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Anti-Communist propaganda is more awesome than any horror movie poster It's working out great for Venezuela, isn't it? Rounded up the dissidents, shut down the TV stations if they don't parrot the government's line, shortages of everything, murder rate shot through the, who could have seen that coming? The Venezuelan working class seems to like it for the most part, so non-Venezuelan ignorance to the contrary is irrelevant. Okay, actual Venezuelan weighing in. To say nothing of the fact that my family considers itself *lucky* that so far we've only had two kidnappings, two carjackings and the uncle who was shot seven times in the one of the latter survived. When the US unemployment rate peaked in late-2008/early-2009, my adult cousins thought is was adorable that we were freaked out over a rate of 10%. Another cousin is an organizer for student protest and has posted more pictures of classmates beaten but police and revolutionary thugs than I can bear to look at anymore.

Richard Turley Some sort of goodbye letter Four years ago, almost to the day, the redesigned Bloomberg Businessweek arrived on newsstands. The distance from that point to this seems to have passed within the blink of an eye, and has been one of the best and most unexpected adventures I’ve ever had. The risk Bloomberg took in hiring someone from another continent, with limited experience and little or no knowledge of business magazines struck me as brave at the time. What I didn’t realize then was that it wasn’t really bravery – more just a desire to not follow the conventional wisdom of what our magazine could be. That principle is the result of the people here, exemplified most notably by Josh. Bloomberg is a place where design matters, and never more so than now, as our design thinking is being integrated all over the business. So why am I leaving? So farewell.

Les croquis d'Edward Hopper Jusqu’au 6 octobre dernier le Whitney Museum of American Art à New York proposait une exposition qui montrait les croquis et dessins réalisés par Edward Hopper pour préparer quelques unes de ses peintures les plus célèbres. Il y a plus de tableaux avec les dessins correspondants ici. Why Infographics are a Great Way to Show the History of the World The Infographic History of the World is a new book that continues to push the field of infographics forward. With beautiful printing and meaningful graphics, Valentina D’Efilippo has done a wonderful job of showing the history of the world. Being a designer, I usually find it easier to present stories or ideas with scribbles, rather than simply trying to explain them with words. Aside from data and words, infographics use images and graphical representations. So, when the book’s editor, Craig Adams approached me with the idea of using infographics to narrate the history of the world, that made perfect sense to me. We made this book for the specialist and generalist alike. Our task required research, organization and the selection of topics. With most books, you read them, absorb the arguments they make, and move on. In parallel, we tried to break from being too rigid in the data representation.

Travel Better London posters by McBess Over the last few weeks, we've noticed some rather special 'tube courtesy' posters running on the London Underground network, each of which bears the inky hallmarks of one man and one man only: illustrator Matthieu Bessudo aka McBess... The Frenchman's distinctive style can be seen on platforms across the tube network as part of TfL's Travel Better London campaign. Each of the posters features an illustrated scene and a poem which aims to remind travellers to be aware of others, to move down platforms or the inside of tube carriages. It also addresses that particular tube driver's bugbear: obstructing the doors. The posters are used to great effect on the tube walls across from the platforms. According to TfL, McBess, who has been based in London for sevreal years, created both the 'behaviours' posters and the iconic logo for the campaign. These three shown below deal with offering seats to those in need; waiting for the next station if you feel sick; and, again, door obstruction.

Americans Were Asked To Place European Countries On A Map. Here’s What They Wrote: How sure are you of your geographical knowledge? Buzzfeed recently put Americans’ geographical knowledge to the test with a survey in which participants had to write in countries’ names on a blank European political map. Unfortunately, they didn’t fare too well, but some of their responses are hilarious (or hilariously mis-informed). But don’t be so quick to judge Americans – when Buzzfeed posted a similar survey testing Brits’ knowledge of the 50 United States, they also came up short. The gaps in these survey-takers’ knowledge also speak to historical and political realities. No matter what, though, we can all probably agree that there are at least a few Americans who should dust off the old atlas or geography textbook and check out what the world looks like across the pond!

