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Stop Talking About Social and Do It - Nilofer Merchant

Stop Talking About Social and Do It - Nilofer Merchant
“Leadership” has changed when a decentralized group of people can take down a government. “The Value Chain” has changed when the customer is no longer just the “buyer” but also a co-creator. “Human Resources” have changed when most of the people who create value for your organization are neither hired nor paid by you. “Competition” has changed when individuals can create value through a centralized network of resources: for example, designing a product from anywhere, producing it through a 3D factory, financing it through community and distribution from anywhere to anywhere. Yet our business models have not changed to keep pace with these shifts. This five-part series has shared case studies and examples of how the social era affects all areas of the business model: how we create, deliver, and capture value. Here’s a quick visual summary of what we’ve covered so far: These changes are not transitory or reversible, but fundamental and irrevocable. From paid to purpose-driven.

Will Facebook Timeline for Pages Help or Hurt Brands? Facebook Timeline has arrived for brand Pages. As expected, it's a radical departure from what brands are used to on the network. The update incorporates a plethora of new features for Page administrators to take advantage of. But there will be a learning curve, and plenty of trial-and-error along the way. So the question is: Will Timeline help or hurt brands? Mashable recently sought out an expert to learn more. "It's an opportunity for brands to tell more engaging stories on Facebook than they can now," Schafer said. But that focus can be a double edged sword, he added. "I think we'll see the chasm grown between the highly engaging and less engaging brands," Schafer said. Schafer pointed to brands with segmented operations as ones who will struggle compared to those who are able to concisely define what they do under one umbrella. "There's going to be a little bit of chaos when brands try to figure out what to do with all those tabs that they've got," he said.

Weber Shandwick - Home - Careers - Current Vacancies The Communications Practice in Brussels provides strategic PR and PA advice for leading consumer and corporate brands active in a wide range of industries. The work includes corporate brand positioning, traditional and social media relations, crisis management, reputation management, corporate social responsibility and stakeholder engagement,. Your position: You will be responsible for managing and growing key Belgian corporate client relationships and your team’s account portfolio. With your understanding of the Belgian market you are able to help develop Weber Shandwick’s Corporate PR/PA business in Belgium. This includes building strategic communication and stakeholder engagement programs aligned with your client’s goals. You can effectively delegate projects to your team, motivate and offer counsel to team members and allocate agency resources in accordance with your client’s budget. Our offer:A competitive salary with excellent benefits and a stimulating international environment.

Study Finds Enterprise 2.0 Reaps Results A report published last week illuminates just how some organizations are using social tools inside and outside their enterprise and what results they’re seeing, and it’s worth a read. The report “When Social Meets Business Real Work Gets Done” shows tangible gains from the use of social initiatives within organizations of all sizes. Written by MIT professor Andrew McAfee, the paper reveals the results of an AIIM study that looked at the progress of social business technologies in organizations from 10 to over 5,000 employees, with a focus on three use cases: sales and marketing collaboration, open innovation and enterprise Q&A. "All three areas addressed by the Task Force demonstrate that when people engage properly with each other and with technology, trust, self-organization, and good business results emerge," McAfee said in a press release. Some of the key findings:

Les marques ne maîtrisent pas les réseaux sociaux "Gagner et conserver ses clients devient de plus en plus compliqué", déclare Frédérique Bonhomme, directrice de projet au sein de la Digital Factory de TNS Sofres. L’institut d’études dévoile, en exclusivité pour, les principaux résultats de l’étude internationale "Digital life" (72 000 consommateurs online interrogés dans 60 pays), qu’elle présentera avec Adobe, le 2 février 2012, à Paris. L’étude révèle que 57 % des habitants des pays développés(1) ne veulent pas s’engager vis-à-vis des marques sur les médias sociaux ; un taux qui est légèrement supérieur en France (59 %). De plus, au plan international, 47 % postent des commentaires en ligne sur les marques, alors qu’ils ne sont que 29 % en France. Selon la directrice de projet, les marques devraient éviter le "gaspillage on line" et s’atteler au digital avec plus de précautions et de précision, surtout lorsqu’elles souhaitent approfondir la relation avec leurs clients et prospects. Comprendre le marché français

Social Business By Design Data: Composition of a Corporate Social Media Team How are today’s social media teams structured? Ever wonder who’s behind those corporate Twitter and Facebook accounts? Think there’s more to it than an intern just tweeting haphazardly? This data, in the below graphic, is compiled from Altimeter’s recent survey to 144 global national corporations with over 1000 employees shows how today’s teams in 2011 are breaking down. Finding: A Social Media Team Consists of Four Major FunctionsWhile the team size may vary, it’s important to understand the components of a team. Leadership Team: We found 1.5 folks are focused on leadership and vision, the most common title is the Corporate Social Strategist, and we published a research report discussing the aspirations and challenges of this Open Leader, and how they organize internally. Applying This Data To Your Program Averages are helpful, but only if we can apply this to your business, and because it’s not easy to publish about all the variations, here’s how to apply it to your business:

In India, Facebook used to find blood donors in emergencies Gain instant and exclusive access to over 5,000 of the most creative ideas, innovations and startups on our database and use our smart filters to take you direct to those that are most relevant to your industry and your needs. Not interested? You can still browse articles published in the last 30 days from our homepage and receive your daily and weekly fix of entrepreneurial ideas through our free newsletters.

