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.htaccess Tutorials, htaccess Examples, Sample .htaccess Files

.htaccess Tutorials, htaccess Examples, Sample .htaccess Files
.htaccess is a very ancient configuration file that controls the Web Server running your website, and is one of the most powerful configuration files you will ever come across. Htaccess has the ability to control access of the WWW's HyperText Transfer Protocol (HTTP) using Password Protection, 301 Redirects, rewrites, and much much more. This is because this configuration file was coded in the earliest days of the web (HTTP), for one of the first Web Servers ever! Eventually these Web Servers (configured with htaccess) became known as the World Wide Web, and eventually grew into the Internet we use today. This is not an introduction to .htaccess… This is the evolution of the best of the best. You've come to the right place if you are looking to acquire mad skills for using .htaccess files. Htaccess - Evolved ^ Htaccess file know-how will do several things for you: AskApache Htaccess Journey ^ Skip this - still under edit What Is .htaccess ^ Creating Htaccess Files ^ Htaccess Scope ^ context !)

hCard Creator This user interface, and the code behind it, is provided as an example for the benefit of microformat open standards developers, and to demonstrate the clear one to one correspondence between microformat fields and microformat code. The code generated by this interface may be used for semantic web pages, structured blogging, or any other application that requires markup that is simultaneously human presentable and machine readable. Based on the hCard creator by Tantek Çelik (later updated by Ryan King), which is based on the XFN Creator (v1.0 by Matt Mullenweg, v1.1 update by Tantek Çelik). To report any problems or make any suggestions, please send feedback to the #microformats IRC channel on Freenode.

Performance Tuning Table of Contents An exhaustive list of various techniques you might want to use to get the most performance possible out of your mod_perl server: configuration, coding, memory use, and more. To make the user's Web browsing experience as painless as possible, every effort must be made to wring the last drop of performance from the server. There are many factors which affect Web site usability, but speed is one of the most important. This applies to any webserver, not just Apache, so it is very important that you understand it. How do we measure the speed of a server? The requests and replies are broken into packets. A webserver is only one of the entities the packets see along their way. You could work hard to fine tune your webserver's performance, but a slow Network Interface Card (NIC) or a slow network connection from your server might defeat it all. Of course there is little that you can do if the user has a slow connection. But there are techniques to cope with this. ApacheBench % . .

Alien Species On MAAR Use menu below to read about various alien species. If you have had an experience with another species besides what's listed, please email us here and let us know. Also look in the sub categories to see if it's listed "In any case, the Air Force has arrived to the conclusion that a certain number of anomalous phenomena has been produced within Belgian airspace. The numerous testimonies of ground observations compiled in this [SOBEPS] book, reinforced by the reports of the night of March 30-31 [1990], have led us to face the hypothesis that a certain number of unauthorized aerial activities have taken place. Until now, not a single trace of aggressiveness has been signaled; military or civilian air traffic has not been perturbed nor threatened. -Major-General Wilfred de Brouwer, Deputy Chief, Royal Belgian Air Force, "Postface" in SOBEPS' Vague d'OVNI sur la Belgique - Un Dossier Exceptionnel, Brussels: SOBEPS, 1991. Miscellaneous Possibly Related Species ( Non alphabetized) Back to Top

Apache Week. Publishing Pages with PUT First published: 4th April 1997 One of the most common questions we get asked is whether Apache supports web publishing with the PUT method. Netscape Navigator Gold, AOLPress and Amaya all support this method of publishing pages. Technically the answer is yes, Apache supports that method. First published in Apache Week issue 59 (4th April 1997). How Apache Supports GET, POST and PUT When a browser requests a normal page from a server, it uses the "GET" method. To perform a permanent action on the server, the "POST" method is used. The "PUT" method is similar to the POST method in that it can cause information to be updated on the server. There is some confusion about whether Apache supports the PUT method. Using the PUT Method If you have a script which is capable of handling PUT requests, you can easily configure Apache to support that script. Script PUT /cgi-bin/put The CGI script has to be able to accept a page sent it, and look and the request URL to decide where to place the file.

