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NeighborGoods Aspecto Software Equipment: How we’re staying connected to the Internet in Europe A while ago I wrote about how we’ve been using local, prepaid mobile broadband to get online while we travel. We’ve had pretty good success on that front, even finding a provider in Tunisia! Our most satisfying success was in the UK recently, where 3 unveiled a totally unlimited mobile broadband account. All my Christmases came at once, that day. But our fortunate streak has come to an end as we venture into Europe — a dark-ages-esque void of sub-par mobile providers. Of course, we have quite particular needs: Our quota requirements are massive, as it’s our primary Internet connection, and we do a lot of stuff with it, including watching TV when we can. Okay, what idiot mounted this upside-down? Thanks to a friend, Adam of Europe by Camper, we discovered one of the most useful travel gadgets ever, since the iPhone: A high-gain, directional WiFi antenna! This magical gizmo contains an antenna and a WiFi unit, and plugs via USB into our laptops.

Blog Today, we are very happy to announce that we have partnered with Deutsche Telekom, Germany’s largest telco, to create the country’s largest WiFi network! As of this summer, Deutsche Telekom’s 12 million subscribers who choose to join Fon will be able to get free WiFi at Fon’s more than 7 million hotspots around the world! Joining the network is easy: Deutsche Telekom’s broadband subscribers just need to sign up to the Fon service and share the unused capacity of their internet connection with other users. By doing this, they get free access to millions of Fon hotspots all around the world. Sharing creates two networks - a private one, accessible only inside the home, and a public one shared with other members of the network. This is completely safe, and since the private network is always prioritized, there is no noticeable change in internet speed for those who choose to share. Currently with over 7 million hotspots, Fon is the world’s largest WiFi network.

chumby corporate blog Cookening Marc aime beaucoup faire la cuisine, et avec sa femme Virginie ils adorent recevoir à dîner. Ils sont donc très intéressés pour accueillir chez eux des étrangers avec qui partager un repas et s'inscrivent sur Cookening. Marc crée sa table. Vérification et validation de la table de Marc par La Brigade Cookening. Lou souhaite découvrir des cultures étrangères à la sienne, en commençant par la cuisine, mais pas uniquement. Lou cherche une table qui corresponde à ses critères, en fonction de la cuisine et du lieu proposés, ainsi que du profil détaillé de l’hôte pour d’éventuels centres d’intérêt en commun.

Skyhook Wireless Forums Foneros • Page d’index bunnie’s blog We’re launching a crowdfunding campaign around our Novena open hardware computing platform. Originally, this started as a hobby project to build a computer just for me and xobs – something that we would use every day, easy to extend and to mod, our very own Swiss Army knife. I’ve posted here a couple of times about our experience building it, and it got a lot of interest. So by popular demand, we’ve prepared a crowdfunding offering and you can finally be a backer. Background Novena is a 1.2GHz, Freescale quad-core ARM architecture computer closely coupled with a Xilinx FPGA. We are offering four variations, and at the conclusion of the Crowd Supply campaign on May 18, all the prices listed below will go up by 10%: “Just the board” ($500): For crafty people who want to build their case and define their own style, we’ll deliver to you the main PCBA, stuffed with 4GiB of RAM, 4GiB microSD card, and an Ath9k-based PCIe wifi card. Novena Gen-2 Case Design How You can Help

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