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Strong Memes

All of the Memes: Internet Memes Come to College Campuses There’s a new phenomenon that’s invading college campuses across the country . It is capturing the minds and study time of the college population. The Internet Meme has finally come to campus. If you’re a current student at Syracuse University, you’ve more than likely stumbled upon the SU Memes Facebook page by now. It’s a collection of commonly used and original memes making funny observations about student life at SU. But checking my Facebook feed, I quickly realized SU wasn’t the only school with a meme page. “Meme” (rhymes with “dream”, also with “theme” and “cream”, just don’t say “meh-meh”) is the scientific term for a unit of information that virally spreads cultural ideas within a group of people. The Internet meme takes this meme concept into the information age, spreading cultural material at a ferocious pace never seen before. An important aspect of memes lies in their ability to evolve. More Posts

Is Social Intelligence More Useful than IQ? VHIL: Virtual Human Interaction Lab - Stanford University Social Neuroscience Laboratory: Research Research Interests Developmental neurobiology and genetics of social behaviors, including social affiliative and aggressive behaviors, in mouse models relevant to autism and schizophrenia spectrum disorders. Research Summary Our laboratory is interested in the neurobiological and genetic mechanisms of social behavior development, particularly the development of social affiliative and aggressive behaviors. Certain highly heritable neuropsychiatric disorders, including autism and schizophrenia spectrum disorders, are characterized by disabling disruptions of socio-emotional behaviors (e.g. affiliative behaviors, aggressive behaviors) and social cognition. Our laboratory is focused on the following major questions of interest: What are the neurobiological mechanisms that underlie the tendency to seek or avoid affiliative social interactions?

Theory of Social Intelligence What is Social Intelligence (SI)? Social Intelligence (SI) is the ability to get along well with others, and to get them to cooperate with you. Sometimes referred to simplistically as "people skills," SI includes an awareness of situations and the social dynamics that govern them, and a knowledge of interaction styles and strategies that can help a person achieve his or her objectives in dealing with others. From the standpoint of interpersonal skills, Karl Albrecht classifies behavior toward others as falling somewhere on a spectrum between "toxic" effect and "nourishing" effect. Is SI a part of personality? No. The old idea that a person's potential in life can be measured and predicted by a single number - his or her "IQ" score - has lost a great deal of credibility during the last decade or so. Professor Gardner has proposed various categories of intelligence over the years of his research, typically suggesting seven of them. Can SI be measured? Yes. Can SI be learned, or developed?

Genetic Link Between Physical Pain And Social Rejection Found UCLA psychologists have determined for the first time that a gene linked with physical pain sensitivity is associated with social pain sensitivity as well. Their study indicates that variation in the mu-opioid receptor gene (OPRM1), often associated with physical pain, is related to how much social pain a person feels in response to social rejection. People with a rare form of the gene are more sensitive to rejection and experience more brain evidence of distress in response to rejection than those with the more common form. The research was published Aug. 14 in the early online edition of Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences and will appear in the print version in the coming weeks. In the study, researchers collected saliva samples from 122 participants to assess which form of the OPRM1 gene they had and then measured sensitivity to rejection in two ways. First, participants completed a survey that measured their self-reported sensitivity to rejection. Shelley E.

Social Intelligence Lab Social/emotional intelligence and midli... [Am J Orthopsychiatry. 2000
