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Wolf Pictures The Wolf or Grey Wolf (Canis lupus) is a mammal of the Canidae family and the ancestor of the domestic dog. Wolves once had an almost worldwide distribution, but are now limited primarily to North America, Eurasia, and the Middle East. Their preference on habitat ranges among Forests, Tundra, Taigas, Plains and Mountains. In the northern hemisphere, human encroachment on their habitat and persecution of the animals themselves have drastically reduced their range. The wolf is today frequently in the line of fire in conflicts between many different interests: Tourism/Industry, City/Country as well as Conservation/Exploitation. As the wolf is a top predator the state of the wolf can frequently be seen as a state of the land where it lives. Wolves function as social predators and hunt in packs organised according to a strict social hierarchy and led by an alpha male and alpha female. New packs are formed when a wolf leaves its birth pack and claims a territory.

Internet Safety for Parents and Teens Table of ContentsIntroduction | Always Drive Safely | Blog Beware: the World of Bloggin, Myspace, Xanga and Friendster | Bookshelf | Internet Filtering SoftwareTeens: Get Your Internet Diver's License | Netiquette | What R U Talking About? Chat Acronyms & Dictionaries Know Your Sources: How to Validate a Web Site | Privacy Matters | Misleading AdsCredits | Parent & Teacher Resources | Contact Internet Safetyfor Parents and Teens Introduction "The most effective, reliable, Internet Safety Filter is anInvolved, Informed, and Aware Parentand an Educated and Ethical Kid If you don't read anything else on this page,please read these Do's and Don'ts:Don't let your kid have an Internet accessable computer in their room. "Before you start on a trip, you check a map, pack the snacks and follow the rules of the road. Even if you have been on the "net" for years, or if you are just starting out on this journey, there are things you should be aware of and be savvy about before you begin. OMG, TMI!!!!

C-MORE | Events The ocean contains a universe of small wonders, an interconnected web of life. Marine microbes are the root of all this life. Below is a simplifed version of how energy and matter are transferred in the ocean. Each box represents a general class of organisms, for example autotrophs. Arrows indicate the transfer of elements and energy between these boxes. Phytoplankton Phytoplankton is a general term encompassing all autotrophic organisms. Nitrogen-fixers Nitrogen (N) is an essential ingredient in the recipe for life. Grazers: Zooplankton and More A colorful and varied assortment of organisms directly rely on microbes as a source of nutrition. Higher Organisms Beyond the microbial work-horses of the marine environment, there are the many creatures that depend on the productivity of the base of the food chain. Viruses Viruses are the most numerous biological entities in aquatic ecosystems, with concentrations 3 to 10 times higher than bacteria. Symbiotic Associations: Bridging Relationships

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