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Top 20 Most Expensive Paintings - AmO Images: Capturing the Beauty of Life - AmO Images: Capturing the Beauty of Life This is a list of the highest known prices paid for paintings. The world's most famous paintings, especially old master works done before 1800, are generally owned by museums, which very rarely sell them, and as such, they are quite literally priceless. 20. Le Bassin aux Nymphéas by Claude Monet - $79.8 million 19.

Archive & Evolution? - StumbleUpon Ryan’s New Toonhole Book Available! NEW BOOK NOW AVAILABLE! For sale on Amazon!! “Gif-fiti” animated murals by INSA I was stoked to meet INSA in Melbourne not too long ago. Really loving all the animated pieces he’s been doing lately. When these images pop up on Tumblr I’m sure there’s a bunch of people who don’t realise he’s actually re-painting the walls several times to achieve these effects. Incredible stuff. More below! Satirical Art Drawings by Pawel Kuczynski These beautiful works of art are from Polish artist Pawel Kuczynski. Pawel was born in 1976 in Szczecin. He graduated the Fine Arts Academy in Poznan with specialization in graphics. He is famous for his satirical illustrations that make you wonder about society, politics and all the biggies in life.

All Geared Up and Raring to Go! This comic was intended to be the way that developers dress their heroines in comparison to the heroes, but I guess it could also represent the way that a lot of male gamers dress up their female characters, as well. Your choice. See Torneko in the comic? The Film – Beauty is Embarrassing The Film Beauty Is Embarrassing is a funny, irreverent, joyful and inspiring documentary featuring the life and current times of one of America’s most important artists, Wayne White. Raised in the mountains of Tennessee, Wayne White started his career as a cartoonist in New York City.

Incredibly Creative Pencil Drawings vs Photography Home » Drawing » Incredibly Creative Pencil Drawings vs Photography 465K Flares465K Flares × Today we are listing incredibly creative and amazing pencil drawings vs photography work of Ben Heine from Belgian, who is a painter, illustrator, portraitist, caricaturist and photographer. This Is Freaking Ridiculous - TIFR - Superhero&Dinosaurs Wolveraptor These were created by artist d.r3sto as part of his exploration of morphing some of our favorite creatures with comics. My parody set of Superhero Characters as Dinosaurs. 3D Paintings on Panes of Glass Using multiple layers of clear glass, Canada based David Spriggs and Chinese born Xia Xiaowan, transform flat artwork into 3D sculptures. Viewers are treated to different shifting perspectives of the works based on where they stand in the art space. Spriggs work revolves around powerful explosive imagery, often resembling storms, cosmic blasts or firework like explosions. Xiawan’s “spatial paintings,” which often feature distorted figures, are drawn individually using colored pencil on tinted glass. Only when these pieces are combined on their floor racks do the images create the whole hologram like effect.

Lesson 919 - Willful Logic UPDATED: There have been a number of concerns raised about what I meant by "gender" in the comic. So let me try to explain my perspective as simply as possible: I have always viewed "gender" as being an overly simplistic linguistic construct that doesn't have any form of identity tied into it, while "sexuality" is much more fluid state of mind that covers identity and ambiguity. While others define "sexuality" strictly based on attraction, I've always taken the approach that it's a term that covers identity better than "gender" ever could. When you have this viewpoint, "gender" doesn't really have much significance to it, since all identity ties into "sexuality". This is a different approach (as I've come to learn over the past day) than a ton of other people take (perhaps you're one of them?). In some ways, this is like informing an American that everyone else has been calling soccer "football" for a much longer time than American football has existed.

The original is in 8 pieces. All together they measure around 15 feet high by 14 feet wide. by macopa Mar 1
