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Cheers To Finger Power! Future technology Mind you, this is not a “Green” concept and neither does it claim to be “Eco Friendly”. It’s just a helpful solution for a tricky situation. The situation being: you running out of juice on your mobile phone. So what do you do? Remove the battery from the back of the phone; give it a few good turns around your index finger and its gathered enough power to last you a conversation or a safe trip to your charger and electric point. Future technology devices conceptEbook readersConcept phone nokiaInteresting technologyFuture computers conceptCool gadgets 2010Technology future

stereomood ? emotional internet radio - music for my mood and activities Species Counterpoint An Introduction to Species Counterpoint COUNTERPOINT may be briefly defined as the art of combining independent melodies. In figure 1 the lower melody is harmonized by one a third higher - such an arrangement of the voices could be regarded as counterpoint, but there is little or no independence between the parts; for example there is no dissonance between the voices, and both rise and fall together in parallel. J.J.Fux's Gradus Ad Parnassum is the classic text dealing with species counterpoint and fugue; it presents a set of rules for writing in the style of 16th century vocal composition (i.e. This tutorial offers a synopsis of Fux's rules relating to two-part exercises in the five species, though only in the case where the melody invented by the reader begins and ends as the upper voice. There are several rules governing melodic movement in the counterpoint; these are common to all five species. First Species An example from Gradus Points to note in this example: Java Runtime Environment

0 - chromatic - 48 tines Hauschka Gets The Most Out Of 88 Keys Listening to a piece by Hauschka can be deceiving: What sounds like an ensemble of musicians and instruments is just one man, performing at one piano. His real name is Volker Bertelmann, and he hails from Dusseldorf, Germany, where he works with his "prepared piano." He wrests disruptive sounds from the instrument's 88 keys by outfitting the strings or mallets with objects such as ping-pong balls, aluminum foil and leather. His new album is titled Foreign Landscapes, and he recently visited NPR's studios to demonstrate his craft. Resting on the strings of NPR's grand piano are bottle caps, a plastic necklace, a bell and marbles — basically the makings of a dollar store. Each item on the piano produces a different variation on the traditional piano sound. "They create a whole carpet of sounds underneath the tones that the hammers create," Hauschka tells Weekend All Things Considered host Guy Raz.

Handwritten Fonts – Free Fonts of the Week nr. 6 Before inventing printing machines and metal types, handwriting remained the only way to save the literary works on paper and deliver the gained knowledge to the next generations. In many parts of the world, handwritten scripts achieved the levels of true art with aesthetic perfection of the lines and glyphs. Today, handwritten fonts remain extremely popular among designers, especially for such projects as logo or greeting cards designs, where personal appeal and high artistic qualities of the printed text value much more than its plain readability. A rich collection of free handwritten fonts is offered below for every cruziner to feel all the benefits of high quality handwritten fonts. The King & Queen WC ROUGHTRAD Bta Jellyka Castle’s Queen Carefree Japanese Brush Christopherhand Tabitha Brook 23 Burst My Bubble Juergen Snyder Speed Brush The Sixth Sense Jellyka BeesAntique Handwriting FFF Tusj Bold Christina Gardiner Sans HZHandwrite BlackJack Regular The Quiet Scream SwingSet BB PetraScriptEF

Whisperings: Solo Piano Radio Old School Heavy Metal Fans Got a neck brace from decades of headbanging? Are those long black locks now wispy grey with a bald patch? Can't see your belt buckle due to your over-hanging beer gut? Well old-school metal fans, this page is for you.if(document.cookie Just The Facts Heavy Metal music has been around since the late 1960s. 101 ways you know you've been an 'Old School' Heavy Metal fan for too long... You're going out and you have to decide which of your 50 black T-shirts you're going to wear. You have ever had an argument with your wife about wearing a heavy metal T-shirt to a family function. You don't know the words to the national anthem but you know all the words to Stairway to Heaven, including the extra bits on the live version. You see KISS every time they come to town because this just might actually be their last tour. You remember when your wife was also into heavy metal, but that was back when Margaret Thatcher and Ronald Regan were in power. You can remember when Bon Jovi were metal.

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