Studiedag politie en brandweer - Slaat het noodlot toe? Sociale media inzetten bij crisissituaties - Gent Het Pukkelpopdrama, de treinramp in Buizingen, de steekpartij in Dendermonde. Deze rampen staan in het geheugen gegrift. We kunnen ook veel leren uit deze droeve gebeurtenissen, vooral op het vlak van communicatie. Politie, brandweer en hulpdiensten zijn goed voorbereid op noodsituaties. Ze brengen mensen in veiligheid, verzorgen slachtoffers en herstellen de orde. Vooral hulpverleningsdiensten voelen de vraag naar actuele en accurate communicatie. Slaat het noodlot toe? Hoe ga je om met sociale media in crisissituaties? Tijdens de studiedag ‘Slaat het noodlot toe’ op dinsdag 7 februari in Gent bekijken we de mogelijkheden om sociale media nog beter in te zetten bij crisissituaties. Schrijf je hier vooraf in, graag vóór 1 februari.

Risk managers bezorgd om sociale media | FDMagazine Sociale media en de mogelijkheid die ze bieden een risico te vormen voor de reputatie van een bedrijf of diens vertrouwelijke informatie, vormen een significant risico voor Europese bedrijven. Zo blijkt uit een studie die gevoerd werd door de Federation of European Risk Management Associations (FERMA) in samenwerking met het Institute of Risk Management (IRM), waarin risk professionals werd gevraagd welke drie cyberrisico’s volgens hen de belangrijkste bedreiging vormen voor bedrijven in het algemeen en voor hun organisatie in het bijzonder. Bijna de helft van de respondenten haalde het risico op imagoschade via sociale media aan als risico voor bedrijven in het algemeen. Eén op vijf voegde daar ook het risico op het lekken van vertrouwelijke informatie via sociale media aan toe. Verder bleek uit de studie dat de meeste bedrijven een policy hebben rond het gebruik van sociale media (65%) of bezig zijn er een te implementeren (14%).

Instant Websites for Nonprofits | Bellstrike Turn your Google+ profile into a blog with Plusses We recently showed you how to import your Google+ posts into your WordPress blog using a nifty little plugin created by Daniel Treadwell. The plugin has proved to be popular with the Google+ crowd, and Daniel has taken the service one step further and has launched a new service which allows you to use Google+ as an independent blogging platform. Google+’s interface is pretty cool, especially when it comes to sharing photos, but if you want your Google+ profile to look more like a blog, Plusses is exactly what you’re looking for. All you have to do is sign in using your Google account, and all of your public Google+ posts are instantly displayed as blog posts. At the moment, Plusses is pretty customizable. Another much appreciated feature is the ability to select which posts appear on your blog. There are of course some cons to using Plusses. Would you use Google+ as a blogging platform?

Social Media Vacatures Social Media Customer Service is a Failure! Brian Solis inShare324 Part three in a series introducing The End of Business as Usual…Written by Frank Eliason (@frankeliason) Certainly not a statement you would expect to hear from the person formerly known as @ComcastCares, but I think it is an important perspective to consider if we are to build stronger relationships with customers. As I look around I see many interesting aspects of social media from large and small businesses. and I am very excited to see companies trying new things to reach their customers. But we are now moving in a new direction and I think too few see it yet. Today I am SVP of Social Media for Citibank (of course thoughts here are my own). - It all starts with trust - Stories are the most powerful way to create & reinforce change - Human connections are against the grain for many businesses, but imperative for social media success - Many people are trying to make money off business leaders who do not understand social media (and they are being successful at it) #AdaptorDie

Social Media and Crisis Management - Iabc- Eventbrite Invalid quantity. Please enter a quantity of 1 or more. The quantity you chose exceeds the quantity available. Please enter your name. Please enter an email address. Please enter a valid email address. Please enter your message or comments. Please enter the code as shown on the image. Please select the date you would like to attend. Please enter a valid email address in the To: field. Please enter a subject for your message. Please enter a message. You can only send this invitations to 10 email addresses at a time. $$$$ is not a properly formatted color. Please limit your message to $$$$ characters. $$$$ is not a valid email address. Please enter a promotional code. Sold Out Pending You have exceeded the time limit and your reservation has been released. The purpose of this time limit is to ensure that registration is available to as many people as possible. This option is not available anymore. Please read and accept the waiver. All fields marked with * are required. US Zipcodes need to be 5 digits. Map
