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VoiceThread - Conversations in the cloud

Audio Expert - free online audio editor, converter and recorder Create Create Course Content Quickly and easily convert your Microsoft Word documents into content for your online courses. From one Word document you can generate a set of webpages that includes navigation and interactive features that are easily uploaded in to your course. To dig deeper consider the features, benefits, requirements, and Licensing Information of Wimba Create. Benefits Benefits for Higher and Further Education Benefits for K-12 Features Using a combination of special styles and dialog boxes, you can add interactive features such as: • Flashcards • Insert HTML, Java, and other code • Navigation • Table of contents • Formatting • Hyperlinks • Popups • Includes • Definitions • Self-test questions • Windows Media, flash, and QuickTime movies • Streaming audio and video • IMS metadata You don’t need any special knowledge to add these features, as you build them into your course using simple styles and dialog boxes that Wimba Create has added to the Word environment. Requirements Licensing

Best Free Podcasts Choose Your Product | Herramientas de Trabajo para Proyectos Colaborativos Realizar Proyectos Colaborativos Escolares exitosos implica planearlos adecuadamente y llevarlos a cabo utilizando las herramientas informáticas y plataformas, apropiadas. Para aumentar las posibilidades de éxito en ambos aspectos, se proponen cinco elementos que deben estar presentes en cualquier proyecto de este tipo: a) Interacción, b) Conexión con el currículo escolar, c) Estrategias que evidencien tanto aprendizajes como colaboración, d) Herramientas informáticas de apoyo y e) Plataforma/herramientas para trabajo colaborativo. Los cuatro primeros elementos (a, b, c, d) se tratan detalladamente en el documento “Elementos Fundamentales de Proyectos Colaborativos”. En este mismo sentido, recomendamos ampliamente consultar y utilizar la herramienta interactiva “Planeador de Proyectos Colaborativos”, alojada en Eduteka. En el cuadro que se presenta a continuación se analizaron (jun-2009) los siguientes sitios que ofrecen plataformas de trabajo colaborativo: E2.1. E2.2. Terra

Indaba Music Snapshots - websnapr - Website Thumbnails For Your Website VUVOX - slideshows, photo, video and music sharing, Myspace codes 5 Awesome Prezis And 5 Ways To Use Them In Your Digital Classroom I am just going to put it out there and say that Prezi is one of my all time favorite tools for work and for play. Simple, fun, free and with an endless number of uses in the digital classroom, the tool is now a favorite of many teachers around the globe. Being the most popular course on Fractus Learning Online Training and boasting over 5 million users, Prezi is indeed a favorite in and out of education. So, what are some different ways that educators are using the tool in the digital classroom? Here are five Prezis that exemplify great uses of Prezi to enhance your presentations, engage your class and further your professional development. Prezent ideas Prezi is a sensational tool for getting your ideas across. Prezent A Lesson It is very interesting how the exact same information can be presented to students, but the format, delivery and medium can make all the difference. Prezent Yourself Multimedia resumés are becoming more and more common when applying for work or promoting yourself.

No problem, Lkjohnson and Rscsw! Great to hear you like it. Enjoy it!

I agree with you, Erhall. I think it is a great tool to assess students and for peer assessment as well. by inma_a Jul 28

Thanks for your recommendation--will duplicate! by lkjohnson Jul 28

Also could serve as a great resource for peer assessment. by erhall Jul 28

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