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grasshopper code . a collection of codes & grammars for Grasshopper, a generative modeling tool for Rhinoceros. 3D Hilbert Curve This definition generates a 3D Hilbert Curve, a continuous fractal space-filling curve. nGon mesh tessellation Starting from a closed surface it builds a nGon mesh tessellation Curves Sorter Starting from a list of curves it takes the first one then it looks for the closest curve and it eventually flips the direction to optimize the toolpath lenght. froGH A sparse collection of tools for Grasshopper. See the code, explanation and download here. Clusterizer This definition groups indexes of connected points into separate clusters. Spirograph This definition simulates a spirograph tool. 3D Differential mesh relaxation This definition explores the 3D relaxation of a mesh effected by an image gradient. Vorospace Math surfaces .

Elisha Mutholy - My Blog Think about the biggest websites you know--have you ever clicked on a product recommendation website link because someone like Martha Stewart offered a convincing write up? This is actually the power of guest blog posting for action. This post will describe why guest posting service must be an integral part of your marketing strategy and how you can get started with your guest blogging strategy. Social Proof will help to make it Happen Social proof is a crucial driver of sales. Guest blogging encourages people to check out your site and write their own reviews. A thing that companies get incorrect all the time, but bloggers usually get right, is creating inspiring replicate. Obvious sales messages are highly transparent in guest blog posts. Improve Your Brand Awareness To be able to create brand presence amidst your core audience, you will require seeking out the sites that will attract the most views from qualified leads. You Are In Control of Your Brand Promotion

Daisuke Motogi Architecture Co-de-iT | Computational Design Italy Web Traffic Increasing Through Guest Posting - Guest Posting Services Posted 39 minutes ago. Visible to the public. Guest blogging can be considered a very powerful tool to improve the traffic to your site. Whether you are blogging on another site or getting anyone to guest blog on your own site it reaches out to an extremely captive audience that you have not reached before. Before we go any further it may be worth remembering that the guest content should provide value to both your readers. Guest Blog Posting on Your Website Allowing guest post service to blog on your site truly does two great services. The other good thing about this type of on your site is that you get access to their social network. Guest Blogging for Other Sites The idea of giving out your valuable material to another site might seem to be somewhat odd. The second good thing about guest blogging service is that you probably can indicate off your knowledge to their readers and hopefully convert these to your own readers.

Tejiendo Estructuras Delimitando Espacios | Decoration Digest Megan Geckler, este curioso artista utiliza materiales comunes, para ser más preciso cinta de embalaje, si tan mundano como eso. Material que se puede encontrar en diferentes colores en obras de construcción de todo el mundo. Ella convierte esta simple cinta junto con una estructura de aluminio o acero así como la posibilidad de usar alguna estructura base ya existente, en una obra de arte, diseñando, tejiendo o simplemente usando líneas simétricas. Primero realiza un dibujo arquitectónico en tres dimensiones, el cual, lo usa como base visual para su proyecto. Esto puede tardar entre un día y varias semanas en finalizar ya que ningún proyecto se repite. El resultado final del diseño es una llamativa y fluorescente pared de cinta estirada de lado a lado en perfecta unión formando esta casi ilusión óptica de color. Megan Geckler, this curios artist works with a very common material, to be exact, flagging tape, yes exactly.

parametric production | researches state of the art digital planning and production technologies in architecture Why Should You Implement Guest Blogging? Everyone seems to have a different opinion about guest blogging. Some marketers swear by it and claim this is the best way to ethically build high-quality backlinks. Others argue that guest blogging is like shopping during Black Friday – you may grab some good deals, but end up completely draining your budget. Should you invest in guest blogging? What Is Guest Blogging? In short, guest blogging is pitching and publishing content on a third-party platform to promote your company. Guest blogging should be differentiated from an online PR campaign. The Benefits of Guest Blogging Strategic guest posting can generate the following benefits for your business. Getting published on a more popular blog offers you access to new audiences, who might have never heard of your company or your offerings. Referral & Second-Hand Traffic If your guest blog post strikes a chord with the audience, prepare for the traffic inflow. Expanded Personal Network

"Da-Bloom" Multifunctional Furniture by Jin-Young Lee Da-Bloom Baby! Multifunctional furniture is where it’s at. Something that can be used in several different functional ways to simplify or organize our lives and bring out the best in our imagination. Designer: Jin-Young Lee RHINO: GRASSHOPPER DEFINITIONS - RHINO / GH This definition was developed for my final thesis project to generate a louver system based on functional requirements within the building. The performance was then tested in Ecotect. A large part of my thesis design involved invertible arena seating with many moving parts. I used Grasshopper as a means to develop the seating testing clearances, site lines, and many other variables. This definition looks at taking any curved surface, and generating weaving geometry across it. The parametric skyscraper uses Grasshopper to generate the entire structure. My favorite definition to date, this definition generates box designs based on real boxes I crafted in the wood shop while in Grad school This definition extrudes geometry based on their proximity to a polyline attractor. Using a definition created by paramod, I wanted to see if I could edit the definition so that different panels could be combined to create a seamless surface This was one of the first definitions from scratch I ever created.

Why you need to do guest blogging in your content marketing strategy - The community curated platform for written content like blogs, e-books, question/answers and more. Conducting a business always take good amount of time and energy for this to reach your goals and get successful. Incorporating internet with the business opens new opportunity and it is now the field for both small and big businesses. One of the key things is that any business gets benefitted from a good advertising and online promotion strategy. Exposure of Your Skills Being known for a certain field online is an extremely great advantage for just about any business. Should you be absolve to pursue however a lot of things that you would like, it's preferable to always choose and give focus on one field. Creating Brand Awareness Once starting your small new venture online, you will require your brand to be acquainted to the right people. The best way to creating a solid brand online is by writing content that is high quality constantly. More Traffic If you are running an internet business, your main shoot for any marketing campaign and/or marketing is to obtain more customers.

Modern Furniture: The One_Shot.MGX by Materialise The One_Shot.MGX is a foldable stool which is manufactured by selective laser sintering as one complete piece; the stool emerges from the machine in its final form, complete with hinges that are concealed by the graceful structure of the stool itself. By virtue of gravity combined with a simple twist, an array of rods transforms, in one flowing movement, into a small, useful, strong seat.