Shakespeare Insult Kit Shakespeare Insult Kit Since 1996, the origin of this kit was listed as anonymous. It came to me on a piece of paper in the 90's with no attribution, and I thought it would make a cool web page. Though I searched for the origin, I could never find it. In 2014, Lara M informed found the originating author. It appears to be an English teacher at Center Grove High School in Greenwood Indiana named Jerry Maguire. Combine one word from each of the three columns below, prefaced with "Thou": My additions: cullionly whoreson knave fusty malmsey-nosed blind-worm caluminous rampallian popinjay wimpled lily-livered scullian burly-boned scurvy-valiant jolt-head misbegotten brazen-faced malcontent odiferous unwash'd devil-monk poisonous bunch-back'd toad fishified leaden-footed rascal Wart-necked muddy-mettled Basket-Cockle pigeon-liver'd scale-sided Back to the insulter. Chris Seidel

Practical mod_perl The full book in HTML Preface mod_perl is an Apache module that builds the power of the Perl programming language directly into the Apache web server. With mod_perl, CGI scripts run as much as 50 times faster, and you can ... Part 1: mod_perl Administration Book by Parts. Part 2: mod_perl Performance Book by Parts. Part 3: Databases and mod_perl Book by Parts. Part 4: Debugging and Troubleshooting Book by Parts. Part 5: mod_perl 2.0 Book by Parts. Part 6: Appendixes Book by Parts. 0.1. To use this book effectively, you need to be familiar with the day-to-day details of running a web server, and you need to know the Perl programming ... 0.2. This book is not solely about mod_perl web development. 0.3. This book has four parts: Part I: mod_perl Administration Part I of this book focuses on the administration of ... 0.4. At the end of almost every chapter in this book, we include lists of resources that give further detail on relevant topics. 0.5. 0.6. 0.7. 0.8. 0.9. 9.1. 9.2. 9.3. 9.4. 9.5. 0.10. Apache module mod_rewrite Available Languages: en | fr Summary The mod_rewrite module uses a rule-based rewriting engine, based on a PCRE regular-expression parser, to rewrite requested URLs on the fly. By default, mod_rewrite maps a URL to a filesystem path. However, it can also be used to redirect one URL to another URL, or to invoke an internal proxy fetch. mod_rewrite provides a flexible and powerful way to manipulate URLs using an unlimited number of rules. mod_rewrite operates on the full URL path, including the path-info section. Further details, discussion, and examples, are provided in the detailed mod_rewrite documentation. Logging mod_rewrite offers detailed logging of its actions at the trace1 to trace8 log levels. Using a high trace log level for mod_rewrite will slow down your Apache HTTP Server dramatically! Example LogLevel alert rewrite:trace3 RewriteLog Those familiar with earlier versions of mod_rewrite will no doubt be looking for the RewriteLog and RewriteLogLevel directives. Example: txt rnd dbm

Enable cd into directory aliases from the Terminal I use the command line often and have been frustrated by the second-class-status that file system aliases have in the command shell. It would be nice if Apple would have the BSD system calls treat aliases the same as soft links, but alas, as of 10.4.2, they have not done so. Also, file system aliases have some nice features which are not available to soft links, like labels, which cannot be used at all with soft links (well for a couple of seconds, it looks like you can, but they don't stick.) Another difference is that in 10.3, comments also don't stick, though they appear to do so in 10.4 (as a result of being Spotlight comments, probably). So I created a command line executable to return the name of the Original file (in Finder parlence), including following soft links to aliases, and added a function to my .bashrc file to use that executable to get the name, and finally, to use that as the argument to the cd command. Here is the bash function I include in .bashrc.

mod_perl and dbm file Table of Contents Small databases can be implemented pretty efficiently using dbm files, but there are still some precautions that must be taken to use them properly under mod_perl. Some of the earliest databases implemented on Unix were dbm files, and many are still in use today. As of this writing the Berkeley DB is the most powerful dbm implementation ( If you need a light database, with an easy API, using simple key-value pairs to store and manipulate a relatively small number of records, this is a solution that should be amongst the first you consider. With dbm, it is rare to read the whole database into memory. The maximum practical size of a dbm database depends on many factors--your data, your hardware and the desired response times of course included--but as a rough guide consider 5,000 to 10,000 records to be reasonable. Several different indexing algorithms (known also as access methods) can be used with dbm implementations: You use it like this:

Gaming Culture: Classic Game Characters in Spore Welcome to Gaming Culture, 1UP's regular in-depth feature on game memes, viral videos, Flash games, or whatever else happens to set the Interwebs ablaze. Have you seen a meme that deserves some exploration? Drop a 1UP message to let us know. Spore, the next and arguably most ambitious project from Sims mastermind Will Wright, has a sneak preview of sorts with the recently-released Spore Creature Creator. Although only one piece of the total Spore experience, players have quickly taken to creating their own cuddly creatures, creepy crawlies, and abominations. Pac-Man by Echo49 First up we have Pac-Man, complete with a Homer Simpson beard and vicious, sharp teeth. Lakitu by Sangreal88 Lakitu, the high-flying enemy from the Mario series, rides atop his cloud. Metroid by Paleohunter05 Metroids have always looked terrifying, which makes Spore a great place to render them. Lolo by EdsDaMan7777 Yellow Devil by Martymart Kirby by rickomax This venerable pink mascot is still kicking and eating. Dr.
