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Fake Capsizing Boat

Fake Capsizing Boat
Artist Julien Berthier created a boat, named Love Love, that looks like it’s sinking, but actually has a motor that allows it to be driven around, fully afloat. Check past the jump for a picture of the boat out of the water. As one can plainly see, the boat has a proper bottom: This picture of the boat in port was too hilarious not to include: Julien Berthier: Unique artist, troll of the high seas, or both? >>>See also: Optical illusion of little girl chasing a ball down the street used to slow down reckless drivers. (designboom via DVICE via Geekologie)

How much was a loaf of Brad in 1975 To find the answer, we must first quantify the value of Brad. So how much is a human life worth? According to research by Stanford economists, a year of human life is worth about $129,000. Wolfram Alpha tells us that the average age of a person named Brad is 35 years, and that the average life expectancy for a human male (worldwide) is about 69 years. Assuming that procuring a loaf of Brad involves cutting down a Brad in his prime, we would be depriving him of 34 years of life - a value of $4,386,000. Next we must decide if a "loaf" is a unit of volume, or a unit of weight. Since the average weight of a human male is 166 pounds (according to Wolfram Alpha), we can assume that Brad should sell for about $26,421 per pound - which, using our previous loaf weight of 1.3 pounds, sets the price for a loaf of Brad in 2010 at $34,348. Finally, inflation must be factored in. Thus, it is safe to say that a loaf of Brad in 1975 could be purchased for $8,710.72. Additional answers from our users:

Strap It! ← Previous Post Next Post → Strap It! jon November 19, 2010 8 Other Stuff You Might Also Like» The 9 Most Unusual Models On The Planet The 20 Most Horrifying Sports Faces How Dead Rock & Roll Legends Would Look Today 11 Phone Terms Your Kids Will Never Know The Most Awkward Baby Photos Ever Taken How Deaf People Think How Spam Came to Mean Junk Mail How to Remove Stripped Screws Origin of the Words Geek and Nerd 10 Interesting Celebrity Facts 10 Interesting Human Body Facts 8 Interesting Facts About Businesses Quick Facts Rage Comics This Day in History 8 Comments » Frank January 1, 2011 at 3:18 am - Reply Straps keep the sides from dropping open. Leave A Response » Facts via 23,876 SubscribersEmail marketing powered by MailChimp Interesting Facts on Facebook Recent Posts Demotivational Posters Of The Month – 34 Pics December 3, 2012, No Comments Run Rover! October 21, 2012, No Comments Reality October 21, 2012, No Comments That Was Not A Fart October 21, 2012, No Comments Who… Popular

Mad Men's Drinking Habits - Galleries Title: Creative Director at Sterling Cooper Draper PryceTotal Drinks This Season: 78½His Usual: Canadian Club Whisky on the rocksMost Creative Drink: Sally fixes him French toast with rum (Episode 9)Drinking Buddy: HimselfDrunkest Moment: The weekend after the Clio Awards, he drinks so much he forgets which day it is, wakes up with a strange waitress—and still has a little hair of the dog.Best Bon Mot: When Joan asks him for his drink order, Don says: “Make it simple, but significant.” (Episode 6) In the Season 4 premiere, Don’s housekeeper remarks that he never eats, and there have been similar warnings every week for our tragic hero. (Even a prostitute refuses a drink with Don because she needs to get to dinner with her family.) Don’s sunk so low he usually doesn’t bother with mixers now—or friends. He drinks in the company of coworkers, reporters, dates—but many times, he drinks alone.

Gadgets SOOOOooo…yes I know that is all grammatically incorrect and yes I am a TEACHER! AHHHhhhh! Anyways, usually most people don’t worry too much about grammar when we are communicating what we might say in person to someone else in writing on the internet, not a term paper. Have you read a published book with dialog in it? ANYWAYS, a lot of this commentating explains a lot about human interaction in general to me. I am predicting either someone will come back with another insult to this or ignore it altogether because they aren’t sure what I am talking about….oooorrr we could start an equally engaging conversation and discussion (not argument) about what we think about all this wonderfully engaging art! Every one have a blessed day or at least a better one than some of the above appears to be having. I would also say….. that I agree that some people in some countries sometimes have better graces than some Americans. Which also applies to the next comment from my fellow American, as well.

The answer machine at a psychiat The answer machine at a psychiatric hospital "Hello, welcome to the Mental Health Hotline. If you are: Obsessive-Compulsive, press 1, repeatedly. Co-Dependent, please ask someone to press 2 for you. Multiple Personalities, press 3, 4, 5, and 6. Paranoid, we know who you are and what you want. Delusional, press 7, and your call will be transferred to the Mother Ship. Schizophrenic, listen carefully, and a small voice will tell you which number to press. Manic-Depressive, it doesn't matter which number you press. Dyslexic, press 96969696969696. If you have: Nervous Disorder, please fidget with the Pound Button until a representative comes on the line. Amnesia, press 8 and state your name, address, phone number, date of birth, social security number, and your mother's and grandmothers' maiden names. Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, slowly and carefully press 911. Bi-Polar Disorder, please leave a message after the beep. Short-Term Memory Loss, please try your call again later.

How to Get a Job - By Hunter S. Thompson | 10 Times One Back in the days when men cowered away spinelessly in lives they hated, Hunter S. Thompson was defining what it meant to be a fearless man. The following is a letter Mr. Thompson wrote to the Vancouver Sun in effort to secure a journalism job at the newspaper in 1958. The Vancouver Sun has given us his brilliant application letter, one of hundreds of his letters included in a book called The Proud Highway: Saga of a Desperate Southern Gentleman,1955-1967. Here’s the letter. To Jack Scott, Vancouver Sun October 1, 1958 57 Perry Street New York City Sir, I got a hell of a kick reading the piece Time magazine did this week on The Sun. Since I haven’t seen a copy of the “new” Sun yet, I’ll have to make this a tentative offer. And don’t think that my arrogance is unintentional: it’s just that I’d rather offend you now than after I started working for you. Of course if you asked some of the other people I’ve worked for, you’d get a different set of answers. Sincerely, Hunter S.

Porsche 911 Become Shooting Block Jamaica Plain, Massachusetts – A Porsche 911 owner luxury car decided to let the car priced at USD 80,615 a target shooting.He acts so as bored with the car engine damage that frequently occurs.The car was given to an association known as Comm2A located in Jamaica Plain, Massachusetts, United States (U.S.), recently. As a result, the silver car was to receive 10,000 bullets fired from a gun shoots 140.It is placed in the shooting and target practice by the associations involved.Shots coming from several machine guns and automatic weapons causing actual appearance of the Porsche difficult to recognize.Previously, the owner who requested anonymity is said to have spent thousands of dollars to repair the engine and cooling system problems the car... [source]

People who have sons People who have sons For those who have sons & those of us who are happy that we don't. And you also find out interesting things when you have sons, like... 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23.
