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David Deutsch – On Artificial Intelligence

David Deutsch – On Artificial Intelligence
It is uncontroversial that the human brain has capabilities that are, in some respects, far superior to those of all other known objects in the cosmos. It is the only kind of object capable of understanding that the cosmos is even there, or why there are infinitely many prime numbers, or that apples fall because of the curvature of space-time, or that obeying its own inborn instincts can be morally wrong, or that it itself exists. Nor are its unique abilities confined to such cerebral matters. The cold, physical fact is that it is the only kind of object that can propel itself into space and back without harm, or predict and prevent a meteor strike on itself, or cool objects to a billionth of a degree above absolute zero, or detect others of its kind across galactic distances. But no brain on Earth is yet close to knowing what brains do in order to achieve any of that functionality. Why? Despite this long record of failure, AGI must be possible. Turing fully understood universality. Related:  Speculating about AI & its Progress

IBM senses change with its annual “5-in-5” list for 2012 As the year nears its close, IBM, as it has every year since 2006, has pulled out the crystal ball and given us its predictions of five innovations that it believes will impact our lives in the next five years. For this year’s “5-in-5” list, IBM has taken a slightly different approach, with each entry on the list relating to our senses. The company believes cognitive computing whereby computers learn rather than passively relying on programming will be at the core of these innovations, enabling systems that will enhance and augment each of our five senses. View all Touch In the past five years touch screens have become a part of everyday life for most of us, but IBM believes the technology will develop to include haptic feedback so that we will also be able to feel the texture of objects being displayed. Sight Hearing The baby translator created by Homer’s brother, Herb, in The Simpsons will be a reality within five years, according to IBM. Taste Smell Source: IBM

The Third Conference on Artificial General Intelligence Lugano, Switzerland, March 5-8 (Fri-Mon) 2010 Continuing the mission of the first two AGI conferences (AGI-08, that was held at the University of Memphis; and AGI-09, that was held in Washington DC), in March 2010, AGI-10 will gather an international group of leading academic and industry researchers involved in serious scientific and engineering work aimed directly toward the goal of artificial general intelligence. This is the only major conference series devoted wholly and specifically to the creation of AI systems possessing general intelligence at the human level and ultimately beyond. Artificial General Intelligence The original goal of the AI field was the construction of “thinking machines” – that is, computer systems with human-like general intelligence. In recent years, however, more and more researchers have recognized the necessity – and feasibility – of returning to the original goals of the field.

Brain is a quantum computer Predicting The Future: Fantasy Or A Good Algorithm? After failing to predict the Arab Spring, intelligence officials are now exploring whether Big Data, the combing of billions of pieces of disparate electronic information, can help them identify hot spots before they explode. The intelligence community has always been in the business of forecasting the future. The question is whether tapping into publicly available data — Twitter and news feeds and blogs among other things — can help them do that faster and more precisely. Enter a Swedish-American start-up company called Recorded Future. "What we're trying to do here at Recorded Future is figure out a cool way that we can observe the world," says co-founder Christopher Ahlberg. The idea is to give users an ability to see events or relationships in sequence to make it easier to find patterns and relationships that traditional Big Data programs might miss. 'Time Is Often A Forgotten Dimension' As Ahlberg sees it, there are hints about the future everywhere. This isn't a new idea.

3 Ways AI-Generated Content Will Change the E-Learning Industry The day-to-day problems concerned with creating e-learning courses are all too familiar for those in the industry. While authoring and LMS tools has improved significantly it is still very difficult to scale video production. But with the advent of AI-driven tools for video creation companies will be able to deliver better and more customised courses at a much faster pace than what is possible today. Today, creating large volumes of content for courses becomes a regular pain, from location/studio problems to reshoots, and scheduling issues to the constant back and forth between clients. E-learning courses can also be difficult to localise, which brings its own audience limitations. Today, customers are used to personalised experiences. There needs to be solutions for the problems faced by those in the e-learning industry - and AI technology might just be the answer. Photoshop changed the image editing industry. 1. AI-generated content turns such problems on its head. 2. 3.

Zoek en vind literatuur over terugkerende… Can We Make the Hardware Necessary for Artificial Intelligence? My POV is hardware driven, I do electronic design. I don’t present myself as “an authority” on Artificial Intelligence, much less “an authority” on sentient artificial intelligence, until they are Real Things, there is no such thing as an authority in that field. That said, if the hardware doesn’t exist to support sentient AI, doesn’t matter how wonderful the software is.

