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Fine Tuna - Fine tune a design or image by adding feedback & comments

Fine Tuna - Fine tune a design or image by adding feedback & comments

Mixx - Latest news and top videos and photos from around the web imagini - See how you compare to over 4,000,000 other people fro DecoHome .Videos decoración Decidirse por el color adecuado para decorar las diferentes estancias de nuestra casa es complicado. Si hablamos de pintura todavía es más crítico: mil dudas sobre si el color ...leer más Decoración de oficinas 09-01-2012 - 1 comentarios La tendencia en el diseño de oficinas siempre ha sido separar los espacios destinados a directivos de los destinados a los empleados, estableciendo barreras arquitectónicas que se traducen en diferencias jerárquicas y por supuesto salariales. Mobiliario para la terraza o jardín 07-01-2012 - 1 comentarios La terraza y el jardín son una prolongación de nuestras casas, y deben primar en ellas las mismas normas decorativas que en el interior: estética, funcionalidad y adaptabilidad a los usos que daremos a cada espacio. Publicidad Claves a la hora de escoger un sofá 06-01-2012 - 0 comentarios A la hora de escoger un sofá las opciones disponibles en el mercado son muy diversas. Soluciones de almacenamiento en la cocina 05-01-2012 - 0 comentarios

Laying Out Your Online Experience What do you think most people want when they turn to these social technologies? If we throw away the terms for a moment, here’s what I think they want: A Sign We need a way for people to find us. Having a blog and/or other web presence touchpoints (or outposts) is a good start. A Friendly Place If your online presence is friendly, like a really clean and well-designed site, or if it has a place for you to relax and get acquainted, won’t that help the process of getting to know you? Networking Connections Building an online presence also gives you the chance to connect with people. Connecting is part of the whole social experience. A Storefront This is optional, but if one goal of your blog and your online presence is to sell something (even if that’s just YOU), make that clear. A People-Centric Mindset If you’re not building relationships, connecting with people, getting to know others on the web, and sharing, I’d say you’re doing it wrong, except I rarely believe that. That All Said…

Branded Content In New Media – the PR Trend for 2010 | Online PR If you’re looking for some hard evidence that companies are focusing on communicating directly with existing and prospective consumers with content placed in social media sites, the 2009 Survey on Marketing, Media and Measurement has the data. This ability to use new media channels to reach audiences directly, and to measure the value of their response and interaction, is advancing a trend: companies are abandoning other media platforms in favor of creating their own branded, original content in social media channels. Back in 2002 Forrester Research said success online was all about the content and it seems that part hasn’t changed. “Marketers have been aware of the effectiveness of building relationships and trust with content since long before the Internet,” said Gordon Plutsky, Director of Marketing and Research, King Fish. And it is working: Blendtec has seen a 5X increase in sales since they launched their Will it Blend? Consider upgrading to a social media newsroom in 2010. Tags:

100 herramientas web For those unfamiliar with the term, a learning style is a way in which an individual approaches learning. Many people understand material much better when it is presented in one format, for example a lab experiment, than when it is presented in another, like an audio presentation. Determining how you best learn and using materials that cater to this style can be a great way to make school and the entire process of acquiring new information easier and much more intuitive. Visual Learners Visual learners learn through seeing and retain more information when it's presented in the form of pictures, diagrams, visual presentations, textbooks, handouts and videos. Auditory Learners Auditory learners do best in classes where listening is a main concern. Kinesthetic Learners Kinesthetic learners do best when they interact and touch things.

home 23 Essential Social Media Resources You May Have Missed We know, it's summer in some parts of the world — you don't want to stay indoors all day everyday. Well don't worry, even if you missed some of Mashable's social media resources while out frolicking we've got another great list of resources from the past week to get you all caught up. Below you'll find our weekly power-guide to the best social media resources this side of the 'Net. This edition includes a ton of business resources for the social-media-savvy entrepreneur and even some quirky facts (LOL used to mean "Little Old Lady"?). Whatever your passion, dig in and enjoy. Social Media 10 Cool Facebook Status Tips and TricksHere are 10 how-to tips to help you get the most out of your Facebook status update, from features to apps, Easter eggs, jokes and more.13 Internet Slangs with Unexpected Alternate MeaningsWe've collected 13 internet slangs and acronyms with unexpected alternative meanings, ranging from downright unpredictable to hilariously ironic. Tech & Mobile Business - Educational Websites for Kids, Teachers & Parents | Interactive Learning | K12 Subject Directory Super Teacher Tools 10 internet technologies that educators should be informed about | Emerging Internet Technologies for Education There are so many different tools and technologies available on the internet today, and so many associated terms and concepts. As I think about topics to focus on here in the coming months, I want to make sure we’re touching on the most important ones. What are the most important internet technologies for educators to be aware of, and informed about? I’m sure many people would probably come up with a slightly different list, but based on my observations and experiences, and feedback from faculty at my institution, I have selected the following technologies. 1. 2. Have you considered outsourcing your call center? 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. While many readers may have their own interpretation of which technologies are essential for educators to be aware of, I think this is a great list to get started with. Use of brain dumps can provide you real success in exam. About Kelly Walsh Print This Post
