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El blog de Francisco R. Villatoro

El blog de Francisco R. Villatoro
Related:  Filosofia, Astronomia, Articulos

El espinazo de la noche | una invitación a mirar las estrellas A Curious Mind Here are five science stories that I found intriguing during 2013. I don’t mean to imply that these necessarily represent the most important discoveries, rather, these are simply stories that, for one reason or another, caught my attention more than others. 1. On the morning of February 15, an asteroid that penetrated the Earth’s atmosphere unnoticed (Figure 1), exploded above the Siberian town of Chelyabinsk. Figure 1. Figure 2. 2. While excavating in a parking lot in Leicester, England, archaeologists hit the jackpot. 3. The “Goldbach conjecture” is one of those famous problems in mathematics that has already awaited its solution for more than a quarter of a millennium (since 1742). Figure 3. Figure 4. 4. In his pioneering attempts to calculate the age of the Earth (in 1862) Lord Kelvin had to estimate the temperature in the Earth’s deep interior. Figure 5. 5.

MiGUi ¿Sabían que pueden transformar los... - Por un Chile Sustentable H.R. Giger, 1940-2014: the Xenomorph's father | MZS It seems wrong to say that Swiss surrealist H.R. Giger "passed away" at age 74. Let's respect the man's vision and avoid euphemisms. Giger was a painter, sculptor, graphic artist and production designer. More than one observer has pointed out that almost nothing about the "Alien" creature makes biological/evolutionary sense. And yet the very counterintuitive strangeness of the creature (a collaboration between Giger, screenwriters Dan O'Bannon and Ronald Shusett and director Ridley Scott) worked for the original 1979 film, and the sequels that adapted Giger's designs to suit their own purposes. It was as if somebody had taken the ichthyologist Hooper's description of the Great White in "Jaws" and turned it into a space beast: "A perfect engine, an eating machine that is a miracle of evolution - it swims and eats and makes little baby sharks, that's all." "In the first design for the alien, he had big black eyes," Giger said in a 1979 interview. Giger knew what scared us. H.R.

Quantum Diaries Bienvenido a Ciencia Histórica. - Ciencia Histórica Gwarlingo – The Polaroids of Andrei Tarkovsky : The Mystery of Everyday Life Polaroid by Andrei Tarkovsky from the book Instant Light: Tarkovsky Polaroids from Thames and Hudson. “Never try to convey your idea to the audience,” said Russian filmmaker Andrei Tarkovsky, “—it is a thankless and senseless task. Show them life, and they’ll find within themselves the means to assess and appreciate it.” Tarkovsky is best known for such cinematic masterpieces as Solaris, The Mirror, Andrei Rublev, and Stalker. “We can express our feelings regarding the world around us either by poetic or by descriptive means,” Tarkovsky explained in an 1983 interview with Hervé Guibert in Le Monde. I prefer to express myself metaphorically. Andrei Tarkovsky, Stalker (still), 1979. Andre Tarkovsky on the set of Mirror. Tarkovsky’s unhurried, profound films explore themes like memory, childhood, and dreams, and are the antithesis of the Hollywood obsession for rapid-cut editing. I think people somehow got the idea that everything on screen should be immediately understandable. “What is art?

¡En 100 años, todos calvos! ¿Y mientras tanto?… crecepelo con minoxidil – Gigantes en Casa Cuando popularmente se quiere indicar que una persona con mucha palabrería quiere convencerte de algo incierto o quiere venderte algo inútil, se suele usar el calificativo de “vendedor de crecepelos”. Y esto es así porque ser calvo angustia a muchas personas y los charlatanes de turno se aprovechan de ello. Pero la realidad científica indica que sí hay crecepelos que verdaderamente funcionan. Los vemos en este artículo. Más artículos de Gigantes en Casa pinchando aquí De muchos factores, pero el principal es el genético. Hay otros factores, tales como problemas de alimentación que conducen a un déficit de vitaminas y micronutrientes, como el hierro, que conlleva a una pérdida de pelo. También se puede perder el pelo por enfermedades en el cuero cabelludo provocadas por infecciones y otras afecciones. Para las mujeres el que favorece la calvicie, el C, es recesivo. Este extenso grupo de moléculas presentan propiedades muy interesantes para aplicaciones muy diversas. Enlaces:

Gavin Rothery Blog - A Matter Of Electric Sheep Blade Runner is one of those films that gets written about a lot, it's a very special movie. Even though it's almost thirty years old it still beats out the competiton. At University, despite the fact I was doing an illustration degree, they made me write a lot of essays. This used to annoy me as I felt this was a bit unfair and that I was there to draw, not to write. When the Directors Cut first came out it opened up the question of Deckard being a replicant. The replicants in Blade Runner know they're replicants. Deckard is Gaff. Deckard isn't even allowed to fly his own police car. Another element of depth on this point comes in the design of Deckard's car. Right through the film, Gaff shows complete contempt for Deckard. On top of all of this we have the oragami. Then we have the one that can't really be interpreted any other way. Gaff says something very telling to Deckard near the end of the film. So that's my Blade Runner theory, that Deckard is actually Gaff.

UNIVERSO Blog | Web de divulgación de la Astronomía y la Teledetección DE MECANICA CUÁNTICA
