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Angular Momentum

Top 50 des publicités Lego et parodies ! Savez-vous ce que signifie lego ? En Danois, leg godt signifie « joue bien ». Par une sympathique coïncidence, Lego signifie également en latin « j’assemble », ce qu’ignorait Ole Kirk Christiansen, le fondateur de la marque en 1932. Les Lego tels que nous les connaissons aujourd’hui existent depuis 1949, alors que la majorité des jouets étaient en bois et que le plastique n’était pas vraiment considéré comme une solution d’avenir. Les briques à plots s’emboîtaient très mal mais l’idée était géniale de simplicité : donner libre cours à l’imagination des enfants pour construire ce que bon leur semble. Les Lego sont nés, et le concept est indémodable, au point même d’inspirer d’autres publicités. Si Lego attise la créativité des enfants, c’est également le cas des publicitaires qui s’en donnent à cœur joie pour recréer un univers fait de Lego. Imagine (Allemagne – 2012) Making History (Allemagne – 2009) Builders of tomorrow (Allemagne – 2011) Dans les années 70, les ampoules recyclables… Ah !

Креативных штуковин пост Rest In Peace: 2 в одном, коробка и инструкция: Кресло "брызги шампанского". Или чего-то ещё: Подушка сисадминская, для крепкого сна: Для фуршетов: Кофе + разминка: Лёд для коктейлей: Малогабаритное: Теперь ткань можно не только порезать, но и избить: Тюнинг шлемов для введения гаишников в заблуждение: Будильник-паззл, пока не соберёшь - не выключится: Бесполезно, но красиво - телефон в стиле "иконки": Аватар 3D. Скотч, просто скотч. Эти пазы - для наматывания пакетика. Противоугонный велосипед: Фитнесс для мозга: Ещё одна бесполезная, но прикольная идея: Весы-диетолог: Зонтик с бутылкой: Странная идея, учитывая, что дождь в наше время - не очень чистая штука. Купальная шапочка с имитацией: Бумажные салфетки и немного магии: Карандаши с поддержкой режима "зажать между носом и верхней губой": Настольный светильник своими руками: Вино на розлив в одноразовых бокалах: Кресло-качалка-лежалка-сиделка: И в финале - "модная еда".

Nihilism i can read 1001 rules for my unborn son Nerd Humour Paperman by Disney CURRENTLY OFFLINE—A 2013 Oscar nominee, an urban office worker finds that paper airplanes are instrumental in meeting a girl in ways he never expected. For the second straight year, the favorite in the Oscar Short Subject: Animation category has appeared online. The Fantastic Flying Books of Morris Lessmore only lasted a week before before the various contractual obligations of the nominees’ theatrical run and iTunes sales convinced Moonbot Studios to pull the film back. Will Disney buck those forces though? You should probably watch Paperman right now! Uploaded yesterday to the disneyanimation YouTube account, this groundbreaking short film is surprisingly now available for free public viewing. The key phrase is “classical-looking”. While animation-geekery has powered most of the Paperman buzz, narratively it is a very refined and cute story worthy of highlight outside of technique, and fans of romantic comedy and, of course, older Disney features will take great pleasure in the work.

30+ Pieces of Inspiring, Funny and Interesting Advice Everyday, as I scour the web looking for interesting things to post about, I run across a few of these pictures. They're signs or little pieces of advice that pop up like presents on the screen. These life lessons remind me to stop and enjoy life. Here, I've compiled over 30 of my favorite signs or posters. Also, check out30+ Pieces of Inspiring, Funny and Interesting Advice, Part II! If you have some of your own, please share them with us in the comments section! Which one is your favorite? Related:Simple Sayings, Complex Meanings By ExplodingDog (12 Total)

Perception Secret Archives | Post Secret Archive - Part 5 Mar 26 Tweet Versa: But I am still crazy about her. I’m afraid Jan 8 My parents think I am checking my email when I’m reading online erotica. I really enjoy funerals. I believe my dead grandmother watches me with great disappointment every time I masturbate. Do you have a secret to tell? Jan 7

Thinking Water is dangerous This was found on the newsgroup: rec.humor.funny A student at Eagle Rock Junior High won first prize at the Greater Idaho Falls Science Fair, April 26. He was attempting to show how conditioned we have become to alarmists practicing junk science and spreading fear of everything in our environment. In his project he urged people to sign a petition demanding strict control or total elimination of the chemical "dihydrogen monoxide." And for plenty of good reasons, since: it can cause excessive sweating and vomiting it is a major component in acid rain it can cause severe burns in its gaseous state accidental inhalation can kill you it contributes to erosion it decreases effectiveness of automobile brakes it has been found in tumors of terminal cancer patients He asked 50 people if they supported a ban of the chemical. He feels the conclusion is obvious.
