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Pinboard Site Tour — Better Online Bookmarking! Pinboard is a personal archive for things you find online and don't want to forget. The site has been around since July 2009 and has about 25,000 active users. Why Pinboard? Here are thirteen great reasons to use Pinboard: Pinboard is very fast, even if you have tens of thousands of bookmarks or tags. Please skim over the following to get an idea of how the site works: Bookmarks Here's what a bookmark looks like on Pinboard: A bookmark has a title, URL, a description of unlimited length, and one or more optional tags. If you sign up for archiving (see below), you also get a link to a stored copy of the page, viewable by clicking the little checkbox next to the title. Privacy Pinboard is set up to give you extensive control over privacy. Any bookmark can be marked private, making it invisible to other users. You can configure your account to mark all your bookmarks as private by default. Pinboard also offers private tags. Read Later Read later bookmarks have orange titles and look like this: Notes

Goodbye Delicious, hello Pinboard: why we'll pay for internet plumbing | Tech So long, Delicious. It's been fun, but in the end the combination of Yahoo's indifference and the attempts by your new owners Avos to turn you away from being something like the plumbing for the net, and into a sort-of news windows, haven't worked out for us. The upshot is that we're moving from your free service to the paid-for bookmarking service provided by Pinboard. And our experience might be educative for those who are looking for trends going into the new year. For those not up to speed, which is probably almost everyone: Guardian Technology's linkbucket (as we call it) of links that we think are interesting, which is updated through the day, and then collected each morning for the Boot Up post, has changed. You shouldn't see any difference. Delicious was (we think) the first to do this; we had high hopes for Joshua Schachter's site when it was bought by Yahoo in December 2005. Then things got tight. And since then? Unfortunately our needs weren't for social search.
