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Why People Fail to See The Aura and How to Learn to See It

Why People Fail to See The Aura and How to Learn to See It
digg HJ: Learning to see the Aura is like riding a bike — it takes skill and practice that is developed through trial and error. It may be a bit more frustrating and slightly less exhilarating, but certainly no less useful. Imagine being able to get an instant visual read on anyone or anything that comes into your field of view — after learning to understand what the various colors and patterns represented, it would open up an entirely new field of perception that could be highly useful for any number of things. Surely it is worth the effort involved. Although we all have the ability, very few learn to use it in any significant way, which is an interesting reflection. - Truth Easy New Way to See Auras By Robert Bruce | Astral Dynamics All colours have a uniquely coloured aura of their own that are of a completely different colour. You can, in the early stages of learning to see auras, cause an after image that is still seen when you look away. What is an Aura? How to see the Aura 1. 2. 3. 4. Related:  Auras & Energyit's all in the mindMetaphysic

Tell the “Lords” of Karma That You Are Sovereign – No Longer a Lightworker Part 2 | Ascension Help Blog It has been a while since I published a long article, and I have been working for many hours on this follow-up to the August article, Why I Am No Longer a Lightworker. That piece generated a lot of positive responses, as well as tremendous resistance and scorn from those within the New (c)Age movement who are heavily invested in the illusions of the false light. I know that much of what I revealed in that article was difficult to accept, but I am committed to Truth, wherever it leads. This article is going to pick up where the last one left off, so if you haven't already read the first part, please go read that first because the terms defined in Why I Am No Longer a Lightworker will be used here without any definitions. The "Lords" of Karma The false-light demiurgic parasites known as the "Lords" of Karma are perhaps the worst violators of free-will that I have encountered, second only to the corrupt demiurge itself. After that, the name Turds of Karma just kind of stuck. Right & Wrong

Do viruses make us smarter? Endogenous retroviruses in neural progenitor cells A new study from Lund University in Sweden indicates that inherited viruses that are millions of years old play an important role in building up the complex networks that characterise the human brain. Researchers have long been aware that endogenous retroviruses constitute around five per cent of our DNA. For many years, they were considered junk DNA of no real use, a side-effect of our evolutionary journey. In the current study, Johan Jakobsson and his colleagues show that retroviruses seem to play a central role in the basic functions of the brain, more specifically in the regulation of which genes are to be expressed, and when. The findings indicate that, over the course of evolution, the viruses took an increasingly firm hold on the steering wheel in our cellular machinery. The reason the viruses are activated specifically in the brain is probably due to the fact that tumours cannot form in nerve cells, unlike in other tissues.

20 Effective Ways to Clear and Protect Against Negative Energy By Banu Sekendur Guest Writer for Wake Up World We live in a world of duality, as it is intended to be. This basically means that there are people and energies that we encounter who offer us the lessons we need while we walk our path here. Though this article is mostly for HSPs (Highly Sensitive People), empaths and intuitives, it applies to everyone walking on this planet. What Are Some of the Signs That You Have Picked Up Negative Energies? You may get dropped calls, or a sudden, passing static on your phone while speaking to someone at a location where you don’t normally have that experience.You may start feeling depressed out of the blue (!) The possibilities are endless, so ultimately it’s up to each of us to recognize and make note of these patterns, as they are personal. Once I recognize that I have picked up lower energies, I use several of the methods (described below) together, to clear my mind, body, and energy field of this lower vibration. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Here is an example:

The Face: A Portrait of Qi By Mary Elizabeth Wakefield, LAc, Dipl. Ac., MS, MM, Susan Russell, PhD, LAc, Dipl. Ac. and MichelAngelo , MFA, CTM "There is at work within all biological systems a path of interchangeability to standardize unique vibratory levels. Like many medical paradigms with origins prior to the Western scientific revolution of the 18th century, acupuncture views the human body as comprising a microcosm. Acupuncture contains structures that find their parallels in the heavens. In the same way the human body presents a mirror of celestial harmony, the face is a somatic microsystem that provides the Oriental medicine practitioner with a means to gauge the changing dynamics of individual health. The Abode of the Senses The face encompasses the neural receptors that engender four of the five senses - vision, hearing, smell and taste - that instantaneously transmit random stimuli around us to the cerebral cortex. A Life Map Your face greets the world. Feed your Face The Importance of Facial Acupuncture

Direct Brain-To-Brain Communication Used in Humans Tapping directly into someone’s brain in order to share thoughts isn’t just for Spock anymore. An international team of researchers were able to replicate the Vulcan Mind Meld by creating a device that allows two people to share information through thought. The researchers tested the technology by separating the users over 8,000 km (5,000 mi) apart—with one user in France and the other in India. The paper has been published in PLOS ONE. "We wanted to find out if one could communicate directly between two people by reading out the brain activity from one person and injecting brain activity into the second person, and do so across great physical distances by leveraging existing communication pathways," co-author Alvaro Pascual-Leone said in a press release. The device connects directly to the users’ scalps and impulses from the sender were picked up via electroencephalogram (EEG) as well as by image-guided and robot-assisted transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS).

Human Farming And The Harvesting Of Human Energy Chevron’s motto “Human Energy” is a clue to the ultimate purpose of the NWO conspirators: to trawl the human farm for energy, using people like cattle. By Makia Freeman, contributor for Human Farming – Stefan Molyneux – The Story of Man’s Enslavement In many ways, living on Planet Earth is like living on a human farm. We are being trawled for our “human energy”. The Ultimate Point of the Conspiracy: Harvesting Energy from the Human Farm When looking at the headlines and news each day, it’s useful to take a step back sometimes and ask yourself: why? At a certain point the game is not about money; it’s about power and it’s about energy – or more specifically, human energy. Human Energy = Loosh – Food for the Archons Loosh is defined by the urban dictionary as “an energy generated by all organic life in varying degrees of purity, the clearest and most potent coming from humans – engendered by human activity”. There you have it. Like it or not, we live in a predatory universe.

