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A Showcase for MaKeyMaKey Creations

A Showcase for MaKeyMaKey Creations
Related:  6 - CODING e ROBOTICA

Creative Computing 7 units44 activitiesremixing encouraged download the Scratch 3.0 version of the guide> help learnerscreate new worldswith computing download the Scratch 3.0 version of the guide an introductorycomputing curriculumusing Scratch Scratch 3.0 is here! In celebration of Scratch 3.0, we are hard at work developing a new version of our Creative Computing Curriculum Guide to be released in early 2019! Download Category: Arduino My older son recently started school and needed his own desk for doing homework. I wanted to make something nicer than a simple tabletop with legs, and realized that I could also build in a bit of fun for when the homework is finished. Both my boys and I still had space travel on our minds from our summer trip to Kennedy Space Center. The desk resides under my son's loft bed (which I also built), and stays closed until the homework is finished: When playtime begins, the lid flips up to reveal the Mission Control console: As I mentioned in the video, I painted the underside of the lid with magnetic primer. The programming of the console, which I posted to GitHub, has the Arduino and the Raspberry Pi working cooperatively. The EECOM panel contains four potentiometers that are each mapped to a 12-segment bargraph display. The CAPCOM panel has connections for the headset as well as volume controls. "C&WS" stands for Caution and Warning System.

Molten Salts Could Improve Fuel Economy (ISNS) – An emerging class of engine lubricants with a radically different chemical makeup could significantly improve the fuel economy of cars, according to a recent report from researchers at Oak Ridge National Laboratory in Tennessee and General Motors. These new molecules, called ionic lubricants, could someday be used as additives to the base oil used in motor oil. The compounds would form only a small fraction of the chemicals in re-engineered versions of engine oil, but nevertheless could “save the U.S. tens of millions of barrels of oil annually,” said lead researcher Jun Qu. Engine lubricants balance engine wear with fuel economy. The more free-flowing an oil is, the better the fuel economy. Unlike oil-based molecules, ionic liquids are “molten salts” with positively and negatively charged particles combined in equal measure. Previous work with ionic liquids had shown their promise as improved anti-wear compounds. But they had to test for engine wear.

Atelier MaKeyMaKey // Mer 27 nov | Lieu multiple | création numérique à l'Espace Mendès France Mer. 27 nov. 2013 10h00 à 17h00 Handicaps et interfaces Lieu : Espace Mendès France (salle galilée) Quand : le mercredi 27 novembre de 10h à 12h30 et de 14h30 à 17h Pour qui : Ergothérapeutes, animateurs/trices, éducateurs/trices, étudiants, personnes encadrants des ateliers dédiés à la création/créativités dans le domaine des handicaps… Contact : Espace Mendès France (Poitiers), 1 place de la Cathédrale, 86000 Poitiers Tel pour inscription : mail : 8 participants maximum. Qu’est ce que Makey Makey ? Le slogan permettant de définir makey est : « un kit d’invention pour tout le monde. » Et il n’est pas usurpé… Makey Makey permet de contrôler votre ordinateur portable ou PC à partir de n’importe quel objet imaginable (et du moment qu’il est légèrement conducteur). En effet, tout ce dont vous avez besoin est d’un Makey Makey, de pinces crocodiles et de beaucoup d’imagination ! Pour voir cela rien de ieux que d’aller voir une petite vidéo sur le site : Qui ?

10 block demos for Scratch Sean McManus shares some 10 block demos that demonstrate popular techniques in Scratch When I first started programming on the Amstrad CPC computer, magazines used to publish short listings. People could use them to learn how to program, and as building blocks for their own programs. One of the magazines had a feature called 10-liners, where programmers were invited to show what they could do in 10 lines of Basic. I thought I'd see what I could do in up to 10 blocks of Scratch, and created a series of program cards. Click the cards below for more information and working demos, and feel free to share the cards on your social media channels or with the Scratch coders in your family, class or club. How to add a countdown timer to your game How broadcasts work How to add a password to your Scratch game How to draw any regular shape in Scratch How to draw a circle in Scratch How to make a sprite explode in Scratch How to use a webcam in Scratch How to greet the player by name Any requests?

The Absolute Beginner's Guide to Arduino Over the Christmas break from work I wanted to learn something new. I’ve been eyeing up Arduino for some time now, and for Christmas I got an Arduino UNO R3 board. What is Arduino? Arduino is an open-source electronics prototyping platform based on flexible, easy-to-use hardware and software. It's intended for artists, designers, hobbyists, and anyone interested in creating interactive objects or environments. Source: Microcontroller Arduino is a microcontroller on a circuit board which makes it easy to receive inputs and drive outputs. A microcontroller is a integrated computer on a chip. Inputs Some examples of inputs would be a temperature sensor, a motion sensor, a distance sensor, a switch and so forth. Outputs Some examples of outputs would be a light, a screen, a motor and so forth. Arduino is a small computer that you can program to read and control electrical components connected to it. Obtaining an Arduino Board Often boards are bundled up with starter kits.

DIY Metallurgy: Making your own metals and alloys For many, Formula One is the pinnacle. Not only does it attract some of the best drivers in the world, but its engineers are widely regarded as some of today's most motivated and talented. In an industry where the day job is to push back boundaries, it is unsurprising that many of the materials used are a long way from what you might call, 'standard'. The desire for something better than commercially available materials is what first prompted transmission specialists Xtrac to develop its own unique set of steels. The company which has supplied transmissions to Formula One teams and other classes of motorsport for over two decades made the bold move to do it themselves and develop steels tailored for its specific requirements. "From the early 1990s Xtrac has been producing its own unique recipes of specialist steel," says Martin Halley, chief engineer at Xtrac. Xtrac teamed up with Corus Engineering Steels (now Tata Steel) to develop high strength steel for its transmissions. Comments

Makey Makey | Buy Direct (Official Site) Robotica educativa: guida ai 10 migliori robot La robotica educativa facilita lo studio delle materie scientifiche e tecnologiche a partire dai primi anni di vita, avvicinando i più piccoli al mondo della robotica. Gli strumenti di cui si serve sono ovviamente i robot. Di varie forme e dimensioni, già assemblati o da costruire, ma tutti programmabili. Abbiamo selezionato quelli che sono al momento i 10 migliori robot e kit robot per la robotica educativa. Robotica educativa: Nao robot Nao è un robot umanoide di 58 centimetri prodotto da Aldebaran Robotics, una delle più note aziende di robotica al mondo. Di Nao robot parliamo anche negli articoli: Nao, tutte le informazioni che state cercando su questo robot umanoide Robot Nao, come funziona – Dettagli tecnici Nao robot, prezzo e dettagli sul simpatico umanoide Nao robot, cosa può fare l’umanoide poliglotta Nao Challenge, cos’è e come partecipare Robotica educativa: Lego Mindstorms e Lego WeDo 2.0 Sull’argomento puoi leggere anche l’articolo Come costruire un robot Lego. Per saperne di più:
