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Best Online Productivity Tools for 2012

Best Online Productivity Tools for 2012
Sharebar There are so many online services, platforms, applications and tools, it can be difficult to wade through it all. So I’ve updated an older list of productivity tools for the coming year. These are some of the best tools I use or found through research and recommendations. Tools that help us become more efficient, organized and productive are important. That way we can accomplish more and stop work at noon every day, right? Why Online? When all of your important stuff is available online, you can access it from anywhere. With most of these tools you don’t have to download or install anything. Backing up your work online keeps you productive because they say to save everything in three places. Mozy is often recommended as the backup tool of choice. Dropbox has an understated and simply intuitive interface. Bookmarking and clipping the web keep you productive because you don’t have to do a deep search all around the web for that article you saw two months ago.

Google запускает OpenClass LMS | Дистанционный обучатель Уследить за развитием всех продуктов Google сегодня практически невозможно. Каждый месяц эта корпорация выпускает десятки обновлений и запускает новые сервисы. Так cлучилось и в прошедшем месяце. На рынке “Систем управления обучением” (LMS) доминируют дорогостоящие комплексные решения, типа BlackBoard, и open-source продукты, которые бесплатны, но имеют сложный процесс установки и настройки, типа Moodle. Зачем нам OpenClass? Родителей новорожденного мы представили, давайте теперь поговорим о самом продукте. Кто-то из вас может спросить: “А как же бесплатный Moodle?!”. Pearson c Google пошли другим путем и, чтобы не создавать дополнительных задач учебным завадениям, решили держать всю серверную часть у себя. Итого мы имеем: нет надобности покупать дорогостоящие лицензии на программу, нет затрат на “железо” и установку, нет расходов на хостинг. Дополнительным преимуществом OpenClass является его тесная интеграция с существующими продуктами Google. На кого нацелен продукт?

Google Cloud Print – Para imprimir por Internet, sin necesidad de drivers Si Google realmente quiere que un sistema operativo basado en Internet tenga éxito, tendrá que preocuparse con asuntos tan básicos como el la instalación de drivers… y empezó por las impresoras. Google Cloud Print es un nuevo servicio que permite asociar nuestras impresoras locales con nuestra cuenta de Google. Cuenta con miles de drivers de impresoras de todo tipo, con lo que estemos donde estemos podremos imprimir sin tener que preocuparnos por los drivers en el ordenador, ya están en la web. De la misma manera permitirá imprimir documentos desde nuestros teléfonos, ya que la filosofía es la misma. Aunque de momento sólo podemos probarlo con la versión de desarrollo de Chrome (la 9.0), en Windows, ya tenemos disponible una enorme página de preguntas y respuestas sobre este nuevo servicio en, donde nos recuerdan que antes de imprimir debemos instalar Google Cloud Print connector en nuestro navegador.

Web 2.0: A New Wave of Innovation for Teaching and Learning? (EDUCAUSE Review The Web version of this article differs somewhat from the print edition, reflecting recent and fast developments in the Web 2.0 world. Nothing has been cut from the earlier, print version; instead, some content has been added as new projects emerged. © 2006 Bryan Alexander EDUCAUSE Review, vol. 41, no. 2 (March/April 2006): 32–44. Bryan Alexander Bryan Alexander is Director for Research at the National Institute for Technology and Liberal Education (NITLE). The term is audacious: Web 2.0. Many people—including, or perhaps especially, supporters—critique the “Web 2.0” moniker for definitional reasons. Concepts Social software has emerged as a major component of the Web 2.0 movement. These sections of the Web break away from the page metaphor. Like social software, microcontent has been around for a while. This openness is crucial to current Web 2.0 discussions. Why does this matter, and why do such projects not degenerate into multisubjective chaos? Projects and Practices

Seven in ten adult internet users (69%) have used the internet to watch or download video | Pew Internet & American Life Project Seven in ten adult internet users (69%) have used the internet to watch or download video Seven in ten adult internet users (69%)—or roughly half (52%) of all U.S. adults—have used the internet to watch or download video. Young adult internet users, 18-29 year-olds, continue to be the heaviest consumers of online video. Since 2007, there have been dramatic increases in the numbers of Americans who watch the following kinds of videos online: Comedy or humorous videos, which have risen in viewership from 31% to 50% of adult internet usersEducational videos, which have risen in viewership from 22% to 38% of adult internet usersMovies or TV show videos, which have risen in viewership from 16% to 32% of adult internet usersPolitical videos, which have risen in viewership from 15% to 30% of adult internet users Viewership of other types of online video has also risen in the same timeframe. Asked about their experiences in sharing videos online, uploaders have these views:

Top 20 Websites No Teacher Should Start the 2010-2011 Year Without I have to tell you that it was a tough call to make these decisions, especially when we’re talking every teacher no matter what grade level or subject, but I hope that you find a couple of gems to put away in your virtual treasure box. You may have others you’d like to add to the list. Please post them in the comments for all of us to explore. A great photo editing tool is a must for teachers and I recommend Aviary, LunaPic, Picnik, or BeFunky with some being simpler than others, but all having unique features. Explore all the tools and choose the best option for your skill level. Creaza and Jaycut are answers to the Windows XP Movie Maker and Flipcam problem. Delicious or Diigo are online bookmarking networks teachers need. Doodle is a groovy scheduling tool teachers can use when setting up a collaborative work meeting or building social committee event. Dropbox is one of my absolute favorite tools shared with me by Intel Teach buddies Glen Westbrook and Jill Summers.

Overcoming Objections to eLearning by Judy Unrein “In each case, if the method you’re trying to bring to the organization is suitable for the need, there will be a reason it’s suitable: there will be payoffs in terms of efficiency, effectiveness, scalability, consistency, or some combination of these.” Did you know that eLearning is around 50 years old? Yes, you read that right. Teaching is one of the first uses that organizations found for computers: researchers at Stanford University experimented with using computers to teach children math and science back in the early 1960s. And yet, one of the situations I occasionally encounter is that, while one department may be starting an eLearning initiative, there is a strong resistance to this “new” model elsewhere within – or maybe throughout – the organization. Overcoming objections is an important part of making any eLearning initiative successful, and luckily, eLearning’s long history gives us plenty of knowledge of how to make our case. Objection: eLearning is too expensive

Nueva sesión de formación online: Herramientas Google Básicas » Formación y Consultoría para la Salud Nuevamente Olga Navarro, nos va a deleitar con una sesión de formación online a la que no podéis faltar si estáis interesad@s en aprender herramientas básicas que os ayudaran, sin duda, a adquirir comptetencias digitales básicas para mejorar en cualquiera que sea vuestra profesión, y cómo no, en cualquiera que esté relacionada con las Ciencias de la Salud. Es tiempo de trabajar en equipo, de compartir, de disfrutar con nuestro trabajo. Descubre como unas sencillas herramientas puden ayudarnos mucho. No faltes esta noche a la fiesta formativa 2.0, cómodamente desde tu casa. Apaga la tele y entra en la sala virtual Debes tener una cuenta en Wiziq, si no la tienes te registras, sólo son dos minutos. Ya sabes, a las 10 de la noche en la sala virtual, hoy 30 de noviembre de 2010 Más información en el blog de Olga No te pierdas, podrás entrar directamente desde este post, aquí:

Open University learning is a joy | Jules Horne He was a flying goth with rocker looks. I was a new Open University tutor researching a play. I ventured into the OU room in Second Life, and after a few introductions (He: F04 R08. AL? Call me strange, but I found this amazingly thrilling. A quick straw poll reveals quite a few of my friends are closet OU students – they just haven't mentioned it. Susanne Lockie, a full-time mother to three children, told me the mental stimulation has made it a lifesaver: "I need to keep my skills ticking over, but I couldn't study to a high level without that flexibility. Employers tend to be supportive of OU study, knowing that OU students are likely to be unusually determined and committed. And these days, you often find the OU logo at the end of some the BBC's finest factual programmes, including Springwatch and Coast. There's a great site full of available tasters on everything from Textiles in Ghana to Analysing skidmarks (disappointingly about mathematical modelling).
