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Croatia National Tourist Board In order to provide you the best experience of our site, and to make the site work properly, this site saves on your computer a small amount of information (cookies). By using the site, you agree to the use of cookies. By blocking cookies, you can still browse the site, but some of its functionality will not be available to you. What is a cookie? A cookie is information stored on your computer by the website you visit. Also, they make it possible for us to measure the number of visitors and sources of traffic on our website, and as a result, we are able to improve the performance of our site. All the information collected by the cookies, is accumulated and stays anonymous. All this information can be saved only if you enable it - websites cannot get access to the information that you have not given them, and they cannot access other data on your computer. Disabling cookies By turning off cookies, you decide whether you want to allow the storage of cookies on your computer.

France Restaurants, Bars, Gigs, Hotels, Events & more Tourisme en Roumanie, viajes a Rumania, Travel in Romania 25 Abandoned Yugoslavia Monuments that look like they're from the Future! These structures were commissioned by former Yugoslavian president Josip Broz Tito in the 1960s and 70s to commemorate sites where WWII battles took place (like Tjentište, Kozara and Kadinjača), or where concentration camps stood (like Jasenovac and Niš). They were designed by different sculptors (Dušan Džamonja, Vojin Bakić, Miodrag Živković, Jordan and Iskra Grabul, to name a few) and architects (Bogdan Bogdanović, Gradimir Medaković...), conveying powerful visual impact to show the confidence and strength of the Socialist Republic. In the 1980s, these monuments attracted millions of visitors per year, especially young pioneers for their "patriotic education." From 2006 to 2009, Kempenaers toured around the ex-Yugoslavia region (now Croatia, Serbia, Slovenia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, etc.) with the help of a 1975 map of memorials, bringing before our eyes a series of melancholy yet striking images. Podgarić Petrova Gora Kosmaj Tjentište Kruševo Kozara Grmeč Ilirska Bistrica Jasenovac Niš Košute

Tourisme Croatie : parcs naturels et écotourisme en Croatie La Croatie est un territoire riche en paysages et en parcs protégés. Au-delà des parcs nationaux qui font sa fierté comme Plitvice , Mljet, Krka , Paklenica , le Velebit Nord, les Brijuni ou les Kornati , la Croatie compte aussi 8 parcs naturels qui devraient réjouir les amateurs de tourisme naturel ou d’écotourisme, Biokovo , Ucka et le Velebit pour les amoureux de montagne. Parmi les plus appréciés , Lonjsko Polje en Croatie centrale à 120 km de Zagreb , Vransko jezero, un lac entre Zadar et Sibenik Parc zoologique et réserve ornithologique en Croatie Kopački rit Kopački rit constitue une réserve zoologique, ornithologique et botanique le long de l’estuaire de la rivière Drave et du Danube, à proximité d’Osijek et est l’un des espaces marécageux les mieux protégés et les plus grands d’ Europe . Kopački rit Vransko Jezero Situé entre Zadar et Šibenik, à côté de Pakoštane, Vransko Jezero constitue le plus grand lac naturel de Croatie dont le Parc abrite une réserve ornithologique. Contact

Zurich in a hurry: Make the most of your stopover Zurich's excellent, efficient public transport means you can visit the beautiful "Old Town" even during a short stopover Switzerland's largest city has a rich history as a center of European high culture. Its heritage stretches back to Roman times and it is home to more than 50 museums. Time-pressed travelers can take a 90-minute boat cruise on Lake Zurich. Zurich seen from the lake. A must-see attraction, the Fraumunster (Minster of Our Lady) church features beautiful stained glass windows by celebrated Russian artist Marc Chagall. Zurich stretches out between two tree-covered chains of hills. The Grossmunster is another Zurich must-see -- a Romanesque-style protestant church. Schipfe, part of the Old Town, viewed from across the Limmat. Zurich stopover (CNN) -- Facing a stopover of a few hours in Zurich? Getting around The Swiss are among the world's biggest users of trains, second only to the Japanese, and insist on rail services that are reliably punctual. Efficient travel at Zurich airport

