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History and Timelines

History and Timelines

Scrittura corsiva romana Da Wikipedia, l'enciclopedia libera. Il corsivo romano nella vecchia e nuova grafia La corsiva romana (o latina) è una forma di scrittura a mano usata nell'antica Roma e talvolta nel Medioevo. Viene suddivisa in corsiva antica (o capitale corsiva) e corsiva nuova (o minuscola corsiva). La capitale corsiva latina[modifica | modifica sorgente] Una replica dell'antica capitale corsiva romana ispirata alle tavolette di Vindolanda:[1] "Hoc gracili currenteque / vix hodie patefactas / Romani tabulas ornarunt calamo" ("Con questo esile e slanciato stilo che oggi ha visto la luce i Romani decorarono le tavolette.") La capitale corsiva latina, anche chiamata maiuscola corsiva, è la forma di scrittura a mano usata per scrivere lettere, per tenere i conti, per insegnare l'alfabeto latino agli scolari romani e per impartire i comandi da parte degli imperatori romani. (Plauto, Pseudolo, 21-30) Peculiari sono anche alcune lettere: La corsiva nuova[modifica | modifica sorgente] - Free & Online: Convert and save PDF from any web page Internet History Sourcebooks Internet Ancient History Sourcebook The Internet Ancient History Sourcebook has expanded greatly since its creation, and now contains hundred of local files as well as links to source texts throughout the net. See Introduction for an explanation of the Sourcebook's goals. See the Help! page for all the help on research I can offer. The Ancient History Sourcebook works as follows: This Main Index page [this page] shows all sections and sub sections. Additional Study/Research Aids In addition to the above structure, there are a series of pages to help teacher and students. Ancient History in the Movies Subjects covered by the source texts in each Section. Studying Ancient History Introduction: Using Primary Sources Nature of Historiography Other Sources of Information on Ancient History General Guides to Net Texts [link to texts at other sites.] The Ancient Near East Mesopotamia Egypt Persia Israel Greek Civilizations Greece The Hellenistic World Introduction Paul Halsall, Compiler and Editor

European History/A Background of European History Introduction[edit] A fresco from Pompeii showing a scene from the myth of Europa. This scene represents the capture of Europa by Zeus who had disguised himself as a bull. This book presents a broad overview of European history, from the end of the Roman empire to the present day, roughly from the fifth century to the twentieth century. This is, of course, a somewhat arbitrary period, but not a wholly unuseful one. Though archaeological evidence shows a Europe of continuous settlement over tens of thousands of years, the evidence for the political and sociological order of these communities is scarce if not completely absent. Neolithic Era (7,000 BCE to 3,000 BCE) The neolithic period is characterized by the spread of agriculture and pottery. The Aegean Sea and Southern Europe The earliest evidence for european agriculture is found at Knossos, Crete and dates from the sixth millennium BCE. Northern Europe The Bronze Age (3,000 BCE to 700 BCE) The Classical Period (700 BCE to 500 CE)

Historia Universal Esta sección (en construcción) contiene un esbozo de la historia de la humanidad. No pretendo analizar ni explicar los hechos, sino tan sólo narrarlos con el detalle suficiente para dar una visión de conjunto de cómo ha evolucionado la cultura humana. Cuando los historiadores discrepan sobre cronologías, nombres o sucesos, no he procurado mostrar todas las posibilidades, sino que he optado arbitrariamente por una de ellas. La idea no es establecer cómo fueron las cosas, sino, al menos, cómo pudieron ser de acuerdo con la información disponible. Ésta es la lista de las páginas. El origen del hombre (12.000 millones de años) Desde el Big Bang hasta la aparición del hombre. Aquí termina esta temporada de Historia Universal.

Colophon Da Wikipedia, l'enciclopedia libera. In editoria, il colophon (o colofone, dal tardo latino colophon, a sua volta derivante dal greco κóλοφων, "sommità", "cima" oppure "finitura") è una breve descrizione testuale, posta all'inizio o alla fine di un libro, riportante le note di produzione rilevanti per l'edizione. I colofoni più dettagliati sono una tipica caratteristica delle edizioni a tiratura limitata e delle stampe di piccole case editrici. Nella maggior parte dei casi il colofone è una descrizione del testo tipografico, spesso intitolata Una nota sul testo, che identifica i principali caratteri utilizzati riportandone i nomi, fornisce a volte una breve descrizione della storia del carattere tipografico e del tipo d'inchiostro, della carta e del contenuto di cotone. Nei libri provvisti di colofone, questo trova solitamente posto o sulla stessa pagina delle informazioni sul diritto d'autore o sul retro del volume. In filologia antica e medievale[modifica | modifica sorgente]

The Video Game Museum - The largest source for video games Digital History Naomi Wolf: Fascist America, in 10 easy steps | World news Last autumn, there was a military coup in Thailand. The leaders of the coup took a number of steps, rather systematically, as if they had a shopping list. In a sense, they did. They were not figuring these things out as they went along. As difficult as this is to contemplate, it is clear, if you are willing to look, that each of these 10 steps has already been initiated today in the United States by the Bush administration. Because Americans like me were born in freedom, we have a hard time even considering that it is possible for us to become as unfree - domestically - as many other nations. It is my argument that, beneath our very noses, George Bush and his administration are using time-tested tactics to close down an open society. Conason eloquently warned of the danger of American authoritarianism. 1. After we were hit on September 11 2001, we were in a state of national shock. Creating a terrifying threat - hydra-like, secretive, evil - is an old trick. 2. 3. Thugs in America? 4.

Today In Science History TheVine: News and Entertainment Internet History Sourcebooks Project Internet Jewish History Sourcebook Editor: Paul Halsall This page is a subset of texts derived from the three major online Sourcebooks listed below, along with added texts and web site indicators. For help in research, homework, and so forth see Contents The People of Israel Pre-Israelite Canaan/Palestine/Syria The Bible as a Source Ethnogenesis 2ND Who Where the Hebrews? Moses and Monotheism Moses (c.1250 BCE?) Conquest of the Land (1250-1000 BCE?) 2ND Ronald A. The National Monarchy (c.1020-586 BCE) Mythological Foundations Book of Genesis [At this Site] Genesis 1-2: The Creation Story in J and-orms [At SCU] or --> The Creation Story [At Then Again] Genesis: The Flood Story in J and P Forms and as Parallel Text -[At SCU] The Origin of Language, Genesis 11:1-9 [At Bible Gateway] Book of Job [At this Site] The Problem of Evil The Problem of Life, Ecclesiastes . The Emergence of Judaism General WEB Post Biblical Judaism [At Calgary] Eliezer Segal's course page, with extensive notes on E. General

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