8 Tools to Help Raise Your Vibration Every Day This is perhaps the most simple and effective way to re-wire your thought processes. When you are truly thankful for the little things and the bigger blessings in your life, I mean really appreciate them – from the Heart – then you can’t help but feel good as you go about your day. And this positive thinking gives way to more positive thoughts, speech and action from yourself. Be Grateful for having a bed to stretch out on and sleep in each night. Appreciate the Abundance of useful technologies in your life as you use them. Be Thankful to your friends and family that truly care for you, and try your best to show it in return – who cares if it’s slightly awkward! Some might think of meditation as some “airy fairy” nonsense that only Buddhists and hippie weirdos participate in. It is not just for those who are considered spiritual. Can you feel the Powerful Aliveness pumping through your Whole body as you continue to breathe, all working so seamlessly together? By: Áine

Neuroscience Student Shows How Meditation Can Vanquish Mental Disorders Can mindfulness practice (meditation) help vanquish mental disorders? According to the National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH), 7.7 million Americans suffer from schizophrenia and bipolar disorder – approximately 3.3% of the US population when combined. Of these, approximately 40% of the individuals with schizophrenia and 51% of those with bipolar are untreated in any given year, but with the new studies being presented by Juan Santoyo and his peers, there could be strong scientific proof that meditation could help even the most debilitating psychological disorders. Juan Santoyo is studying neuro and contemplative sciences, and he isn’t doing it ‘just to tickle his fancy,’ but to solve the real problem of mental disorders in our society. He presented his findings at the 12th Annual International Scientific Conference of the Center for Mindfulness at the University of Massachusetts Medical School. Mindful Meditation Featured image credits: PsyBlog

The Power of Words: How Words Affect Your Energy Image credit: Words are not just elements of speech or writing, because they can be used to affect how energy travel through space. When spoken out loud, words transform into vibrations that can be used to direct energy. This is one of the first steps to creating magic effects. Most people will laugh at the idea of magic being real, but if only they knew what magic really is, they would not be laughing. The Controllers who pull the strings of politicians are well aware of how magic works. What is the definition of magic? The word magic comes from Old French magique, Latin magicus, and Greek magikos. Magic has a strong relationship with magnetic and electrical energy. The most powerful thing in the Universe is energy. The art of magic is often practiced along with certain words and sacred geometries. Sound is able to direct energy because it contains certain frequency patterns that attract energy to flow in a controllable manner. The power of words

The Forbidden Secrets of Water: How Water Can Raise Your Frequency Flickr Commons: Image provided by Frédéric Dupont Is there more to water than meets the eye? If you study water beyond conventional methods, you may realize that water is intelligent in nature and has its own way of communicating with other elements. For something to be alive, it needs to have consciousness. Water is full of magical effects because it has amazing healing properties and is one of the most powerful manifestation compounds. When water is charged with certain frequencies that harmonize well with your body, it can increase your frequency when you drink it. As mentioned at Water is a universal solvent cleansing every part of the body including the cells. Here is an enlightening video that does a great job of illustrating the secrets of water. Top Secret Water Source: For more content related to this article, check out these empowering and enlightening books! Donate to Help Make a Difference

How Our Thoughts Control Our DNA By Bruce H. Lipton Ph.D Guest Writer for Wake Up World The common idea that DNA determines so much of who we are — not only our eye or hair color, for example, but also our addictions, disorders, or susceptibility to cancer — is a misconception. This concept “says you are less powerful than your genes. The problem with that belief system is that it extends to another level … You find yourself to be more or less a victim of your heredity. In reality, a person’s perception, not genetic programming, is what spurs all action in the body. The human body is comprised of 50 to 65 trillion cells. 5-Step Explanation 1.The cell is like a human body and it functions without DNA The cell is like a human body. Yet, when the nucleus is removed, the cell continues with all of its life functions and it can still recognize toxins and nutrients. Scientists assumed some 50 years ago that genes control biology. 2. Proteins carry out the functions in cells and they are building blocks of life. 3. 4. 5. Dr. Dr.

9 Ways to Protect Yourself from Negative Energies 1. Crystals It is common for people to be skeptical about the healing power of crystals, but one should just turn to science and technology to find proof that crystals are objects of measurable effect. Many crystals, especially darker colored ones such as black onyx, obsidian, amethyst, fluorite and tigers eye, repel negative energies and will cleanse your aura.

The Unseen Enemy---- EMF Pollution! THE UNSEEN ENEMY—EMF POLLUTION! By Dr. Michael L. Johnson EMFs or electromagnetic fields are adversely affecting your body! Every time that you go to the grocery store, you are exposed to EMFs, first from the automatic doors opening when you walk into the building and then when the cashier scans your goods at the checkout counter. You especially need to know about EMFs if you suffer from thyroid disorders because your thyroid is your body’s radiation shield. The EMF, or Electromagnetic field, is the movement of electrons. Unfortunately, you are exposed to electromagnetic fields wherever you go. Electromagnetic fields can disturb your cell’s normal functions. The EMF issues initially started after a series of articles were published in The New Yorker magazine in June 1989. The bottom line is that a large number of studies revealed at the very least a causal link between EMFs and cancer. Most people also overlook the danger of an electric transformer. —Dr. Dr.