Dublin Travel Guide: Iconic Itineraries from Condé Nast Traveler Day 1: Dublin It’s your first day in Dublin, and if you’re here between April and September, you’re strolling green lawns littered with students having lunch. You’re in St. Your red-eye flight landed around nine this morning, and you took a 20-minute taxi ride to your hotel, The Merrion , where you had a full Irish breakfast. Dublin, which has only a million residents, is easily navigable, but tourists who see it without a guide miss its incomparable backstories. After crossing the street and entering Merrion Square Park, you fast-forward from the eighteenth to the early twentieth century, when the tumult between Irish Republicans and English lords reached a climax. Irish heroes fall into one of two categories: patriots and writers, the latter (which includes Joyce, Yeats, Beckett, et al) having sprung from Dublin at a rate that belies its 44 square miles. - Antiquité et période paléochrétienne Grâce aux voyages et aux relations commerciales qu'elles entretiennent, les communautés autochtones qui peuplent le territoire de l'actuelle Croatie aux âges du bronze et du fer ont dès le viiie siècle av. J.-C. des contacts avec les Grecs et les Étrusques, mais il faut attendre l'arrivée des colons grecs au ive siècle av. J.-C. pour que soient réunies les conditions nécessaires à l'installation et à la diffusion de la civilisation antique sur le littoral adriatique. S'exerçant par le truchement des colonies grecques, notamment Issa (actuelle Vis) et Pharos (Stari Grad, sur l'île de Hvar), l'influence grecque est perceptible dans les progrès de l'écriture, la frappe de monnaies, le commerce, la mise en place de parcellaires et la construction de remparts. À partir du iie siècle av. Abside centrale de la basilique euphrasienne de Poreč. Baptistère et fonts baptismaux du centre épiscopal de Salone, érigé à la charnière du ive et du ve siècle.

Madeira, l’isola dell’eterna primavera in foto: Cabo Girão, Madeira – Foto di Hendrik Terbeck Per la sua sfolgorante bellezza, l'isola di Madeira è stata definita la Perla dell'Atlantico. Un luogo fuori dalle normali rotte europee, rimasto a lungo avvolto nel mistero. La sua scoperta avvenne infatti solo nel 1419 ad opera del navigatore João Gonçalves Zarco. L'isola, che appartiene politicamente al Portogallo, si trova a circa 560 miglia (900 chilometri) dalle coste portoghesi e a circa 370 miglia (600 chilometri) dal Marocco. in foto: Spiaggia di Madeira – Foto Pixabay L'arcipelago è composto da otto isole, ma solo le due più grandi (Madeira e Porto Santo) sono abitate. Cosa vedere a Madeira in foto: Madeira, l'isola dei fiori – Foto Pixabay A Madeira c'è davvero molto da vedere ed è impossibile elencare tutte le numerose attrazioni. in foto: Madeira è famosa per le sue varietà floreali – Foto Wikimedia Commons Madeira possiede la più vasta foresta di lauro al mondo, dichiarata Patrimonio UNESCO nel 1999. Cosa fare a Madeira

Malta's secret tunnels: inside the newly discovered underworld of Valletta | Cities When Albert Dimech recognised us, rather than introducing himself, he simply said: “Follow me.” Dimech had asked the artist Leanne Wijnsma and me to meet him in the centre of Valletta, Malta’s capital city and the European capital for culture in 2018. Wijnsma had been commissioned by the Valletta 2018 foundation to create a piece of artwork about the city’s subterranean world, and Dimech was our point of contact. We arrived a few minutes late and out of breath, veering past tourists eating ice cream in the sun and taking photos of the dense vertical houses. He took us to the bin room where he kicked aside trash bags and cardboard boxes to reveal a tight, spiral staircase. At the bottom of the staircase, we found ourselves standing in a foot of water. Punched out of the tunnel walls, in a zigzag pattern meant to diffuse shock waves, were dozens of shelters. Some of the shelters had altars carved into the walls, filled with personal effects: bowls, candles, wine bottles.

Croatia feeds | La Croazia dei superlativi Hum, la più piccola città del mondo Quando si dice città, si pensa subito ad un luogo vasto e caotico, pieno di edifici di tutte le dimensioni, vie e strade percorse da un fiume di macchine e tanta gente che vi abita. Potete immaginare l’incredulità di chi, trovandosi ai piedi del colle istriano, sente la guida turistica dire che lassù c’è la città di Hum. A Hum non ci sono la frenesia, gli ingorghi stradali, gli edifici ed i centri commerciali tipici delle “altre” città. Tra le mura ben conservate di questo borgo ci sono appena due viuzze, due chiesette e una konoba, un’osteria in cui si può ancora bere un’acquavite di vischio (o biska) fatta con tutti i crismi, secondo una ricetta secolare. La chiesa della S. La chiesa della Santa Croce di Nin fu costruita nel IX secolo ed è il più prezioso esempio dell’architettura sacra vetero-croata. Susak e la prima “minigonna” del mondo Sebbene piccola e scarsamente abitata, l’isola di Susak è un luogo estremamente interessante.

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