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Let's describe the whole Earth!

Let's describe the whole Earth!

Google Maps Mania easyJet Google Maps API Version 2: 05/18/2006 Flightline Essex Google Maps Extensions - GISWiki Für MediaWiki existieren mitlerweile eine Reihe von Erweiterungen, die das Einbinden von Google Maps ermöglichen. Google Maps Extensions/GISWiki Einer der ersten Extensions war die "Google Maps Extensions", die hier im GISWiki das erste mal vorgestellt wurde. <map>Latitude|Longitude|ZoomFactor|URL|URL-Text|URL-Image|Image-Height</map> Google Maps Extensions/GMap Eine sehr interessante Weiterentwicklung stellt die "GMap"-Google Maps Extensions. <gmap lat="40.74800" long="-73.88600" zoom="5" helper="line" width="500" height="400" precision="5" type="satellite"> points: 40.763905|-73.826374|Flushing YMCA. <gmap lat="53.0419921875" long="8.85000228881836" zoom="10" width="500" height="300"> points: 53.0419921875|8.85000228881836| I live there! Weitere Google Maps Extensions Google Maps Extensions/GISWiki Google Maps Extensions/GMap

Maps API Version 2 Reference Version 2 of the JavaScript API has been turned down Warning: Version 2 of the Google Maps JavaScript API is no longer available. Please follow the guide to migrate your code to version 3 of the Google Maps JavaScript API. The Google Maps API is now integrated with the Google AJAX API loader, which creates a common namespace for loading and using multiple Google AJAX APIs. For example, the GMap2 object within the Google Maps API can also be defined as google.maps.Map2. Note that this reference documentation refers only to the existing G namespace. Core Class: This is the most important class within the Maps API. Base Classes: Event Classes: Control Classes: Overlay Classes: Service Classes: class GMap2 Instantiate class GMap2 in order to create a map. Constructor Methods Configuration Controls Map Types Map State Modify the Map State Overlays Info Window Coordinate Transformations Rotation Events Back to top class GBounds GBounds is a rectangular area of the map in pixel coordinates. Properties Function

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