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Titanium Mobile Application Development

Titanium Mobile Application Development

api-java-client - Google API Client Library for Java Written by Google, this library is an easy-to-use and efficient Java client library for accessing Google APIs using JSON and OAuth 2.0. Works on these platforms that support the Java language: To start, please read the Developer's Guide. Next, download the Google API libraries and try the samples. Read the Get Help page to ask questions, report a bug, or subscribe to announcements. This library is built on top of two common libraries, also built by Google, but designed to work with any HTTP service on the web: the Google HTTP Client Library for Java and the Google OAuth Client Library for Java. New!!! Starting from version 1.18.0-rc, we're hosting library zips on

45+ Excellent Code Snippet Resources and Repositories | Develope Advertisement The beauty of code snippets is their ability to save you time when developing a site. Whether you keep a file with your own often-reused snippets or turn to one of the many online repositories, snippets can really speed up your site development. There are plenty of places online to find code snippets and get answers to your coding questions. Be sure to check out some of our previous articles: 1. The repositories and resources featured below cover multiple languages and platforms. Stack Overflow6Stack Overlow is a great site to check out if you have a programming question. Snipplr7Snipplr is a code snippet search engine. Smipple8Smipple is a repository of “social code snippets”. Tipster9Tipster, from Carsonified (the producers of the Future of Web Design conference), is a place to share and find tips from other web designers. Snipt10Snipt is a code repository that allows you to save public or private snippets. Snippets19This snippet repository is hosted by Jonas John. 2. 3.

How to Center Anything With CSS Recently, we took a dive into the very core concepts behind CSS layout and explored the differences between absolute and relative positioning. We’re going to follow that up with another CSS layout talk, this time based around a fundamental question that almost every new developer asks: how do you center something? There are a bunch of different types of web elements and layout situations, each calling for a unique solution for centering (both vertically and horizontally). Today we’ll go over a bunch of these scenarios so you can wrap your mind around how they work and come away with the confidence to center anything! Who’s This For? I’ve gotten a lot of commenter feedback lately from designers who struggle with the basic methods and concepts of layout in CSS. Having been there quite a few times myself, I know that this is an immensely frustrating period of your professional growth. Horizontally Center an Element As you can see, by default, our div pops up in the top left of the viewport.

mikel's mail at master - GitHub Ansca Mobile's advanced mobile app development tool BasicBuild your games or apps in record time and start monetizing with in-app purchases or ads.BUY $16/monthProPro adds advanced graphics, all Corona Plugins, analytics and much more.BUY $49/monthEnterpriseCall any native library (C++/Objective-C/Java) from your Corona app and do offline builds.CONTACT US Download Corona and you are automatically a Corona SDK Starter. You can build and publish your apps for free.Upgrade to Basic, Pro or Enterprise when you are ready for more functionality. Do you have existing apps? CoronaCards lets you take Corona’s richness and ease-of-use to any native app. Read on to learn why Corona SDK is the leader for 2D apps and games… Publish to all major platforms Corona SDK allows you to publish for iOS, Android, Kindle Fire and NOOK from a single code base. We’ll take care of the heavy lifting related to device and platform fragmentation, allowing you to focus on creating exceptional mobile content. Build on industry standards

10 Tips for New iPhone Developers - Nettuts+ Making a webapp for the iPhone is a lot like making a normal web site, but with a few quirks to abide by. In this article, I'll give you a wide variety of tips, covering things such as: "must-haves", usability guidelines, testing/debugging, pitfalls, and performance issues. I hope you enjoy it! WebApps vs. Native Apps Keep in mind that a web application runs in the browser, while a native application is installed on the iPhone. Still not convinced? The list goes on... 1: Viewport, Viewport, Viewport I would say this may be the simplest and most important thing for an iPhone web app. This tells the browser to scale your page in such a way that will make it fit nicely on the iPhone. width=device-widthThis fits the page to the device's width. Keep in mind that the viewport IS NOT A WINDOW. A viewport is a rectangular area of screen space within which an application is displayed. Specifying the viewport is a *must-have* and is the first step into making your web app iPhone-friendly. Conclusion

Developer Network chneukirchen's rack at master - GitHub jQuery Mobile 6 Steps to Building a Better iPhone App Brian LeRoux is Nitobi's Software Architect, and is involved in shepherding the PhoneGap open source project. You can read his blog, or find him on . Thanks to increasingly powerful devices and cheaper data plans, the mobile app space is growing faster every year. Apple has been at the forefront of that growth with the iPhone, by both partnering with telecom companies to provide near-unlimited web access, and redefining application distribution with the App Store, which created a new industry and market for smartphone applications. The App Store has created a gold rush for developers, and there are now over 50,000 applications for sale, making it harder to get a newly released app noticed by users. Here's a list of steps which should be considered when getting into the iPhone app game: Step 1: Narrow your focus A mobile application has precious little screen real estate, so be sure to focus on reducing screen clutter. Step 2: Build a better user experience Step 3: Choose your approach

Your Web, documented · Interesting Ruby Tidbits That Don’t Need Separate Posts #29 Welcome to the latest installment in the series of compilation posts summarizing some of my latest findings in the world of all things Ruby. Let's tackle those links.. Alchemist: Easy Unit Conversion in Ruby Alchemist is a new Ruby library that aims to take the pain out of performing translation with day to day units, such as miles, kilograms, kelvin, meters, and becquerels. There are a few ways you can perform conversions such as explicitly with a method: or inline: 10.kilometers + 1.mile. The Compleat Rubyist - An All-Star Ruby Training Event David A Black, of The Well Grounded Rubyist fame, got in touch recently to promote his forthcoming The Compleat Rubyist training event. You're An Idiot For Not Using Heroku? In the dramatically titled You're An Idiot For Not Using Heroku, John Nunemaker relays how much fun he's been having with Ruby cloud hosting service Heroku which, you may recall, we covered very recently here on Ruby Inside. A First Look at Rails 3.0
