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Guy rescues baby hummingbird after it was attacked

Guy rescues baby hummingbird after it was attacked

Monsanto wants to brainwash your children with 'Biotechnology Basics Activity Book' (NaturalNews) In response to mounting public backlash from the older generation, the biotechnology industry has launched a new propaganda campaign aimed at convincing children that genetically-modified (GM) crops are not only safe, but also an improvement over natural agriculture. Monsanto, Dow, Bayer, and five other major biotechnology companies and associations have collectively released the Biotechnology Basics Activity Book, a colorful guide designed to reeducate children into the false dogma of biotechnology. The 16-page guide -- which includes word scrambles, fill-in-the-blank puzzles, and matching games -- contains an introductory paragraph that claims biotechnology boosts crop yields, improves environmental conditions, and leads to more nutritious food. Throughout the book, children are told that biotechnology is changing the world for the better, which is a complete contradiction to all available independent science. Sources for this article include:

The Legendary Lilypad: Website News! A sleeping Easter bunny. No, please don't document this moment... Searching for peanuts. You come around here often? Bunny bum. Kitty licks. You otter take a dip with me! Kseniya Simonova, Sand Animation, Ukraine's Got Talent 2009 Winner Video Description Kseniya Simonova is a 24 years old Ukrainian artist. She uses a giant light box, dramatic music, imagination and "sand painting" skills to interpret the occupation of Ukraine during WWII. She won Ukraine's Got Talent 2009, watched by over 13 million people. Source: Kseniya Kseniya Simonova Kseniya Simonova (born 1985) is a sand animator from Ukraine. She started drawing with sand after her business collapsed due to the early 21st century credit crunch and had been drawing for less than a year when she entered Ukraine's Got Talent. Simonova won 1,000,000 Ukraninan Hryvnia (approx. Sand artist Kseniya Simonova, winner of Ukraine's Got Talent, becomes internet hit Sand artist, Kseniya Simonova, who moved audiences to tears as she won Ukraine’s Got Talent, has become an online sensation with more than two million hits. It is replaced by a woman’s face crying, but then a baby arrives and the woman smiles again.

Texts From My Dog Also check out Texsts From My Cat! (source) Facebook Memory techniques Help make lessons memorable by applying some of these simple, yet very effective techniques. When teaching and learning new information, ensure to… RepeatReviewRecall 5 times! Repeat - When you say something over and over and over again, it gets ingrained into the memory. As a new piece of information is learnt a pathway is created in the brain, ‘The more often a pathway is used, the more sensitive the pathway becomes and the more developed that pathway becomes in the individual brain.’ Review - This needs to be done at regular intervals and using different methods, such as: discussion, exploration, peer teaching and questioning. Recall – If information is not regularly recalled then it will not be easily accessible. Repeat, Review, Recall - a minimum of 5 times each at regular intervals. The brain ‘thinks’ and recalls memories as images. Associate the image with something else, see the location of the image and see what your imagination comes up with! colour humour use the 5 senses

Memrise I recently found a brilliant new learning tool and I wanted to share it. Memrise is a free, online site where you can learn thousands of words in various languages. It uses memory techniques and follows the idea that if learning is turned into a game then it is much more fun and more memorable. Choose what you want to study – there are hundreds of courses for you to choose from, covering a wide range of topics – plants, history, languages and many more! Here is Ed Cooke, one of the creators of Memrise talking at a TedX event Age, exercise may boost memory
