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Survival Articles - Survival-Tube Posted on September 27, 2012 at 9:55 PM 1. De-skunk pets. A handful rubbed on Fido's coat neutralizes the lingering odor. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Categories: Featured Articles, Self-Sufficiency, How to Prepared Christian Pine sap, pitch, tar?? and its uses Sorry this post is going to have a lot of reference pages and videos, but it is only because it is an old art and I know little about it. I am still a bit confused about the terms used to describe the different products. Click Here for some info on the difference. That is why my site is "learn as I go". Sap is yellowish or white, sticky Resin is normally brown or red, clear, and hard How to make is simpleā€¦.....First, score a pine tree, get the sap, boil the pine sap and you have pure pine resin and the other crud for fire starters. Side note: DO NOT DO this to a tree unless you have to. It is really that simple, but here is a video I found so you can see. IDEA: But as you watch this see the crap....take it while it is still hot and mold it into a cool small shape, poke a hole through it. Century 12,000 BTU 2-Burner Camping Stove with Case (Google Affiliate Ad) Your pure resin will harden and can be ground into a powder, add to a heated oil or fat for ointments. Soap and hygiene

Preparedness Pro Survival List | Survival Lists Our best survival tool is our own head. More is optional. There are 3 considerations, for making fire -- matches or source of flame, tinder, and knowhow. In Mine. I like to use the Military Survical Manual as a reference. A great reference is FM 21-76. Good first aid kits that are light and complete for the non-medical person are Adventure Medical Kits -- google them -- many variations to fit your needs. #1...always...some way of making fire..... #2. #3. #4. t#5. #6. Lastly, a damn good hand gun and ammo. What should I have in a bag for backpacking/survival in woods by a river? My buddies and I are goin on a floatin trip on the river but we stop and hike through the woods and camp at night. Survivor man is a pussy. You can survive with out food and water for a couple of days, but if the weather is questionable then you cannot survive without shelter. I mostly hunt in Wisconsin, Illinois, and South East Alaska. If I am at a place where I can't see my car, I'll take these items: 2.

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