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Enrique Peñalosa: Why buses represent democracy in action

Enrique Peñalosa: Why buses represent democracy in action
Related:  Transportation

Why Public Transit Is Better Than Cars In 1 Perfect GIF Sometimes a picture is worth a thousand words. A GIF is worth even more. The animated comparison of a streetcar vs. cars on a Toronto street is all over the Internet after being posted by The Atlantic. But the pictures themselves come from the Toronto Transit Commission, which posted them to Facebook way back in 2009. Many Torontonians will be quick to point out that the streetcars are hard to pass and have a nasty habit of leaving traffic jams in their wake.

6 Stunning Stats That Will Change Your Mind About Going on a Cruise Americans generate food waste like nobody’s business. The USDA estimates that in 2010, we didn’t eat nearly a third of the 430 billion pounds of food produced in the United States. That’s 1,249 calories—a fifth of which came from produce—in the trash per person. Luckily, many are taking action. Want to be part of the solution? Nuevo paradigma urbano: de mover autos a mover personas Barcelona. Enviado Especial - 23/11/13 De mover autos a mover personas, la gran conclusión en materia de movilidad del Smart City World Congress que terminó el jueves en Barcelona. Para que una ciudad pueda iniciar un camino hacia ser “inteligente” –la que busca mejorar permanentemente la calidad de vida– tiene que cambiar el paradigma frente al tránsito y el transporte. Las ciudades crecen y eso afecta la movilidad, se sabe. Una cuestión que se recalcó en varias de las mesas del congreso de “ciudades inteligentes” fue la importancia de cambiar el paradigma: durante muchos años todo el esfuerzo estuvo puesto en mover los coches. El especialista Darío Hidalgo es director de Transporte Sustentable en Bogotá, Colombia. Y finalmente apareció el BRT, el Bus Rapid Transit, que en Buenos Aires se conoce como Metrobus, y en los que la prioridad sigue siendo el transporte en buses de alta capacidad. Parece ser una tendencia irreversible en las grandes ciudades.

Fliegen oder Vegan? Les communautés intelligentes (1/4) Les communautés intelligentes ont fait les manchettes récemment, en octobre dernier, lorsque le groupe de réflexion Intelligent Community Forum, a ajouté le Grand Montréal à son palmarès des 21 communautés intelligentes pour 2014. Que signifie cette distinction? Et comment nous touche-t-elle? Nous explorons certains aspects clés dans cette série de quatre billets. Les caractéristiques des communautés intelligentes Les villes intelligentes utilisent la technologie pour communiquer et favoriser une collaboration rapide et efficace, à travers plusieurs fuseaux horaires et cultures, partout sur la planète. Cette interconnexion permet d’augmenter la productivité, d’ouvrir des marchés, de créer des emplois, de protéger l’environnement et, en somme, d’améliorer la qualité de vie. Au moins quatre facteurs clés de réussite distinguent les villes intelligentes : l’innovation, l’infrastructure, le talent et la gouvernance. Eindhoven, Pays-Bas Pourquoi Montréal? Éco-Campus Hubert Reeves

Elio Motors | The next big thing in transportation! TRANSIT-CITY / URBAN & MOBILE THINK TANK Sway Motorsports | Tilting Electric Trike Why Helsinki Is The Most Honest City Reporters at Readers Digest “lost” 192 wallets in cities around the world to find out how honest the inhabitants of these cities were. Each wallet had a name and a contact number, a family photo, some coupons, business cards and around $50 (in each country’s currency). There were 12 wallets ‘dropped’ in 16 cities around the world. They were left all over town: parks, near shopping centres, on sidewalks and then they observed what people did. The results were as follows: The most honest city turned out to be Helsinki, Finland where 11 out of the 12 wallets were returned. New York from the air via New York, Moscow and Amsterdam proved to be mostly ‘honest cities’ with over 60% of the wallets returned in each. Berlin, Germany and Ljubljana, Slovenia were tolerably virtuous cities, with 6 wallets returned. Nearing the bottom of the list were Bucharest, the Romanian capital, Rio de Janeiro in Brazil and Zurich, Switzerland. Lisbon trams via
