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If A Man Asks What Women Have Been Asking For Centuries, Will Men Finally Listen?

If A Man Asks What Women Have Been Asking For Centuries, Will Men Finally Listen?
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«La stratégie patriarcale permet de nier la violence conjugale» COLLOQUE - Les lois visant à interdire la violence conjugale sont lacunaires: les femmes continuent de subir des agressions masculines. Un symposium national s'est interrogé sur la question. Cristallisées au sein de la sphère familiale, les violences envers les femmes ont la peau dure. Mardi, à Bienne, le colloque national sur les violences conjugales a posé un regard féministe critique sur les nouvelles pratiques d'intervention contre la violence. Selon vous, le patriarcat forge des stratégies pour contrer les avancées féministes. Patrizia Romito: L'ancienne stratégie patriarcale refuse de percevoir la violence conjugale en tant que telle. Quelle nouvelle stratégie a-t-on inventé? Je citerai la création de toutes pièces du «syndrome d'aliénation parentale». Qui a intérêt à cacher la violence des hommes envers les femmes? Evidemment les agresseurs. Comment l'idée d'une symétrie de la violence conjugale s'est-elle ancrée dans les esprits? Le continuum de la violence est masqué.

Racial and Gender Differences in the Relationship Between Children’s Television Use and Self-Esteem A Longitudinal Panel Study Abstract A longitudinal panel survey of 396 White and Black preadolescent boys and girls was conducted to assess the long-term effects of television consumption on global self-esteem. The results revealed television exposure, after controlling for age, body satisfaction, and baseline self-esteem, was significantly related to children’s self-esteem. Specifically, television exposure predicted a decrease in self-esteem for White and Black girls and Black boys, and an increase in self-esteem among White boys. Article Notes Nicole Martins (PhD, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, is an assistant professor in the Department of Telecommunications at Indiana University. © The Author(s) 2012

Les violences faites aux femmes. L’arme du Patriarcat Les violences faites aux femmes ne relèvent pas de crises individuelles, comme beaucoup aimeraient le croire, mais bien d’un système : le patriarcat. Les violences exercées sur les femmes sont multiformes : il s’agit des actes qui, par la menace, la contrainte ou la force, leur infligent, dans la vie privée ou dans la vie publique, des souffrances physiques, sexuelles ou psychologiques dans le but de les intimider, de les punir, de les atteindre dans leur intégrité physique et mentale. Contrairement au simple conflit, la violence est perpétrée de manière destructrice et univoque, le vainqueur étant toujours le même. Les violences peuvent se dérouler dans l’espace public, au travail, et surtout dans la famille : deux viols sur trois ont lieu dans la famille et un sur deux dans le couple, une femme sur dix est victime chaque année de violences conjugales, une trentaine en sont mortes cet été et c’est la première cause de mortalité chez les femmes de 16 à 44 ans en Europe.

The secret that Australians need to talk about Australia's White Ribbon 2013 media campaign invites you to discover our country's hidden secret – that one woman a week dies from domestic violence in the country of abundant rainforests, cosmopolitan cities and beautiful beaches. Using this statistic and the shock tactic is a new direction for the men's awareness campaign. While it's undoubtedly important that Aussie men stand up and make their pledge not to use violence against women on White Ribbon Day there is a danger that the viewer might blink and miss the key message or, that more collectively, we may lose sight of the fact that intimate partner abuse is not all about being beaten or murdered. Many survivors of domestic violence (and a significant number of scientific studies) say that the scars and bruises resulting from physical abuse heal relatively rapidly, whereas the psychological consequences are long-term, intergenerational and sometimes irreparable. The secret is that it's the rest of it that we need to tackle now.

L'enjeu social de l’inceste : perpétuer la domination masculine Anthropologue et chargée de recherche au CNRS, Dorothée Dussy travaille actuellement sur la dimension empirique de l’inceste. Voici une page qui décrit ce travail: Dorothée Dussy - Institut de recherche interdisciplinaire sur les enjeux sociaux (IRIS) Extrait de la page: « Dorothée Dussy travaille actuellement sur la dimension empirique de l’inceste à partir d’enquêtes menées en France et au Québec. Dans la perspective où elle l’aborde, l'inceste n'est pas une catégorie symbolique à étudier à partir des règles qui l’interdisent. L’inceste est posé comme un ordre social qui, tout en l’interdisant en théorie, admet l’abus sexuel commis sur un enfant dans sa famille. Suite à ses recherches, Dorothée Dussy a publié en mars 2013 un ouvrage: Le berceau des dominations Extrait de la présentation du tome 1 « Anthropologie de l’inceste, livre 1 » : Marie-Victoire Louis D'une part, la plupart de ceux qui ont traité le sujet sont d'ordinaire eux-mêmes des avocats de la pédophilie. Andrea Dworkin

Killing Us Softly 4 - Media critic Jean Kilbourne uncovers a pattern of sexism and misogyny across a range of print and television advertisements in this latest edition of her influential and award-winning Killing Us Softly series. Killing Us Softly 4 Advertising's Image of Women This highly anticipated update of Jean Kilbourne's influential and award-winning Killing Us Softly series, the first in more than a decade, takes a fresh look at American advertising and discovers that the more things have changed, the more they've stayed the same. Breaking down a staggering range of more than 160 print and television ads, Kilbourne uncovers a steady stream of sexist and misogynistic images and messages, laying bare a world of frighteningly thin women in positions of passivity, and a restrictive code of femininity that works to undermine girls and women in the real world. Sections: Introduction | Ads Everywhere | A Constructed Beauty | Objectification | Judged by Looks Alone | Thinness | Dieting | Eating & Morality | Global Impact | Infantilization & Powerlessness | Advertising & Sex | Experienced Virgins | Consumerism & Sexualizing Products | Masculinity | Violence | What to do? Jean Kilbourne Filmmaker Info Film Festivals