e & interactivité blog de design par Geoffrey Dorne » Découvrez les origines des symboles de nos interfaces numériques! Hello à vous Cette après-midi, je souhaite vous présenter un projet initialement rédigé par Bryan Gardiner, ré-assemblé par Shuffle Magazine et utilisant la plateforme ReadyMag. Ce court magazine en ligne retrace l’histoire des signes de nos interfaces du quotidiens. Ces signes qu’ils soient symboles ou icônes sont souvent associés à des rituels…vous appuyez instantanément dessus quand vous les reconnaissez, vous pouvez même les voir des dizaines et des dizaines de fois dans la journée (comme le bouton « play » par exemple). > Bonne lecture Ces articles peuvent aussi vous intéresser:

Les affiches décalées du métro de Tokyo Les Parisiens qui ont l'habitude de prendre le métro vous le diront : les transports en commun sont parfois un peu tristes à emprunter. Tout juste peuvent-ils se consoler avec l'image du petit lapin jaune et rose qui se coince les doigts entre les portes pour égayer leur trajet sans pour autant plonger le nez dans leur journal ou sur l'écran de leur smartphone. Depuis 1977, Serge le lapin égaye l'habillage des rames de métro et de RER, s'exportant jusqu'au Japon, au milieu des affiches de mise en garde toutes plus sérieuses les unes que les autres. Le Japon aurait pourtant pas mal de leçons à nous apprendre en matière d'affichage de prévention, en témoignent ces posters vintage des années 70 et 80 exhumés par le site Buzzfeed. Si l'on pouvait voir arriver aussi dans nos couloirs de métro des affiches aussi insolites, notre cher Serge le lapin se sentira sans doute moins seul. Julien Lada

16 affiches ahurissantes de la 2nd Guerre Mondiale qui présentaient les femmes comme des MST ambulantes Durant la Seconde Guerre mondiale, certaines affiches de propagande cherchaient à sensibiliser les soldats de façon plutôt virulente aux risques des maladies sexuellement transmissibles. DGS vous présente 16 de ces affiches complètement hallucinantes qui stigmatisaient clairement les femmes à cette époque. 1. « La tireuse des cabarets. 2. « Elle peut paraître saine mais… Coups d’un soir, Compagnes d’amusement, Prostituées, Répandent la syphilis et la gonorrhée. Vous ne pouvez pas vaincre l’ennemi si vous attrapez des MST » 3. « Les hommes qui savent disent NON ! 4. « Les Victory Girls (des jeunes femmes qui profitent des festivités liées à la victoire sur les nazis pour enchaîner les conquêtes) sont déchainées et ruineront la vie de pauvres gars. 5. « C’est peut-être un sac à problèmes… SYPHILIS – GONORRHÉE » 6. « Jeune, jolie, facile… Mais pleine de germes ! 7. « Un marin n’a pas à prouver qu’il est un homme ! 8. « Facile à chopper… la syphilis et la gonorrhée » 9. 10. « Chargé ? 11. 12.

Literary posters turn famous authors’ words into art (14 pictures) Email Evan Robertson turns pithy quotes into whimsical works of art. “If you’ve ever underlined a sentence in a book, or highlighted a passage on your reader, you created a hyperlink of sorts that may open up a new window of ideas and insights. That’s the spirit of this series,” Robertson says. via huffingtonpost. Leave your comment! You may also like these posts Wendy Macnaughton Animals Like You’ve Never Seen Them Before by Maria Popova From armadillos to zebras, or what championship chickens have to do with a giant octopus. It’s easy to take this amazing planet we inhabit for granted. While National Geographic‘s school of nature photography may have its place, there’s something remarkable and whimsical that happens when a fine art photographer takes her lens to Earth’s creatures — they become poetry. Today, we turn to five such photographers, whose portraits of animals — unusual, otherworldly, kooky, tender, charismatic — make the eye swoon and the heart sing. Andrew Zuckerman is one of my absolute favorite photographers working today, his Wisdom and Music projects priceless time-capsules of contemporary culture and his thoughts on curiosity and rigor as the key to creativity a beautiful articulation of my own credo. Asian Elephant Image courtesy of Andrew Zuckerman Six banded armadillo Mandrill Monkey Grant's Zebra Common Dove Canary African Crested Porcupine Blue and Yellow Macaw Reticulated Giraffe
