Congee as Comfort Food | The Asian Grandmothers Cookbook Can you spot Isaac's mop of black hair looming at the top right corner in the first photo? "I ... must ... touch ... congee ..." The last few weeks have been exhausting. I’ve been sick twice in three weeks (once with a gastro-intestinal virus and am now recovering with maybe strep and/or a sinus infection), and my two illnesses bookended my little man’s bout with a stomach virus (yet again). Ever since Isaac started daycare in August, it’s been a neverending series of maladies at our house. So please forgive me for not posting until now. Thankfully, I’m well-prepared when it comes to feeding the sick, whether my son, husband, or myself. Just like chicken (noodle) soup is nature’s universal penicillin, congee is the Asian equivalent, a comforting bowl of goodness to nurse your ailing loved one back to health. There are countless ways to make congee, depending on what you have at home. My mom likes to use broken jasmine rice, and yes, the grains are literally broken. Like this:
Learn Chinese with Mobile Apps, Tools, & Flash Cards from Students of Mandarin Chinese Written Chinese Tasty demais - Facebook The Beginner's Guide to Chinese Internet Slang You’re ready to take the plunge. Your Chinese friends have been bugging you for weeks to create a profile on some hip new site. So you dive right in to Chinese internet. You log in, look around, but then you realize there is a one very serious problem… You can’t understand anything! Welcome to the world of Chinese internet slang. Just as English speakers use a whole dictionary of special words, contractions, memes and acronyms when chatting online, Chinese do the same. While confusing at first, Chinese internet slang can be very rewarding to learn, and opens up a whole new sphere of communication with fellow Chinese netizens. What’s more, Chinese internet slang really isn’t that hard to learn, following generally a few very simple rules, and requiring knowledge of only a few obscure memes. Where Is It Okay to Use Chinese Slang? So Chinese internet slang exists, and can be a fun way of communication. WeChat/Weixin Social Media Dating Apps Breaking The Code: Chinese Alphanumeric Slang Example: 我必须睡觉!
Páscoa Páscoa - Festa comemorativa da Ressurreição de Jesus Cristo, a Páscoa está associada a práticas alimentares em que os ovos, os folares, as amêndoas e os cordeiros ocupam o primeiro lugar. O "Folar" tem particular relevância, havendo diferentes espécies - tão diferentes que o folar transmontano, por exemplo, só tem com o da Estremadura dois pontos em comum: o nome e a referência à Páscoa. Acrescente-se, contudo, que a tradição do folar, qualquer que ele seja, assenta num ritual de dádiva, solidariedade e convívio profundamente enraizado na sociedade portuguesa. O folar mais corrente em Portugal é um "bolo de massa seca, doce, e ligada, feito com farinha de trigo, ovos, leite, azeite, banha ou pingue, açúcar e fermento, e condimentado com canela e erva-doce - uma espécie de fogaça - encimado, conforme o seu tamanho, por um ou vários ovos cozidos inteiros e em certos lugares tingidos, meio incrustados e visíveis sob as tiras de massa que os recobrem".
Rice Cooker Fried Rice Recipe cancel TOP Filters What's in Your Fridge? Browse By: Next Recipe Stumped for dinner? A Pinch of This ... Recipe Box Grocery List Print Share How to Make Boiled Water (2:51) More Take the next step in your cooking career with this boiled water tutorial. More Videos Total Time 30mins Prep 10 mins Cook 20 mins Everyone knows that Rice Cookers are convenient and save time, but did you know you can cook almost anything in them? Skip to Next Recipe Ingredients Nutrition 2 cups rice 2 cups beef stock 1 tablespoon oil (flavoured infused oil works very well) 250 g bacon (cut into strips) 1 onion (sliced) 1 teaspoon minced garlic 1 cup frozen mixed vegetables (corn kernels and peas will do) 2 tablespoons soy sauce Check Out Our Top Rice Recipe Directions Turn Rice Cooker onto cook. Up Next How to Make Boiled Water Reviews See All Reviews Write A Review Most Helpful Yum! Very good! This was tasty, but I trusted the recipe, and I probably shouldn't have. Submit a Correction Related: Pasta, Rice And Grains
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Porra, Mauricio! (Imagem via Rafael Monteiro) (Imagem via voodoo-witch-queen) (Imagem via RivaDias) (Imagem via juliopanzera )