Welsh Women’s Aid Conference speech 10/12/12 | finnmackay Welsh Women’s Aid conference 10/12/12. Cardiff City Hall Making The Connections This morning I’m going to talk about the importance of a feminist analysis of violence, I’m going to talk about why violence against women happens and the systems which maintain, promote and excuse it. Most of us here are familiar with the idea that male violence against women is a gendered phenomenon; and this very definition features of course in your current Consultation. A feminist analysis tells us that male violence against women is not natural, biological or inevitable. Turning to biology like this has always been popular, and still is. Feminism of course has a different message, a challenging message: the promise that the way things are is not the way they have to be, the invitation to change, to become the human beings we can be, rather than the tired and limiting stereotypes of men and women. Another way that masculinity can define itself and can be defined, is through simply not being feminine.

Why young women being aware of gender inequity is good news I am not surprised that young women are concerned about equity and discrimination. I am surprised, though, that this has been picked up by Mission Australia's landmark youth survey for the first time. It is a double-edged sword; this is beyond the 'Gillard Effect'. Young women are more conscious of their gender and where they sit in Australia. The role of the Workplace Gender Equality Agency research, particularly regarding the gender pay gap, and the publicity it has received in 2013, play into this as well. Young women are acutely aware of the limitations that exist in Australian society. The research presents an opportunity for us to discuss these issues with young women. All of us need to share stories of success and growth with those in that age group. It saddens me that I can list the number of female engineers I know on one hand; but I'm excited because each of them are out there spreading their stories about being fanatical about maths and science.

Nous n’avons plus les moyens du patriarcat et de sa violence Ce matin, je vais parler de l’importance d’une analyse féministe de la violence, je vais parler du pourquoi de la violence anti-femmes et des systèmes qui la maintiennent, en font la promotion et la justifient. Je vais surtout parler des hommes et de la masculinité. Cela peut ou non vous apparaître comme une surprise. Mais si trouver des solutions est notre objectif final, il est important pour nous d’identifier les problèmes. La plupart d’entre nous sommes familières avec l’idée que la violence masculine contre les femmes est un phénomène sexué, et cette définition elle-même figure, bien sûr, dans la consultation que vous menez actuellement. Patriarcat et neuro-sexisme L’analyse féministe nous dit que la violence masculine contre les femmes n’est pas naturelle, biologique ou inévitable. Ce genre de recours à la biologie a toujours été populaire, et l’est toujours. La masculinité Des écrivains comme R.W. La violence masculine contre les femmes Traduction : Martin Dufresne et Michèle Briand

Anna in Frozen: Her eyes are bigger than her wrists. Courtesy of Disney Philip N. Cohen, a sociologist at the University of Maryland at College Park, writes frequently at Sociological Images about the way that physical differences between the sexes are exaggerated to uphold the narrative that men and women are "opposite." His latest post chronicles the way that Disney films magnify gender differences between male and female characters, particularly if they are portrayed on screen as eligible for romantic attention. The apparent need to make the male characters seem so much larger and sturdier than the female characters manifests to a comical level in how male and female wrists are drawn: Female wrists in Disney films are a fraction of the size of male wrists. But you know what else Cohen discovered while studying the wrists? Courtesy of Disney In Disney movies, men's wrists are often three or four times larger than women's wrists.

Why Does He Do That?: Inside the Minds of Angry and Controlling Men (9780425191651): Lundy Bancroft Rape in India: Satirical Video About Victim-Blaming Goes Viral A comedy group in India, fed up with rampant victim-blaming demonstrated towards women who've been raped, decided to fight back—with comedy. The parody video from "All India Bakchod" features Bollywood actresses gleefully (and sarcastically) explaining to women that rape is "their fault." The joke here isn't the act of rape itself, but the excuses used to perpetrate it. As they state on their Youtube page: Every sexual assault case in India inspires a string of stupid and hateful remarks against women. This is our response to those remarks. The video has already gone viral, gaining over half a million hits in three days. And as it lambasts every tired argument used to blame victims for their own attacks—your skirt was too short, you were walking on the street at night, you're too friendly with men—the similarities between India's rape problem and the one in the U.S. are evident.

Warning Signs of Abusive Personalities If we can recognise the warning signs of a domestic abuser, or someone who is likely to have an abusive personality, we can save ourselves (and our loved ones) a lot of grief and heartache. Many survivors of abusive relationships have so often said that if they had just known the warning signs, they would never have got involved with their abusive partner. The good news is, that it is possible to predict the likelihood of the person you are currently with or are about to become involved with being a domestic abusiver It is simply a matter of having the knowledge of the warning signs to look out for and being sufficiently aware to notice them (which includes not being to blinded by love, lust or desperation!). Below are a list of behaviours, traits and beliefs which are common in abusive personalities. While not all abusive people show the same traits, or display the tendencies to the same extent, if several behavioural traits are present, there is a strong tendency toward abusiveness.
