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Alpha launch
L’alpha publique de pearltrees est en ligne, stabilisée, ouverte. Ce n’est bien sur qu’un premier pas vers la vaste communauté d’éditeurs du Web que j’appelais de mes vœux dans le précédent billet. Mais c’est un pas véritable, je crois. Plusieurs centaines d’éditeurs bâtissent en ce moment leur propre Web. Ce Web peut-être drôle ou sérieux, profond ou léger, il peut-être roboratif, contemplatif ou d’actualité. Je reviendrai souvent sur cette carte humaine en train de se construire, sur son sens et peut-être sur son rôle dans le développement du Web. A quoi pearltrees sert-il en général? La question se discute en ce moment dans de forts bons billets et continuera je l’espère très longtemps à se discuter. A quoi pearltrees pourrait-il vous servir, à vous, aujourd’hui, en particulier? 1- A organiser la carte de votre Web. 2- A guider vos amis ou vos lecteurs. 3- A vous laisser guider. … un Web auquel je ne peux que vous inviter à contribuer! Tags: pearltrees; édition du web

Internet Sacred Text Archive Wikibooks University of Virginia Library The Electronic Text Center (1992-2007), known to many as “Etext,” served the University community’s teaching and research needs in the areas of humanities text encoding for over fifteen years. Many of the resources once available on Etext are now available via VIRGO, the primary access point for all U.Va. Library digital texts and images. In the course of migrating thousands of texts from Etext to VIRGO, it was determined that certain resources were not eligible for inclusion. Many of the texts that were not migrated can be found among other university online text collections, Google Books, and Project Gutenberg. We regret any inconvenience this may cause you and we wish you the best with your research. Founded in 1992, the Electronic Text Center at the University of Virginia Library fostered innovation through technology and set an early precedent for the creation and use of digital materials by scholars in the humanities.

Blogging Success – Secrets to Becoming a Successful Blogger | BlogSaays [ Guest Post] Becoming very successful is one of the dreams of everybody. As a blogger, there are beyond reasoning why you would want to become successful in your career. Since there have been many more blogs on the internet than when blogging started initially, a lot of bloggers now have to go through some rather long process of promotion and marketing in order to become successful. Blog Consistently One of the secrets of blogging I’ve learnt and applied to my lunarpages discount and icontact coupon blog is to blog consistently. Remember Magic Mantra: Your Content’s should be unique ,”Content is KING” Show Your Readers True Value Showing your readers true value is one of the secrets to becoming successful as a blogger. Respect the Time of Your Readers One secret successful bloggers and entrepreneurs have learnt is how to value time, not theirs only but that of those they are dealing with inclusive. Take a Good Dose of Marketing About Guest Author:

Free Programming and Computer Science Books Top 10 Free Online Mind Mapping Tools As the name, mind mapping means that to draw your mind or ideas as a map, which are well-known for brainstorm, exploring your brain for many ideas. For mind mapping, you can just use a pen and one paper, but it will be funny and easier if you are using below tools, which are all available for you to create mind maps online for free without anything to download or install. 1. Bubblus Bubblus is very simple and easy to use, you just need to enter and drag. The mind maps can be exported as image, XML or HXML files, and you can also share the mind maps with your friends or embed them into your blogs. Go to Bubblus 2. The mind mapping tool Mindomo lets you search YouTube videos, add images, videos or audio with the exist URLs, upload attachment, and add a lot of symbols. You can export the mind map as PDF, Image, RTF and some other format files. Go to Mindomo 3. You can add many interesting icons on the Mind Map with MindMeister easily. Go to MindMeister 4. Go to Mind42 5. Go to Dabbleboard 6. 7. 8. 9.

ce n'est pas encore tout à fait trié, mais ça donne une bonne idée de quoi est où, et où est qui :) by kerolic May 25
