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100 classic audio books : listen and download - read the text

100 classic audio books : listen and download - read the text

Selección de webs, blogs y recursos útiles para la enseñanza ELE Recopilación de las webs, blogs y recursos de ELE que en algún momento nos han ayudado o inspirado en nuestras clases y en nuestras actividades. Esperamos que a vosotros os puedan servir también. Si conocéis otras páginas o blogs útiles para el profesorado hacédnoslo saber en: Almendra. Mi blog de E/LE. Blog de TICS en lenguas extranjeras. el primer buscador de poemas en español, busca poemas que contengan las palabras que desea el usuario entre más de diez mil poemas de los autores más importantes en lengua española. Cervantes TV. Cinenclase. es un blog de didáctica, destinado a profesores y estudiantes de español como lengua extranjera. Con “C” de CINE. Cuaderno intercultural. De amor y pedagogía. De estranjis. DeEle. Educaspain. El blog de Miguel Ángel García Guerra. El blog de Daniel Varo. El camino de Santiago. El rincón del profesor de E/LE. e-aprendizaje. EcLEcTIC. Educ@conTIC. ELE para niños. Ele y… ¡olé! Español activo.

Audio Books & Poetry : Free Audio : Download & Streaming LibriVox recording of 12 CREEPY TALES BY EDGAR ALLAN POE(1809 - 1849) This is a collection of 12 creepy stories by that master of creepiness, Poe. The Black Cat; The Fall of the House of Usher, The Raven; The Tell Tale Heart, The Masque of the Red Death, the Premature Burial and six others that are a shuddering delight to read and listen to. Turn off the lights, settle down and hear these stories read to you as only LibriVox readers can perform them. LibriVox recording of Wuthering Heights, by Emily Brontë. LibriVox recording of Alice's Adventures in Wonderland, by Lewis Carroll. LibriVox recording of The Divine Comedy, by Dante Alighieri. LibriVox recording of Poems Every Child Should Know, edited by Mary E. LibriVox public domain recording of a Christmas Poetry and Hymn Collection collected and read by Douglas D. LibriVox 8th Anniversary Collection. LibriVox recording of The Science of Getting Rich, by Wallace D. LibriVox recording of The Mysterious Island, by Jules Verne. collection

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Breaking News English Lessons: Easy English News | Current Events Cinco herramientas para grabar tus propias videolecciones Las videolecciones son clases o lecciones grabadas en vídeo. Muy habituales en la enseñanza online, ofrecen numerosas ventajas. Los estudiantes pueden visualizarlas en cualquier momento o lugar, tantas veces como quieran, y con las pausas que consideren necesarias para comprender los contenidos que explican. Estas características las convierten en un recurso ideal para llevar a la práctica metodologías como la flipped classroom, donde los alumnos aprenden los conceptos en casa, para después, en clase, trabajarlos y consultar sus dudas. Te presentamos cinco herramientas para que grabes tus propias videolecciones y te animes a probar nuevos métodos. 1. Compártelas con la comunidad y dinos si conoces alguna otra herramienta más.

LibriVox | free public domain audiobooks Subject Verb Agreement Game, Basketball Pro Level - Fun, iPad Friendly English Grammar Practice Click to start the game clock. You two points if you pick the correct verb. ©Courseware Solutions Inc. for Fun Word Games School webquest It’s hard to go to school… 1. It was difficult in the past: - Can you name 3 different places where children worked in the 19th century? - A famous author wrote a novel on child labour and street children. o What’s his name? - The 1833 Factory Act limited the working day for children (aged nine to thirteen) to ……………………………….. a day. - The 1891 Factory Act raised the minimum working age to ……… (See another page if the first link does not work.) - When and where were these photos taken? - Give 3 examples of jobs children had to do: 2. - Can you imagine why? 3. - Read the victim’s account. - What can you do if you see someone is bullied? THEY SOMETIMES PLAY TRUANT (Playing truant, or truancy, means staying away from school without the school permission.) - Find synonyms to TRUANCY: …………………………………………………………………………...................................... - What are the reasons behind truancy? Have a look at this article. How many young people (DEAD LINK!) Now look at this cartoon :

Witches and Witchcraft - Glendowie College Author Biography David Nash is Professor of History at Oxford Brookes University and has worked extensively in the area of blasphemy, blasphemous libel and religious crime/law for over fifteen years. He is acknowledged as the world expert in this area. He is a panel member of the Centre for Legal Research and Policy Studies (Oxford Brookes University) and a member of the Academic Board of the Galleries of Justice Museum of Law Punishment and Policing (Nottingham). Description Explores the development of witchcraft and of the belief in it, the sixteenth- and seventeenth-century obsession that spawned witch-hunting, the eventual decline of witchcraft, and the phenomenon's fascinating 'afterlife' that has involved the Nazis' fixation and modern treatments including Arthur Miller's acclaimed The Crucible.)

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