10 Best AI Tools for Education (2023) - Unite.AI Most of the conversation surrounding artificial intelligence (AI) tools is often directed at business, but there is enormous potential for AI to drastically improve our educational systems. It is one of the most effective tools teachers can have at their disposal, and it often frees them up from administrative burdens. These technologies will not replace teachers, but rather enable them to spend more time on students’ education. AI is growing rapidly in the education sector, and it is becoming a multi-billion dollar global market. Many innovative companies are creating AI tools to achieve these results. 1. The Gradescope AI tool enables students to assess each other while providing feedback, which are often time-consuming tasks without AI technology. By outsourcing these tasks, teachers can focus on the more important ones. Here some of the main features of Gradescope: What is Gradescope? 2. Fetchy is a generative AI-powered platform designed specifically for educators. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

Bibliografie frame analysis methodiek Frame Analysis Review Articles Benford, Robert D. and David A. D'Angelo, Paul. 2002. Entman, Robert M. 1993. Hallahan, Kirk. 1999. Scheufele, Dietram A. 1999. Other Articles and Monographs Aarts, Kees and Holli A. Abolafia, Mitchel Y. 2004. Adams, Jacqueline. 2002. Aday, Sean and James Devitt. 2001. Adrian, Bonnie. 2003. . Alexander, Jeffrey C. 2004. Alkon, Alison H. 2004. Allen, L D. Almeida, Paul D. 2003. Althaus, Scott L., Jill a. Altheide, David L. 2002. ———. 2004. ———. 2004. Alvord, Sarah H., L D. Andrews, Kenneth T. and Bob Edwards. 2004. Andsager, Julie L. 2000. Andsager, Julie L., Erica W. Andsager, Julie L., Erica W. Andsager, Julie L., Stacey J. Andsager, Julie L. and Angela Powers. 1999. Andsager, Julie L. Anheier, Helmut and Jeremy Kendall. 2002. Anheier, Helmut K., Friedhelm Neidhardt, and Wolfgang Vortkamp. 1998. Anim-Addo, Joan. 1996. . Appelrouth, Scott a. 1999. Arnold, R. Ashley, Laura and Beth Olson. 1998. Auerbach, Yehudith and Yaeli Bloch-Elkon. 2005. ———. 1997.

Are the robots about to rise? Google's new director of engineering thinks so… | Technology | The Observer It's hard to know where to start with Ray Kurzweil. With the fact that he takes 150 pills a day and is intravenously injected on a weekly basis with a dizzying list of vitamins, dietary supplements, and substances that sound about as scientifically effective as face cream: coenzyme Q10, phosphatidycholine, glutathione? With the fact that he believes that he has a good chance of living for ever? But then everyone's allowed their theories. And now? But it's what came next that puts this into context. Google has bought almost every machine-learning and robotics company it can find, or at least, rates. And those are just the big deals. There are no "ifs" in Ray Kurzweil's vocabulary, however, when I meet him in his new home – a high-rise luxury apartment block in downtown San Francisco that's become an emblem for the city in this, its latest incarnation, the Age of Google. Bill Gates calls him "the best person I know at predicting the future of artificial intelligence". So far, so sci-fi.

How to Use AI to Create Great Course Content Did ChatGPT’s temporary shutdown wreak havoc on society? Absolutely. Does that take away from the fact that artificial intelligence (AI) can potentially transform content creation for your digital customer academy? Absolutely not. This article looks at the rise of AI, its application in the world of content creation and, most importantly, how you can use the technology to create content your customers will love. Jump to Content The Rise of Artificial Intelligence (AI) Person of Interest is one of my all-time favorite TV shows. Still, there are plenty of people giddy about the technology. In North America alone, total revenues from the artificial intelligence market are expected to reach $128.8b by 2028, up from $6.8b in 2017. The use cases for AI are endless but most commonly tied to industries like healthcare, financial services, transportation, retail, energy, and manufacturing. In healthcare, for example, healthcare professionals (HCPs) will likely use AI for data-based diagnostic support.

Robots aren’t getting smarter — we’re getting dumber Huge artificial intelligence news! Our robot overlords have arrived! A “supercomputer” has finally passed the Turing Test! Except, well, maybe not. Here’s what actually happened: For five whole minutes, a chatbot managed to convince one out of three judges that it was “Eugene Goostman” — a 13-year-old Ukrainian boy with limited English skills. Alan Turing would not be impressed. So, raspberries to the Guardian and the Independent for uncritically buying into the University of Reading’s press campaign. But, the bogosity of Eugene Goostman’s artificial intelligence does not mean that we shouldn’t be on guard for marauding robots. Proof of this arrives in research conducted by a group of Argentinian computer scientists in the paper Reverse Engineering Socialbot Infiltration Strategies in Twitter. Out of 120 bots, 38 were suspended. More surprisingly, the socialbots that generated synthetic tweets (rather than just reposting) performed better too. (Emphasis mine.) Hey, guess what?

The Power of AI in Education: Creating Impactful Content with AI Tools is an AI-based presentation maker designed to help educators create impactful presentations quickly and easily. It offers a variety of features, including real-time editing, automated presentation customization, and intelligent content curation. The AI platform enables users to quickly select the right content for each slide, while also optimizing the overall design, layout, and animation. Furthermore, it enables users to save time by automating tasks like formatting slides, creating images and illustrations, and providing feedback on the presentations. also provides an in-depth analytics dashboard, allowing users to monitor the performance of their presentations in real-time. Overall, is an AI-based presentation maker that can help educators create powerful and engaging presentations with minimal effort.
