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Education and culture

Education and culture

Ressources pour mieux connaître l'Europe Connaître l'Union européenne Les sites pour découvrir et faire découvrir l'Union européenne aux élèves. touteleurope : portail français sur le questions européennes ec.europa : le site de la Commission Européenne vie publique : présentation des institutions européennes l'annuaire de l'administration la Documentation française : publications sur l'Europe Enseigner Une liste d'exemples d'enseignements qui mettent en avant la dimension européenne. Manuel d'histoire franco-allemand Enseigner les langues vivantes Développement durable "Une Europe à découvrir" (fiches pédagogiques) Santé S'informer sur l'éducation en Europe Les sites qui permettent de connaître les enjeux de l'éducation en Europe. Direction générale de l'éducation et de la culture de la Commission européenne Eurydice : information sur les systèmes et les politiques d'enseignement en Europe Centre international d'études pédagogiques (CIEP) ONISEP : étudier en Europe Europass euroguidance : s'orienter, étudier et se former en Europe "UNI!"

DG Taxation and Customs Union European Commission Taxation and Customs Union Accessibility tools Go to content Service tools Language selector Navigation path HOMESubscribe to newsletterSitemap Taxation Customs Page navigation Additional tools In the limelight Video and web page in 23 languages: "The Missing part" What's new? MEMO/14/293 – April infringements package: main decisions See the four taxation cases involving Hungary, Ireland and the Netherlands. VAT 2017: Work started on Explanatory notes on services connected with immovable property Customs: Have your say on Binding Tariff Information! The survey is open until 25th April, 2014. In exempting the private production of small quantities of spirits from excise duty, Hungary has infringed EU law, says EU Court of Justice See the Court's press release No 62/14. A Member State may not exclude from a tax exemption dividends paid by nationally established companies to an investment fund outside the EU in certain cases, says EU Court of Justice

Que faire après le baccalauréat ? B.T.S., D.U.T., C.P.G.E., universités, grandes écoles, écoles spécialisées : le baccalauréat ouvre les portes de l'enseignement supérieur. En fonction de la série de son bac, le futur étudiant s'oriente vers les filières de l'enseignement supérieur qui lui correspondent. Les bacheliers technologiques et professionnels vont plutôt se diriger vers des études techniques supérieures telles que les B.T.S., D.U.T., pour lesquelles ils bénéficient de conditions particulières d’admission. Les bacheliers généraux vers des cursus plus longs : universités, grandes écoles. Les formations courtes Les formations courtes, deux années d'études après le baccalauréat, concernent les secteurs des affaires, de l'industrie ou des services. Les diplômes Diplôme universitaire de technologie : le D.U.T. est une formation professionnalisée en deux ans accessible après le baccalauréat ou équivalent. Brevet de technicien supérieur : le B.T.S. se prépare en section de technicien supérieur dans un lycée.

DG Environment Additional tools The Directorate-General for the Environment is one of the more than 40 Directorates-General and services that make up the European Commission. Commonly referred to as DG Environment, the objective of the Directorate-General is to protect, preserve and improve the environment for present and future generations. To achieve this it proposes policies that ensure a high level of environmental protection in the European Union and that preserve the quality of life of EU citizens. The DG makes sure that Member States correctly apply EU environmental law. In doing so it investigates complaints made by citizens and non-governmental organisations and can take legal action if it is deems that EU law has been infringed. The DG also finances projects that contribute to environmental protection in the EU. Environment Action Programme to 2020 Improving environmental management at the European Commission Documents EMAS Environmental statement EMAS Environmental policy

DG Competition Competition Policy in the European Union The European Commission, together with the national competition authorities, directly enforces EU competition rules, Articles 101-109 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the EU (TFEU), to make EU markets work better, by ensuring that all companies compete equally and fairly on their merits. This benefits consumers, businesses and the European economy as a whole. Within the Commission, the Directorate-General (DG) for Competition is primarily responsible for these direct enforcement powers. Structure and staff DG Competition is headed by Alexander ItalianerOrganigram enfr The Chief Competition Economist works in DG Competition, reporting directly to the Director General to provide independent economic advice on cases and policy.The Hearing Officers, Mr Joos Stragier and Mr Wouter Wils, are independent of the Directorate General for Competition and report directly to the Competition Commissioner. Work opportunities Annual Report on Competition Policy

DG Economic and Financial Affairs Greece: 4th review of the Second Economic Adjustment Programme Building on the impressive fiscal consolidation effort in recent years, Greece has exceeded its fiscal target in 2013, as a primary surplus in programme terms has been recorded. Both soft indicators and hard data point to a bottoming out of the protracted economic recession, and confirm the programme expectation that Greece should return to economic growth in 2014. Portugal: 11th review of the Economic Adjustment Programme The report published today assesses the implementation of Portugal's Economic Adjustment Programme. The programme implementation is broadly on track. Latvia: fifth Post-Programme Surveillance mission The assessment of post-programme developments is mixed. Latvia enjoys fast GDP growth rates and the outlook for 2014 and 2015 is overall encouraging, but some problems remain to be addressed with a greater sense of urgency. A smooth euro changeover in Latvia

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