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A World of Vehicle Innovations

A World of Vehicle Innovations
Related:  design de serviceBuilding Methods

10 things I’ve learnt about lean startup | We Love Lean – Lean startups, design, happiness and everything in between For those of you that don’t know I’m co-founder of Spook Studio. We’re a startup consultancy and design studio by the sea that helps startups get started. We’ve worked with many startups over the years and have learnt a bit along the way. We love working with startups as we get to see an idea come to life, plus also we get to work with visionary people that are looking to disrupt the status quo and do something different. As well as organising Lean Startup Brighton we also put on a couple of events in London aimed at startups. So, why go lean I hear you ask? This is why. We all want to work on stuff that people value and use. Which brings me to the traditional model for product development,waterfall. What works much better in most cases is a more agile or leanapproach to releasing. ie. early and often. As you can see, waterfall is perfectly adequate for projects where there are no unknowns, but it falls down when either the problem (or solution, or both) are open to questioning. Thanks!

National Innovation Foundation - India NIF conducts a biennial national competition [1] for grassroots green technologies developed by farmers, mechanics, artisans and others through their own genius without any recourse to professional help. NIF validates these innovations with the help of experts, and, ascertains the novelty in these innovations by doing prior art search. If the innovation is deemed novel, NIF files a patent on behalf of the innovator. NIF also funds value addition initiatives in these innovations to upscale them and make them more useful for a larger segment of people. To determine the feasibility of the commercializing of technology, NIF conducts market research and test marketing. IGNITE [3] is an annual competition for student’s ideas and innovations conducted by NIF in partnership with the Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE). Genesis of National Innovation Foundation[edit] Governing Body [7][edit] The foundation has a governing body chaired by Dr. Activities of NIF[edit] Honey Bee Network[edit]

No Time for Car Shopping? Click ‘Print’ to Make Your Own - The sign’s message was clear enough: Please Do Not Touch. For some visitors, however, the temptation was too great. Here at the recent Maker Faire, a traveling festival for technology enthusiasts, people ran their fingers over the car’s ribbed exterior. The bolder ones took a more brazen approach, knocking their fists against the surfaces to see how the material would respond. One eager young boy, all of about three feet tall, went further, licking a front fender to learn how it tasted. A mortified parent quickly admonished him. This irresistible attraction was a 3-D printed vehicle made by Local Motors, and interest at the New York Hall of Science in Flushing Meadows-Corona Park in Queens was intense. The process known as 3-D printing has gone through a meteoric rise in popularity in the last five years, spurred by the emergence of low-cost printers and easy-to-use software. “The goal here is to get the number of parts down,” said John B. Mr. “Safety is the biggest question,” Mr. Mr.

Présentation | FR – MBD Design Fondée en 1972, MBD Design développe des solutions globales de design dans les secteurs suivants : Transport, Défense, Produit, Aménagement et Prospective. Parmi les leaders mondiaux dans le Design Transport, MBD Design déploie ses activités en Europe, en Asie en Amérique Latine, aux Etats-Unis et au Moyen-Orient. L’équipe est experte dans la conduite de projets complexes, stratégiques ou à dimension internationale. MBD Design détient plus d’une trentaine de prix internationaux. CREATIVITE et PRAGMATISME Plusieurs décennies d’expérience appuyée sur une bonne compréhension des contextes culturels, économiques et techniques servent de socle à nos développements. Convaincus que le design est avant tout un facteur de compétitivité économique, notre premier objectif est de mener toutes nos créations vers un retour sur investissement positif pour nos clients.

Beekast - Mobile App for Events that turns smartphones into wireless microphones Le droit de planter et cultiver librement bientôt interdit ? - Agriculture Les industries et multinationales semencières veulent rendre les paysans captifs… grâce à la loi. Les députés doivent examiner le 28 novembre un texte instaurant une « contribution volontaire obligatoire » : une véritable dîme sur les semences. Ressemer librement sa propre récolte ou échanger des variétés de plantes deviendra illégal. Soucieux de préserver l’autonomie alimentaire, des paysans et des citoyens entrent en résistance. Photo : source Demain, graines et semences ne seront peut-être plus libres. Qui sont ces propriétaires de semences à qui la « contribution volontaire » sera reversée ? Rendre les paysans captifs « Le fait que l’obtenteur soit rétribué pour son travail de recherche ne nous pose pas de problème, explique Jean-Pierre Lebrun, un maraîcher biologique à la retraite. « Ce n’est pas la recherche qu’ils veulent rémunérer mais les actionnaires » Pourquoi cette redevance ? Des carottes illégales et des choux clandestins Rébellion contre la dîme des multinationales

One-Off Construction Using Fiberglass Over Foam The automotive application of FRP/foam composite was pioneered in the 1970's by the author's former design firm, Quincy-Lynn Enterprises, Inc. We used polyester resin and glass cloth laminations over a core of rigid urethane foam boardstock (fiberglass over foam). Modern variations sometimes use an epoxy resin or vinyl-ester resin and carbon-fiber-cloth over urethane foam, like the composite used to build GM's Ultralite experimental passenger car. Carbon fiber materials are far more costly, and it's questionable as to whether the value matches the extra expense. Despite the strength-to-weight advantage of newer materials, nothing matches the original polyester-resin/glass-cloth/urethane-foam composite for quickly producing a tough, lightweight product at rock-bottom costs. And it's a surprisingly simple system to use. You can use this composite to make virtually anything, from a vehicle body to a boat. A Low-Cost and Forgiving Material Begin by Attaching Plywood Station Formers

Paris : un service de conciergerie connectée arrive dans le métro On appelle cela des « conciergeries 3.0 » et la RATP a décidé de s'inscrire dans cette tendance en lançant la première conciergerie connectée du réseau de transport parisien, à la station de métro Opéra. Après avoir acheté une prestation de conciergerie sur leur Smartphone ou leur ordinateur (cordonnerie, retouche, pressing...), les usagers pourront laisser leurs chaussures ou vêtements dans ce nouveau lieu de dépôt élaboré en lien avec la société Quatre Epingles, spécialiste du secteur. Ils les récupéreront sous 48 heures, par exemple en fin de journée, en revenant de leur travail. La RATP n'en est pas à son coup d'essai en matière de conciergerie innovante.
