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SmartQ - workflow visualization, agile project management, task tracking and team collaboration app

SmartQ - workflow visualization, agile project management, task tracking and team collaboration app

SmartQ: Visual Project-Management That Conforms to You When it comes to project management, most web apps offer the same basic features: a group of to-do lists, some kind of messaging board, a few gigs of file storage, shared document-editing, a calendar of some sort, and if you’re lucky, a set of reports. But what most don’t offer is the ability to develop a project-management workflow that conforms to the way your team already works, and without this customization, you lose precious time trying to get everybody up to speed on the new way of doing things. In my experience, that ramp-up time usually results in project members abandoning the app and reverting to project management by email. Enter SmartQ. Overview SmartQ provides a visual representation of your workflow SmartQ is a project-management app based on the Kanban production system developed in the 1940s by Toyota. Getting Started with SmartQ This is where the fun comes in. What makes SmartQ different from other project-management apps is the “Workflow Designer” attached to each project.

Manifesto for Agile Software Development Project management software, online collaboration: Basecamp Stormboard - Online Brainstorming and Planning. Add a sticky note and post it online with dot voting. Web Sticky Notes Principes de gestion agile Un article de Wikipédia, l'encyclopédie libre. Dans l'approche de gestion de projet traditionnelle, un projet est identifié, évalué, découpé en tâches et précisément planifié. Le problème est que l'une des bases de la gestion de projet est d'estimer les tâches. Ce n'est généralement pas possible, à cause de la complexité du développement informatique. Une autre approche est de considérer l'ensemble de l'équipe de développement comme une usine c'est-à-dire comme un ensemble de postes de travail, de machines, dont les activités sont inter-reliées. Par exemple, on tente de réduire ce qu'on appelle l'inventaire des « en cours ». Ce type d'idée a été exprimé dans les années 80, dans le livre The Goal. Les goulots d'étranglements[modifier | modifier le code] Lors de la production de logiciel, il peut (doit) y avoir un déséquilibre dans la chaîne de production. Comment le repérer ? Gérer autour des goulots[modifier | modifier le code] Voir aussi[modifier | modifier le code] Eliyahu M.

Project management software, online collaboration: Basecamp Comparing Open Source Agile Project Management Tools Comparing Open Source Agile Project Management Tools There are many project management tools designed to support Agile methodologies such as Scrum and eXtreme Programming (XP), including several open source options. This article compares the most compelling open source options on the following criteria: Feature setUsabilityViabilitySuitability for large projects and products Background Agile development methods, including Scrum, XP, Crystal, FDD, and DSDM, have gained widespread adoption and acceptance in recent years. Agile software and open source have enjoyed a tight relationship through the years, with several open source projects being inspired by and integral to the agile movement. Unit testing: XUnit (JUnit, NUnit, etc.), various Mock Objects frameworksAcceptance testing: Fit and FitNesse, HttpUnit, etc.Integration tools: Cruise Control, HudsonBehavior driven development tools… Contenders AgilefantIceScrumAgiloeXPlainPMTXPlanner* Comparison Summary Legend: √ Feature is included Notes: Agilo

Agile CultureCon 2012: Call for Speakers! Let’s Hack Culture! found on pinterest via 1000 cultural A few days ago I posted about CultureCon (Philly 9/12 and Boston 9/14), an upcoming event hosted by Agile Boston that’s focused on culture analysis, design and implementation in the workplace. The objective of the conference is to “bring to more popular awareness how culture is the gating factor in satisfaction, productivity and learning at work.” The premise is that agile and self-management principles are essentially a culture hack – meaning that if a group of people decide they’re willing to align around a set of values, principles, practices and processes, they can upgrade themselves to a high-functioning learning organization that continually adapts and upgrades itself. Next I could say some kind of sentence about how “in today’s fast-paced world, we can’t afford NOT to” …. etc etc. You get it. I’m personally really eager to level up in this domain, and plan to attend both the Philadelphia and Boston open space unconferences. Anyway – Guidelines: 1.

How To Prioritise Quickly And Intuitively If you’re in a situation where prioritisation is straightforward and you have a single decisive product owner, you probably need to read no further. If, however, prioritisation is difficult in your situation – maybe because you have several products or product owners with conflicting priorities, or maybe because your requirements can be complex and benefits rather intangible – this is for you. In this case, prioritisation can be difficult and priorities are not always immediately obvious. This simple approach might help you to prioritise more quickly and intuitively… Draw a 2 x 2 grid. ‘Difficulty’ should represent all the negative aspects, such as time, cost, effort, risk, complexity, etc. The ‘Importance’ axis should represent all the positive aspects, such as revenue, cost-savings, and (slightly counter-intuitively) the risk of not doing it. Make the left corner of each axis ‘Low’ and the top and right of the axes ‘High’. Kelly. See also:How to prioritise (Part II) Home

Agile on Non-Software Projects | The Critical Path by Derek Huether Regardless of where I coach or teach, there is always someone who approaches me and says something like, “Agile is great for software projects but what about projects that aren’t software related?” When asked the question, I usually give examples like a U.S. Marine fire team or air crew or a home construction site. While I was at Agile 2012, I met Joe Justice of Team WIKISPEED and had a chance to actually touch a car that was designed and built using Agile methods. Here is some back story from a 2011 press release: Based in Seattle and led by Joe Justice, WIKISPEED is a collaborative team of over 50 experts and volunteers dedicated to offering ultra-efficient, ultra low-cost, mass-production road-legal vehicles. Joe was able to build his first functional prototype in just three months. By modularizing how we build software, we’re able to shorten our development cycles down to days. So, do you still think Agile is only for software projects? Check out Joe’s session from TEDxRainier

Conduite du changement Agile | L'Agiliste Par Florent Lothon, Septembre 2012. L‘approche Agile est indéniablement porteuse de changement, or l’être humain résiste naturellement à ce dernier. Le changement implique la perte de repères suivi d’une période chaotique jusqu’à la mise en place des nouveaux repères. Sources de résistance au changement Distinguons deux grandes catégories de résistances au changement. Voici quelques facteurs de résistances humaines : Ces facteurs peuvent générer des comportements sceptiques voire saboteurs, au mieux suiveurs. Malgré l’efficacité flagrante du saut en Fosbury, il a fallut attendre plus de 10 ans avant que cette technique se généralise. Côté organisationnel, nous pouvons notamment avoir à faire face aux résistances suivantes : Principes « haut vers le bas » et « bas vers le haut » La transformation vers l’agilité peur venir de deux sources différentes. Commencer petit On le sait, les changements apportés par l’approche Agile sont nombreux. Amélioration continue Mesurer Processus de changement Livres
