de forma quase autodidata, é mais complicado ainda. Quem gosta de violão ou é aspirante à músico sabe: os vídeos e tutoriais são rápidos e têm compreensão difícil para os leigos, e o que não falta na web são cifras erradas de música. Para evitar confusões, o app reúne um pouco de cada um dos melhores recursos disponíveis. A ideia é boa, e já não era sem tempo: depois de anos a fio com a superioridade absoluta de livretos de papel com tablaturas vendidos em bancas de jornal, a internet parece estar finalmente pronta para conquistar mais esse mercado. Via Mashable Imagem Soundslice

How to Create an App Icon in Adobe Illustrator In this tutorial, I’m creating an icon for a message/chat application, I’m using a “postman” bird as starting point. This tutorial gives you a insight in the steps to take from a initial sketch to a vectorized icon that is ready to be used. Resources and articles that are useful are listed at the end in References. Start sketching While sketching an idea for an app, you need to have a little concept in your head. SEE ALSO: How to Create a Splash Screen Illustration Another important thing is trying in being original in your first concept. To be original in your ideas and sketches, one advice i keep following is not looking at other sketches before or while I’m drawing myself. For this tutorial, I want to sketch a beak of a bird because the focus of a message application is what i want to accomplish when people give it a quick look. I want to keep the sketch as simple as I can, so I’m not going to sketch much detail. Collect your sketches and pick one sketch to start from. Doing research
