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Everyday Paleo

Everyday Paleo

Primal Energy Bar Redux: Making a Better Bar When you talk, we listen. You loved the Primal Energy Bar recipe we featured in September, but the comment section lit up with suggestions about how to modify and improve the recipe. Specifically, you guys wanted to up the protein ante, with commenter Paul recommending adding a few scoops of protein powder, and Anna offering some great suggestions for firming up what was originally a pretty fragile bar (because, lets face it, eating your protein bar with a spoon kind of defeats the purpose!) So with that, we went to our unofficial Mark’s Daily Apple kitchen to put it to the test! The following is the new and improved official Mark’s Daily Apple Primal Energy Bar: Primal Energy Bar Recipe: Ingredients: 1/2 cup slivered almonds 1/2 cup pecans 1/4 cup unsweetened shredded coconut 1/4 cup almond butter (although cashew, hazelnut, walnut and even pumpkin butters will work well too!) Method: On a cookie sheet, toast nuts and shredded coconut until golden brown. Nutrition Information: Calories: 184

Paleo Diet Is The Prescription – A Physician Gets It Right! | Robb Wolf | The Paleo Solution book and podcast | Paleo diet, Paleolithic nutrition, intermittent fasting, and fitness Ancestral Health Lifestyle This lifestyle is simple. Cut out processed foods and eat only real foods found in nature. Specifically vegetables, a few fruits, and meats/poultry/fish without breading or any bread products. Avoid all grains, dairy, legumes and potatoes. Carbohydrates Although the Paleolithic lifestyle is a kind of low carbohydrate diet, not all low carbohydrate diets are necessarily healthy. Supplements The only vitamins or supplements recommended for the initial period include Vitamin D 2000 IU daily and fish oil capsules 1 gm with each meal or cod liver oil. Calories Do not count calories or fat. Sweeteners I recommend none. Beverages Drink water or herbal teas. Paleo Quick Start For the first 2 weeks stop all sugars, pastas, potatoes, breads, rice, pop, diet pop, artificial sweeteners, cereals, dairy products, fruits, and all grains. Cut net carbohydrates to less than 25 net carbohydrates per day. For breakfast try bacon, sausages, ham or steak with eggs. Recommended Reading

off the (meat)hook Paleo Breakfast : Recipes for a Paleo Breakfast Girl Gone Primal Jimmy Moore's Livin' La Vida Low Carb Blog Coming up on Thursday, I’ll be hopping on a plane from Spartanburg, South Carolina down to the ATX known as Austin, Texas for the annual Paleo(f)x conference featuring a virtual who’s who of anybody and everybody who calls the Paleo community home. I’ve been honored to be a part of this event in person annually since it was launched in 2012 by being a moderator, panelist and my infamous LIVE-tweeting (follow me at @livinlowcarbman or keep up with the running Paleo(f)x feed from everyone tweeting at the event at #PFX14 beginning on Friday morning at 8:40AM CT). Even if you can’t be there this year, they’re giving YOU a chance to LIVE-stream it to your computer or device as it is happening. This year I’ll be moderating three panels: Navigating Your Non-Paleo Physician (What’s Up Doc?) In honor of this momentous event coming up this week, I thought it would be fun to take a look at the Speaker Page and do something special for the people listed there. Robb Wolf: Leader, Geek, Mentor Dr.

Slim Palate The Primalist

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