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Times Video

Times Video

About The Learning Network Video Our mission is to offer rich and imaginative materials for teaching and learning using New York Times content. Every weekday we offer new educational resources based on the articles, photographs, videos, illustrations, podcasts and graphics published in The New York Times – all for free. We invite parents, teachers and students who are 13 and older to use our ideas and tools. We hope that through posting your comments you’ll become part of an ongoing conversation about teaching and learning. For the 2013-’14 school year, here are 14 great ways to use our blog. Throughout the year, we offer the following regular features: The award-winning Learning Network was created in the fall of 1998. We hope teachers will use our blog to get and exchange ideas, parents to share how news stories have resonated at home, and students to express themselves on everything from politics to popular culture. For answers to questions about the blog, please see our FAQ or our Commenting FAQ, or write to us.

The art of haggling But few people do, because they worry that haggling makes them look cheap, argumentative or even rude. But when you ask for a deal the right way, it makes you look reasonable. When should you ask? Where should you start asking? Experts gave us tips on how to start haggling, or rather, negotiating prices. Whether getting 10 percent off at a spa or a free upgrade on a plane, the ancient adage still rings true: Ask and you shall receive. Do your research Competition is tough among retail stores. Mind your mouth Marriage counselors and hostage negotiators know that tantrums get you nowhere. Choose your strategy Are you buying a large quantity? Location, location, location New York Giants quarterback Eli Manning didn’t start out in a stadium. Practice makes persuasion Haggling is an acquired skill. Loyalty pays Sometimes, haggling saves you money on fines you would otherwise have to pay. Build a team Always ask, “Can you work with me?” Be prepared to walk away Pay them in compliments On Sale

NIDA TV Director's Remarks and Interviews NIDA Research I-Science: On-the-Spot Interviews With Scientists For Medical and Health Professionals Public Service Announcements Public Education AGUA DE LAS VERDES MATAS | El cuento desde México “Agua de las verdes matas, tú me tumbas, tú me matas, tú me haces andar a gatas MAGUEY Aut. ESE DÍA la gente no quiso comprarme la carne. Para que nadie me hablara, atravesé el arroyo seco y busqué una sombra de anacua. las de la anacua. No tardé en encontrar una a la orilla del arroyo, pero antes de sentarme, llevé la’ canasta y la acomodé arriba de una piedra que estaba debajo de un mezquite viejo. encima el sombrero para que no se volara el trapo. la anacua. Yo no quería beber. “Si te vuelvo a ver borracho y hablando en verso, despídete de la canasta, del jacal y de la comida.” Desde allí se divisaba la cantina de Chito. hora mi compadre Nicolás y “El Mecha ” me esperaban. iba a ir. andar de borracho. Yo no quería beber. con rabia alrededor de la canasta. aquel que mataron a piedrazos en el agostadero. se tragaron sus carnes y le dejaron el esqueleto como uña de gavilán. No más por el sombrero supimos quién era. ¡ Qué feo zumbaban las mosca ! que se me clavó en la lengua. Yo no debía beber.

TeacherTube Educational Videos and Games for Kids about Science, Math, Social Studies and English Kitten Rescue Cam - Live Cams kitten rescue cam Founded in 1997, Kitten Rescue is a Los Angeles-based no-kill animal rescue organization dedicated to the rescue, rehabilitation and rehoming of homeless and abandoned cats and kittens. Each year, our network of over 100 volunteer foster homes rescue and adopt out nearly 1,000 cats. topic: cats location: los angeles
